Strategies for Addressing the Technician Shortage [FTR 103]

Brad Updegraff discusses the pressing shortage of skilled technicians in the automotive industry. Brad shares strategies for training and developing technicians, and the importance of creating strong relationships with local schools. Additionally, he emphasizes the significance of flexible compensation plans and support for aspiring technicians.

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Human Connections: Mastering Soft Skills in the Modern Workplace [THA 398]

In this episode, Carm Capriotto brings insights into the critical role of soft skills in the automotive industry. The discussion centers around the importance of communication, empathy, and active listening in fostering better customer relationships and enhancing team dynamics. Perfect for business owners, service advisors, and automotive professionals looking to elevate their operations. Prioritize the development of soft skills within your team, and watch as your business thrives in a more supportive and cohesive environment.

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The Race to Electric: How Chinese Manufacturers are Changing the Game for Legacy Automakers [RR 989]

Derek Kaufmann, managing partner at Schwartz Advisors, to discuss the transformative changes in the automotive industry, particularly the rise of electric vehicles (EVs) and the influence of Chinese manufacturers. Derek shares insights on China’s significant investments in EV technology and battery production, highlighting their impact on global market dynamics. The conversation also covers the challenges faced by legacy automakers in the U.S. and Europe, the competitive landscape of EVs, and the future of the automotive market.

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From Partnership Struggles to Solopreneur Success [RR 988]

Nate Winston shares his inspiring journey of transitioning from a challenging 16-year business partnership to becoming a successful solopreneur. He discusses the challenges of misaligned goals and work ethics within the partnership, which led to emotional strain.  Nate also discusses his plans for the future and offers valuable advice for anyone considering a business partnership. Tune in to learn from Nate’s experiences and discover insights to help advance your own business in the automotive aftermarket industry.

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“Start Thinking About The Industry First, and You Second.” [FTR 102]

In this episode of For the Record, Maylan Newton tackles the pressing issue of the technician shortage in the automotive industry. Maylan emphasizes the importance of proactive involvement from shop owners and industry representatives in engaging with educational institutions and students. He highlights the need for better representation at vocational events and the necessity of running businesses that attract and retain skilled technicians. Maylan urges the industry to work together to create an inviting career path for the next generation.

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What’s The Worst Piece of Advice You’ve Ever Been Given in Business? [THA 397]

Join our panel of shop owners as they discuss the worst advice they’ve received in the automotive business: “Be the cheapest in town; it will get you more business.” “Don’t give a price over the phone.” “Don’t get personal.” “DVI’s are not worth the extra time.” “You’ll never make it because you’re too honest.” “Don’t hire a business coach.”

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Revving Up Automotive Education: Bridging the Gap Between Training and Real-World Skills [RR 987]

This episode explores the distinctions between training and education, comparing the educational systems in the U.S. and Europe and how the automotive industry can support academic institutions. Tanner Brandt emphasizes the value of vocational training and soft skills, while Michael Ingvardsen highlights the advantages of industry collaboration and the need for engaging training resources. Tanner and Michael advocate for a cultural shift in automotive education, calling for long-term industry partnerships and a focus on continuous learning to better equip future technicians.

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If You Had 364 Days Left to Live: What Would You Do Differently? [RR 986]

Craig Noel recounts his near-death experience from multiple blood clots in his lungs and how it profoundly affected his perspective on life, family, and business. This life-altering event led Craig to reevaluate his priorities, emphasizing the importance of relationships and intentional living. Craig shares how his absence from work revealed the strength of his team and the culture he built. The discussion covers overcoming the “I can’t” mentality, establishing accountability, and planning for unforeseen circumstances. Craig’s story inspires listeners to cherish relationships, embrace change, and focus on what truly matters in life.

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