Unstoppable Framework for Auto Shop Owners Part 4: Stay Customer Focused and Flexible [RR 1020]

Join Maryann Croce in the fourth episode of the Unstoppable Framework for Auto Shop Owners series. Discover essential strategies for building trust, loyalty, and a thriving business by staying customer-focused and adaptable. Learn about gathering and acting on customer feedback, streamlining customer experiences, offering added services, building referral networks, and staying current with industry trends and training. 

Should I Hire A Shop Manager? [THA 413]

Explore the pivotal moment when an automotive shop owner must decide to hire a shop manager. Learn about the challenges and benefits of bringing in a manager, different approaches to onboarding, and the impact on business operations. The experts share personal stories, management strategies, and advice for identifying the right time and person for the role. Whether you’re a single-shop owner or managing multiple locations, this episode provides valuable insights into enhancing your business efficiency and growth.

ASE Test Prep Explained [RR 1019]

Carl Borsani, the owner of ASETestPrep.com, discusses acquiring an ASE testing company in 2012 and transforming it into a comprehensive educational tool for technicians. Learn about the innovative approaches Carl has implemented to enhance ASE test preparation and automotive education, including the development of AutomotiveStudentTesting.com. He discusses the challenges technicians face in test preparation and highlights ASE Test Prep’s role in enhancing their skills and knowledge through innovative educational resources.

The Legacy of Standard Motor Products: A Journey Through Automotive Innovation [RR 1018]

Explore the rich legacy of Standard Motor Products, a family-owned business established in 1919, and its ongoing commitment to innovation in the automotive industry. Eric Sills, President of Standard Motor Products, shares insights into the company’s dedication to quality, technology, and education, as well as their latest acquisition of Nissens and vision for future global advancements.

Transforming Your Repair Shop to Professional Auto Service Center [THA 412]

The transition from a traditional repair shop to a professional auto service center requires a commitment to professionalism, continuous education, and a people first approach.

Join industry business coaches Cecil Bullard, Vic Tarasik, and Dave Schedin as they break down how to transform your auto repair shop into a professional service center that stands out and delivers exceptional value to your employees and clients.

How Manufacturers Are Supporting Auto Repair Professionals [RR 1017]

John Hanighen shares insights on Cloyes’ recent acquisitions and their strategy to diversify product offerings, particularly in the electric vehicle market. He highlights the need for continuous learning and better perception of service professionals. The episode underscores the significance of collaboration among industry stakeholders and the role of manufacturers in supporting ongoing education and training for service professionals.

Creating a Working Relationship: Balancing Professionalism and Personal Bonds [RR 1016]

Tune in to hear how mother-daughter duo Kathleen Callahan and Delaney Jarosik navigate their professional and personal lives and the valuable lessons they’ve learned along the way. 

This episode is a testament to the power of collaboration, mentorship, and the unique dynamics of a mother-daughter partnership in the business world. Whether you’re looking for professional insights, personal growth tips, or just a dose of inspiration, this conversation has something for everyone.

Will Automotive Certifications Reshape Insurance Policies? [THA 411]

Take a dive deep into the significance of ASE certifications, how certifications might lead to lowered insurance policies in the future, and the importance of continuous education and proficiency testing. The discussion also covers the potential of AI in certification processes and the role of insurance and regulatory bodies in ensuring safety and competency in auto repairs. 

Improve Call Handling Skills: The Power of AI and Continuous Learning [RR 1015]

Thanks to our Partners, AAPEX, NAPA TRACS, and Automotive Management Network David Boyd discusses the critical importance of call handling and customer communication, offering valuable insights on setting clear expectations and fostering a supportive training environment. Learn how modern technology can elevate customer service interactions, boost conversion rates, and drive sales growth. Plus, gain practical…

The Cost Of “Needing” To Be Right: Finding Balance in Business and Life [RR 1014]

“Let’s stop hiding behind “I’m right and you’re wrong.”

Explore the profound impact of self-awareness on personal and professional development, the art of managing emotions, and the intentionality needed to create meaningful success.  Tune in for practical insights and transformative ideas to elevate both your business and personal life.

Are You Hiring or Just Filling a Position? The Truth About Automotive Recruitment [THA 410]

Partnering with a recruiter isn’t just about filling a position—it’s about building a team that drives your business forward.

In this episode, Kelly Cavanaugh, VP of Recruiting at Promotive, Brian Burris, Account Manager at Promotive, and Matt Fanslow, Shop Manager and Diagnostician at Riverside Automotive, share expert insights on attracting and retaining top talent in the automotive industry. Gain valuable perspectives from both a recruitment company and the shop level, offering a well-rounded view on hiring strategies, retention, and building successful teams.

Empowering Continuing Education: The Launch of MEMA’s Training Hub [RR 1013]

Recorded live at AAPEX 2024, this episode highlights the launch of MEMA’s Tech Training Hub, a centralized platform for training resources, underscoring the industry’s commitment to innovation, trust, and professional development. This episode is packed with updates on upcoming industry events, the significance of continuous education, and the entrepreneurial spirit driving the aftermarket industry forward.

Unstoppable Framework for Auto Shop Owners Part 3: Optimize Processes and Empower Your Team [RR 1012]

Focusing on the third part of a five-part ‘Unstoppable Framework for Auto Shop Owners’ series, Maryann Croce discusses strategies for optimizing processes and empowering teams. Mary Ann shares insights from her coaching experiences, including a case study of a client named Steve, who overcame burnout by streamlining operations and delegating tasks. The episode emphasizes the importance of continuous improvement, setting boundaries, and fostering a supportive team environment for business success.