Coaches Lab: When Will Shops Stop Doing Work That They Don’t Get Paid For? [THA 363]

It’s time to find the hidden costs of ‘busyness’ in auto repair shops. It’s not just about the work you do; it’s about the work you’re actually getting paid for. Measuring technician productivity is crucial – because if you’re not measuring it, you can’t manage it. It’s a wake-up call for shops everywhere to stop leaving money on the table.

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I’m More Than Just A Mechanic [RR 919]

Can a break-up be the catalyst for an entrepreneurial leap? Find out during Shawn Gilfillan’s 20 questions in 30 minutes episode! Shawn also discusses the importance of a strong business culture, mentorship, and the joy of hobbies like aviation. Shawn shares strategies for managing gross margins and the significance of client experience.

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The Art of Client Appreciation [RR 915]

Dane and Cathy Bailey discuss their transition from a franchise to independent operators, the importance of trust and reputation, and their unique approach to customer relations. The Baileys emphasize the significance of creating a welcoming environment, particularly for female clients, and the role of personalized gestures like thank-you baskets and branded gifts in building lasting relationships. They also explore the parallels between the automotive and real estate industries, highlighting the importance of professionalism and quality service.

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The New Frontier of Measuring Service Advisor Effort and Output [RR 913]

Stan Stokes and Eric Renninger from Iron Fist Consultants discuss the evolving roles of service advisors in the automotive industry, the impact of COVID-19 on consumer behavior, and the role of technology. Gone are the days of going purely on gut feeling; today, maximizing conversion rates means utilizing every bit of data available. Operationalizing data and effective communication are fundamental aspects of a positive customer journey.

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Remarkable Customer Service Stories from Red Rock Repair [RR 912]

Danielle Vila discusses the importance of customer service in the industry and shares her strategies for quality control, the benefits of a reliable shop management system, and the significance of standing behind services and parts. The conversation also covers unique marketing strategies, the value of maintenance, community involvement, and the impact of these on business growth and customer trust.

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Why CRM is Vital to Automotive Shop Success [THA 359]

Our panel discusses the importance of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) in the success of auto repair shops. They highlight CRM’s role in client retention, communication, and building trusted relationships. The discussion also covers the significance of integrating CRM with shop management systems and the potential for automation and reminders based on customer data. The panelists stress the importance of the first 100 days in the customer journey, the need for consistent touchpoints, and personalized communication.

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Ways to Unify Your Team [THA 358]

Rick White, Vic Tarasik, and Murray Voth discuss the importance of unifying a team within a business. They highlight the need for a common purpose beyond just making money, and the importance of involving the team in decision-making. They also share their personal experiences and strategies for setting goals, providing feedback, and fostering a culture of respect and empathy. The conversation emphasizes the importance of clear communication, shared vision, and ongoing effort in maintaining team unity.

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Revolutionizing the Automotive Industry: The Rise of Technology Specialists [RR 909]

Carm Capriotto and Matt Fanslow dive into the increasing role of technology in the automotive industry and how it’s revolutionizing the way we approach vehicle repairs and maintenance. They propose the term “Technology Specialist” for automotive technicians, emphasizing the importance of their expertise. This designation not only acknowledges their expertise in handling advanced vehicle technology but also elevates their professional standing. Changing the language and perception of technicians as professionals is crucial for the industry’s growth and success.

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Thriving Through Our Economic Challenges [THA 357]

Recorded Live at AAPEX 2023, Greg Bunch and Matt Fanslow discuss the impact of the current economy on the automotive aftermarket industry. They explore various aspects of business such as margins, advertising, training, hiring, labor rates. The conversation also covers the potential loss of independent repair shops, and the need for better communication with customers.

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Keeping an Eye on Bay Productivity [THA 356]

Did you know most shops only utilize 20-30% of their bay capacity? Let’s explore the concept of effective bay rate and the potential benefits of monitoring and analyzing bay usage. What is the potential revenue that can be realized by addressing these inefficiencies?

Our panel highlights the importance of focusing on bay efficiency rather than just technician efficiency and the need for shops to adopt lean six sigma principles to maximize productivity.

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2023 AAPEX Service Award Winners [RR 905]

Recorded Live at AAPEX 2023, Service Award Winners Roy Foster, Michael Miller, and Greg Damon discuss their experiences in the automotive industry, the importance of continuous learning, and the benefits of mentorship programs. The conversation also touches on the challenges facing the industry and the importance of community involvement, training, and changing consumer perceptions.

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CASE: Controller, Analyzer, Socializer, Entrepreneur- Which Personality Type Are You? [RR 904]

How can different personality types impact leadership and success in business?

Murray Voth discusses the importance of understanding personality types in business. He introduces a new acronym, CASE, which stands for Controller, Analyzer, Socializer, and Entrepreneur. The conversation also covers the role of human motivation, clear expectations and accountability in managing employees, and the importance of giving space to your partner in a marriage and how it applies to business relationships. Find out how you can create a harmonious and productive team dynamic, where individuals can play to their strengths and contribute effectively to the business.

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OK, I Raised My Labor Rate: Now What?! [THA 355]

Raising labor rates is not just about increasing prices. It’s about finding more value in the industry and positioning ourselves as professionals. 

Join our panel as they highlight the need for understanding the concept of effective labor rate, ensuring services are charged appropriately, viewing the business as a professional entity, providing a positive customer experience and addressing core business problems before raising labor rates. Our panelists encourage shop owners to take a comprehensive approach to their business strategy, considering all factors and not just focusing on raising labor rates.

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Transparency is the New Trust: Bridging the Gap Between Technology and Client [RR 903]

“AutoTechIQ helps car and truck owners identify problems their vehicles are having. We provide proven auto repair work that has solved similar issues thousands of vehicle owners have faced. We also recommend auto repair shops in your area based on trust, customer education, and quality of work. These shops inspect your car using a courtesy Digital Vehicle Health Inspection and create a state of health report with symptom information and necessary fixes.”

Frank Scandura and Krista Erickson discuss how AutoTechIQ aims to bridge the gap between shops and customers by creating better relationships through technology and transparency. The goal is to empower customers with knowledge and build trust.

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Congressional Testimony: Right to Repair Update [RR 902]

Recorded Live at AAPEX 2023, our panel dives into the progress of the Right to Repair bill that could potentially reshape our industry. Without the Right to Repair Act, our industry could face a staggering $93 billion hit by 2035. Kathleen Callahan, who testified in front of Congress, shared her experience and the momentum it created for the bill. It’s crucial for industry professionals to understand the bill, advocate for it, and engage with their communities and legislators.

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Deferred Work: A Sales Growth Tactic [THA 354]

Join our panel as they discuss the use of deferred work as a sales growth tactic. They share their insights on the importance of effective communication, customer education, and creating a positive exit experience. They also highlight the role of CRM systems, DVI’s, and proactive maintenance. Remember, the key to success in selling deferred work lies in discipline, process, and repetition.

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Personal Development in Sales Training: Pushing Boundaries for Growth [AW 183]

Aldo Gomez discusses the significance of self-understanding and acceptance in improving sales performance. Aldo shares his journey from being a service advisor to a sales trainer, emphasizing the importance of practicing presentation scripts and handling customer responses. He also differentiates between coaching for performance and development, highlighting the value of personal growth. Aldo reassures introverted individuals that they can be successful in sales and stresses the importance of a strong work ethic.

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Why Join Our Automotive Virtual Toastmasters? [THA 350]

Recorded Live at ASTE 2023, Carm Capriotto welcomes Chris Cloutier, Craig O’Neill, Sara Fraser, and Tracy Capriotto, They discuss the importance of effective communication and the value of joining Toastmasters to improve speaking skills. The conversation touches on topics such as the impact of technology on human connection, the benefits of feedback and evaluation in Toastmasters, the significance of timing in public speaking, and the need for better communication in the automotive industry. The episode concludes with a discussion on the importance of effective communication during times of crisis and the benefits of joining Toastmasters to enhance communication skills.

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Intentionally Lowering Tensions in Conversations [RR 893]

In our fast-paced world, tension is a common occurrence in various aspects of life, including work, relationships, and competition. Dan Taylor discusses the concept of the “Three P’s” – purpose, process, and payoff – as a way to set clear expectations and lower tension. He also emphasizes the role of active listening, empathetic engagement, understanding others’ perspectives and the importance of nonverbal communication. Remember, the art of conversation is a journey, not a destination. Let’s continue to learn and grow together.

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5 Steps to Max Your Potential and Maintain a Healthy Work Life Balance [AW 177]

Jaron Kleber, National Sales Manager of Repair Shop of Tomorrow, discusses the importance of maintaining a healthy work-life balance and maximizing one’s potential. Jaron explains the negative effects of hitting the snooze button and shares his personal routine for starting the day off right. The conversation then shifts to investing in personal goals and well-being, and the importance of treating employees like family. It’s crucial to take a step back from the daily grind and ask oneself what should be done right, rather than focusing on what is being done wrong.

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The Google Nerds’ Guide to Streamlining Your Business [RR 887]

AJ Nealey and Joe Hanson discuss the use of Google Workspace in their businesses. They explore the different applications within Google Workspace, such as Google Meet, Gmail, Google Sheets, Google Docs, Google Slides, Google Calendar, and Google Drive, and how they utilize them for communication, document storage, and collaboration. They also discuss the benefits of controlling intellectual property, and the efficiency and organization that Google Workspace provides.

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New Age Employees Require A New Way of Thinking [AW 176]

Pete McNeil discusses the changing needs of employees in the post-COVID workplace, particularly focusing on Gen Z employees. He talks about the importance of providing a positive customer experience and adapting to the preferences and attention span of Gen Z employees. He also discusses the challenges of hiring and retaining Gen Z employees, including the need for benefits, learning opportunities, and potential pay advantages.

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The Roadmap to Success: Work Smarter Not Harder [RR 884]

Dan Taylor discusses various aspects of running a successful automotive repair business. He emphasizes the importance of having a roadmap to success, repackaging information to resonate with different people, utilizing reliable shop management systems, client and employee retention, effective marketing strategies, well-defined processes and procedures, and artificial intelligence in the industry. The episode concludes with a discussion on the importance of making money in the automotive repair industry and the need for a paradigm shift towards maintenance and customer service.

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