RR 330: Dave Macholz – Academic Chair of Suffolk County College Automotive Technology

How Do We Educate and Integrate Our Young People into a Career as Automotive Technicians?

My guest is Dave Macholz, the Academic Chair at the automotive technology program at Suffolk County Community College on Long Island, NY. The automotive program has been active for over 30 years. Dave has an independent aftermarket history and is very transparent about the current and future value of training our future technicians.

We cover a large breadth of topics including funding, graduation rates, mentoring, improving enrollment, internships and capital spending to keep our colleges current with new technology. Stuff you need to know and get involved with.

You will benefit from this discussion. The more you know about the grassroots issues we face the better you be able to help solve them. With your help, the future is bright.

RR 255: David Milne from ATMC and ASE

Important Study Shows the Graying of Our Technicians Poses a Big Challenge in the Very Near Future.

Dave Milne serves as the President of the Automotive Training Managers Council (ATMC), a division of the ASE Industry Education Alliance. Dave is also the Executive Director of Special Test Programs for ASE.

Dave shares the mission and value of ATMC, their most recent survey data that he says will have a big impact on the industry. We talk about education and recruiting our future technicians. You’ll also hear Dave speak to our industry training needs and trends, pay structure and how ATMC and ASE is working with the industry to bring awareness to our trade.

RR 191: George Arrants – Career Educator, Trainer and Recruiter

Career educator, trainer and recruiter has a powerful message for the industry.

George Arrants currently the Director of Training & Recruitment for the Wheel Time Network brings his insight and wisdom to this interview. George talks the fundamental importance of secondary and post-secondary advisory boards. He says it is a national concern with a local solution. He shares how to recruit members for advisory boards and why they are so important for our industry’s future.

George Arrants shares his perspective on the tech shortage and asks the question is it a shortage of qualified applicants or the lack of applicants. He talks about the value of Super Tech for the heavy-duty industry and compares it to a Skills USA program for big kids.