ASE Subject Matter Experts [THA 376]

Dive into the intricate process behind the Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) certification exams. Sharing personal experiences as SMEs for the ASE exams, the panelists discussed the challenges and learning opportunities involved in the process.

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The Courage to Train: From Hawaii to Kansas City [RR 943]

23-year-old Evan Hansen, a young automotive professional from Hawaii, shares his enthusiasm for attending (by himself) Vision Hi-Tech Training & Expo and the invaluable in-person training he received. Find out what classes Evan attended and how he met shop owner Jim Fleischman, who took Evan under his wing for the remainder of the conference. The episode is a testament to the industry’s commitment to fostering professional development, training, mentoring, and camaraderie among its members.

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Mentorship, Training and the Rise of Specialists [E941]

Recorded Live at Vision Hi-Tech Training & Expo, Rich Falco, and bilingual trainer Oscar Gomez, dive into the critical role of mentorship and training in the automotive industry. They discuss the rise of mechanical and technology specialists and the necessity for continuous education to keep pace with evolving technology. The conversation underscores the importance of experienced mentors guiding newcomers, advocating for a culture shift from traditional challenges to supportive mentorship.

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Business Growth and Personal Development: Education, Delegation and Elevation [RR 939]

Recorded Live at Vision Hi-Tech Training & Expo, Greg Bunch discusses the critical role of education, delegation, and elevation in the automotive industry. Greg shares insights on the challenges of transitioning from technician to shop owner and the necessity of adopting a mindset conducive to business growth. He emphasizes the importance of professional development and the dangers of becoming addicted to problem-solving and the impact on business growth.

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The Evolution of Automotive Technology Training [THA 372]

The role of mechanical and technology specialists is changing faster than a pit stop at the Indy 500. My guests, including expert NAPA trainers Curt Eigenberger, Bill Weaver, and Randy Cowan, Always know that training is a key pillar to your strategic success. We’re not just talking about keeping up with the latest tech but about staying ahead of the curve. Do you know how?

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Everything You Wanted to Know About Thermal Management Fluids But Were Afraid to Ask [RR 937]

Recorded Live at MACS (Mobile Air Climate Systems) 2024 Training Event & Trade Show, Adam Kimmel discusses the refrigerant and thermal management industry. He highlights the significance of air conditioning technology in vehicles, the essential use of fluorine in refrigerants, and the evolution of refrigerants for environmental safety.

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Daily Dose of Top Tier Training: Today’s Class [THA 371]

Research has shown that people will generally forget 90% of what they “learn” within 30 days unless it is reinforced.

Recorded Live at Vision 2024, David Boyes, President of Today’s Class, outlines the mobile app’s features, including gamification and personalized training paths. AJ Nealey and Patrick Roberts share how they’ve implemented the platform in their businesses, highlighting its impact on engagement, adaptability to individual needs and its role in fostering a culture of continuous learning and growth.

“It’s microdosing of training. It’s a set of daily questions on a daily basis. And what I love about it, it’s the question after the question. “How confident are you in your answer?” It’s low, medium, or high. You’re understanding their confidence level.” AJ Nealey

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Measuring Technician Performance with Scorecards and Analytics [RR 936]

Greg Buckley discusses the importance of using analytics and performance metrics in the automotive industry. He draws parallels between managing a sports team and running an auto repair shop, emphasizing the need for owners to understand their team’s strengths and weaknesses. Greg explores the idea of incentivizing performance and accountability, similar to professional athletes. Greg shares his experience with nurturing technicians and the concept of having a “farm team” to develop skills. The conversation also touches on the need for better career pathing, training, and compensation methods to retain talent and improve the industry’s professionalism.

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Meet the 2024 Mobile A/C Pioneer Award Winners [THA 368]

Recorded Live at the 2024 MACS (Mobile Air Climate Systems) Training Event & Trade Show, Carm Capriotto discusses the automotive air conditioning industry with Peter Coll and Pioneer Award Winners Larry Hays, and Tom Massey. They explore the evolution of air conditioning systems, the importance of collaboration, and the role of MACS in advancing the industry.

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Engineering School Taught Me How To Think [RR 928]

Recorded Live from MACS (Mobile Air Climate Systems Association) 2024 Training Event & Trade Show, shop owner and MACS board member Tim Iezzi discusses his family’s legacy in the business and his passion for air conditioning and being a perpetual student. Tim also shares his experiences in working alongside other local shops, particularly when specialized services are required. This spirit of mutual support and knowledge exchange is what propels the industry forward, ensuring that we all benefit from shared wisdom.

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2024 Outlook with the Aftermarket Radio Network [THA 367]

Industry experts discuss the future of the automotive industry, focusing on training, technology, and business strategies. They explore the importance of simplifying communication, utilizing video content for customer education, and the benefits of in-person versus virtual training. The panel also discusses the challenges of management training and the need for a holistic approach to business issues, emphasizing collaboration and a positive company culture. The episode provides insights into adapting to economic changes and fostering industry growth through shared knowledge and experiences.

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Which Scan Tool Should I Buy? Vision Hi-Tech Training & Expo 2024 [RR 926]

Insights to the Vision Hi-Tech & Expo 2024 Class “Which Scan Tool Should I Buy?” on Thursday, February, 29, from 1pm-5pm. Our panel discusses the importance of tailoring scan tool recommendations toa technician’s specific needs, including the car lines they work on, their budget, and the features they require. Don’t sit on the value of seeking advice from experienced users and trainers to make informed decisions.

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Technician Attraction Blueprint [RR 921]

Chris Lawson discusses the Technician Attraction Blueprint, a strategy for automotive shops to attract and retain technicians by focusing on respect, growth, and money. Lawson’s blueprint, derived from extensive industry questions, helps shop owners self-assess and troubleshoot hiring issues. 

If you’re ready to transform your shop into a magnet for top talent and create an environment where technicians thrive, then you won’t want to miss this!

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From Dealership to Mobile Mechanic [RR 920]

Explore the challenges and benefits of mobile mechanics, Jesse’s future ambitions for a physical shop, and the value of mentorship in the automotive industry.

Jesse explains his transition to full-time mobile work, his marketing strategies, and customer service approach. He also touches on the logistics of mobile operations, from tools to working in various locations.

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Coaches Lab: When Will Shops Stop Doing Work That They Don’t Get Paid For? [THA 363]

It’s time to find the hidden costs of ‘busyness’ in auto repair shops. It’s not just about the work you do; it’s about the work you’re actually getting paid for. Measuring technician productivity is crucial – because if you’re not measuring it, you can’t manage it. It’s a wake-up call for shops everywhere to stop leaving money on the table.

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Driving Change: Women’s Influence in the Automotive World [THA 361]

Nichole Bennecoff and Tenise Chapman are steering the automotive conversation toward new horizons. We’re shifting gears to talk about the power of female presence in the industry, from technicians to service advisors, and the impact it has on businesses and customers alike. Nichole shares her success in creating a team dynamic that’s as inclusive as it is efficient. She’s proving that leadership knows no gender, and her approach is magnetizing more women to the field. Tenise drives home the importance of visibility. She’s out there in a rural setting, changing the landscape and inspiring the youth to dream of a career in automotive with Camp Drive, a two-day camp for kids ages 12-15. 

We also touch on the art of customer service, crafting spaces that make everyone feel welcome, and the quest to bring more female technicians into the fold.

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Back to the Basics: Gear Doesn’t Buy Skill [AW 190]

Oscar Gomez shares his transition from technician to educator, emphasizing the importance of foundational knowledge in the automotive field. Oscar discusses his teaching methods and the challenges of getting technicians to attend training sessions, revealing that many technicians are reluctant to seek further education because they don’t see personal financial benefits. Oscar’s commitment to education is evident in his offering of financial support for students and his passion for teaching, which extends to bilingual classes.

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Labor Rate Tracker Update: A Valuable Tool [RR 914]

Tom Ham discusses the labor rate tracker tool, which can be found on the Automotive Management Network. The conversation includes the variability of labor rates among different types of automotive shops and across states and the influence of location and shop type on rates. Tom shares that the tracker has grown to 3,000 shops reporting their rates, providing a more comprehensive view of the market. The episode also covers the importance of having a labor rate that reflects a shop’s quality and customer trust. Find out why the labor rate tracker is a valuable tool for both shop owners and industry coaches to gauge market rates and inform business strategies.

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AAPEX’S Commitment to Student Mentorship [THA 360]

Recorded Live at AAPEX 2023, industry mentors and students worked together to service, repair and donate a 2013 Ford Edge to a Veteren. The students share their experiences and aspirations in the industry, from welding to diagnostics. It was also a heartwarming experience to have the recipient of the donated vehicle, Savannah, present in the studio with us. Let’s continue to have a positive impact on the industry and inspire more support for young people to join.

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Technician Productivity Redefined [AW 189]

Joe Marconi discusses the importance of team collaboration, efficiency, and continuous training in the automotive industry. He highlights the need for effective leadership, a positive company culture, and sound systems and procedures to guide technicians and improve productivity. The conversation also covers the significance of accurate estimating and effective labor rates, the rising costs in various industries, and the importance of a positive and growth mindset in business.

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Revolutionizing the Automotive Industry: The Rise of Technology Specialists [RR 909]

Carm Capriotto and Matt Fanslow dive into the increasing role of technology in the automotive industry and how it’s revolutionizing the way we approach vehicle repairs and maintenance. They propose the term “Technology Specialist” for automotive technicians, emphasizing the importance of their expertise. This designation not only acknowledges their expertise in handling advanced vehicle technology but also elevates their professional standing. Changing the language and perception of technicians as professionals is crucial for the industry’s growth and success.

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Navigating the Tesla Terrain: Insights from Seth Thorson [RR 908]

Recorded Live at ASTE 2023, Seth Thorson shares insights on owning a Tesla, including the availability of parts, diagnostics, and his experiences with long-distance driving in a Tesla. He addresses misconceptions about EV charging stations and the topic of EV fires. Seth’s expertise and passion for Tesla and EVs are truly inspiring and informative.

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