Here are the two most recent episodes

Are We Unintentionally Devaluing Ourselves [FTR 096]

Jul 26, 2024

Corey Evaldi discusses the issue of unintentional self-devaluation in the automotive industry. Corey advocates for a shift in mindset, urging industry professionals to see themselves as skilled specialists, and the importance of educating customers about the value of services. Corey highlights the need for clear communication, transparency in pricing, and fostering a positive industry image.

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Beyond Band-Aids: Fix Your Leaking Bucket [RR 975]

Jul 26, 2024

“We’re putting more customers, more car count, more money into that bucket. Sometimes, when you step away from the business, if you don’t have the business set up right, or you have those holes in the bucket, you turn around, and all the water leaks back out of the bucket, and you’re like, what the heck just happened? What did I do all that work for?”

Discover the importance of overcoming self-doubt and embracing courage to drive business growth. Ron Ipach emphasizes the value of a supportive network and the role of peer review in fostering progress. Gerry  Frank shares his approach to setting goals and the necessity of accountability in achieving them. The episode underscores the themes of leadership, community support, and continuous improvement for success in the industry.

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What is Leadership Coaching? [THA 362]

Jan 11, 2024

Our panel of industry coaches highlight the importance of humility, self-awareness, and emotional intelligence in effective leadership. They share personal stories and insights on the transformative power of coaching, emphasizing the need for leaders to be approachable, own their mistakes, and foster a safe environment for growth. The conversation also touches on the significance of mentorship, asking questions, and guiding team members to find their own solutions. The panelists encourage embracing personal growth journeys and the role of coaching in unlocking individual potential, driving home the message that leadership is about empowering oneself and others to succeed.

Why Do Some People Embrace Change While Others Resist It? [RR 917]

Jan 9, 2024

Psychologist Dr. David Weiman discusses the psychology of change, why change is challenging for some, the various reactions people have, and strategies for leaders to manage and encourage change. Dr. Weiman advises over-communicating to reduce confusion, engaging with resistant team members, and implementing incremental changes using the Kaizen method. By understanding the psychology behind change, involving our teams in the process, and holding onto our core values, we can navigate the waters of innovation with confidence and purpose.

A Real World Perspective on Safety [RR 916]

Jan 5, 2024

Ready to dive into the critical topics of safety and compliance within the automotive service aftermarket? Tom Herrmann shares valuable insights on maintaining a safe work environment, including hazard communication, safety data sheets, labels for chemicals, and the importance of employee training and clear safety policies. Tom emphasizes the role of safety as a form of salesmanship, advocating for selling the importance of safety to employees rather than focusing on potential fines and violations. The episode aims to instill a sense of responsibility in listeners, highlighting the importance of safety to prevent accidents and maintain a productive workforce.

Driving Change: Women’s Influence in the Automotive World [THA 361]

Jan 4, 2024

Nichole Bennecoff and Tenise Chapman are steering the automotive conversation toward new horizons. We’re shifting gears to talk about the power of female presence in the industry, from technicians to service advisors, and the impact it has on businesses and customers alike. Nichole shares her success in creating a team dynamic that’s as inclusive as it is efficient. She’s proving that leadership knows no gender, and her approach is magnetizing more women to the field. Tenise drives home the importance of visibility. She’s out there in a rural setting, changing the landscape and inspiring the youth to dream of a career in automotive with Camp Drive, a two-day camp for kids ages 12-15. 

We also touch on the art of customer service, crafting spaces that make everyone feel welcome, and the quest to bring more female technicians into the fold.

The Art of Client Appreciation [RR 915]

Jan 2, 2024

Dane and Cathy Bailey discuss their transition from a franchise to independent operators, the importance of trust and reputation, and their unique approach to customer relations. The Baileys emphasize the significance of creating a welcoming environment, particularly for female clients, and the role of personalized gestures like thank-you baskets and branded gifts in building lasting relationships. They also explore the parallels between the automotive and real estate industries, highlighting the importance of professionalism and quality service.

Back to the Basics: Gear Doesn’t Buy Skill [AW 190]

Dec 30, 2023

Oscar Gomez shares his transition from technician to educator, emphasizing the importance of foundational knowledge in the automotive field. Oscar discusses his teaching methods and the challenges of getting technicians to attend training sessions, revealing that many technicians are reluctant to seek further education because they don’t see personal financial benefits. Oscar’s commitment to education is evident in his offering of financial support for students and his passion for teaching, which extends to bilingual classes.

Labor Rate Tracker Update: A Valuable Tool [RR 914]

Dec 29, 2023

Tom Ham discusses the labor rate tracker tool, which can be found on the Automotive Management Network. The conversation includes the variability of labor rates among different types of automotive shops and across states and the influence of location and shop type on rates. Tom shares that the tracker has grown to 3,000 shops reporting their rates, providing a more comprehensive view of the market. The episode also covers the importance of having a labor rate that reflects a shop’s quality and customer trust. Find out why the labor rate tracker is a valuable tool for both shop owners and industry coaches to gauge market rates and inform business strategies.

AAPEX’S Commitment to Student Mentorship [THA 360]

Dec 28, 2023

Recorded Live at AAPEX 2023, industry mentors and students worked together to service, repair and donate a 2013 Ford Edge to a Veteren. The students share their experiences and aspirations in the industry, from welding to diagnostics. It was also a heartwarming experience to have the recipient of the donated vehicle, Savannah, present in the studio with us. Let’s continue to have a positive impact on the industry and inspire more support for young people to join.

The New Frontier of Measuring Service Advisor Effort and Output [RR 913]

Dec 26, 2023

Stan Stokes and Eric Renninger from Iron Fist Consultants discuss the evolving roles of service advisors in the automotive industry, the impact of COVID-19 on consumer behavior, and the role of technology. Gone are the days of going purely on gut feeling; today, maximizing conversion rates means utilizing every bit of data available. Operationalizing data and effective communication are fundamental aspects of a positive customer journey.

Technician Productivity Redefined [AW 189]

Dec 23, 2023

Joe Marconi discusses the importance of team collaboration, efficiency, and continuous training in the automotive industry. He highlights the need for effective leadership, a positive company culture, and sound systems and procedures to guide technicians and improve productivity. The conversation also covers the significance of accurate estimating and effective labor rates, the rising costs in various industries, and the importance of a positive and growth mindset in business.

Remarkable Customer Service Stories from Red Rock Repair [RR 912]

Dec 22, 2023

Danielle Vila discusses the importance of customer service in the industry and shares her strategies for quality control, the benefits of a reliable shop management system, and the significance of standing behind services and parts. The conversation also covers unique marketing strategies, the value of maintenance, community involvement, and the impact of these on business growth and customer trust.

Why CRM is Vital to Automotive Shop Success [THA 359]

Dec 21, 2023

Our panel discusses the importance of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) in the success of auto repair shops. They highlight CRM’s role in client retention, communication, and building trusted relationships. The discussion also covers the significance of integrating CRM with shop management systems and the potential for automation and reminders based on customer data. The panelists stress the importance of the first 100 days in the customer journey, the need for consistent touchpoints, and personalized communication.

Teaching Seniors How to Drive Safe, Smart and Healthy – Greg Buckley [RR 911]

Dec 19, 2023

Greg Buckley and Carm Capriotto discuss the importance of education and communication to our senior communities. Greg shares stories from his own experience, emphasizing the importance of community involvement and customer satisfaction. The intensity and dedication of senior women attending an event shows there is a need to teach for for them to learn.

From Zero to Hero: How did Bret Turn His Struggling Family Business Around? [AW 188]

Dec 16, 2023

“40 plus years in business and we had zero money in the bank.”

Bret shares his journey from struggling to successful business owner, emphasizing the importance of seeking outside help and continuous learning. He discusses the transformation of his business into a profitable venture with the help of a coaching company and the implementation of key profit indicators. Brett also highlights the significance of team training and understanding generational differences in the workplace.

Stop Thinking of the Business as You: Think of it as a Separate Entity [RR 910]

Dec 15, 2023

Share this… Maryann Croce discusses the importance of separating personal identity from business identity. Maryann, a coach and shop owner, emphasizes the need to recognize and embrace different roles in life, such as being a leader, family member, or partner. She suggests that separating these identities can lead to growth, team collaboration, and the ability…

Ways to Unify Your Team [THA 358]

Dec 14, 2023

Rick White, Vic Tarasik, and Murray Voth discuss the importance of unifying a team within a business. They highlight the need for a common purpose beyond just making money, and the importance of involving the team in decision-making. They also share their personal experiences and strategies for setting goals, providing feedback, and fostering a culture of respect and empathy. The conversation emphasizes the importance of clear communication, shared vision, and ongoing effort in maintaining team unity.

Revolutionizing the Automotive Industry: The Rise of Technology Specialists [RR 909]

Dec 12, 2023

Carm Capriotto and Matt Fanslow dive into the increasing role of technology in the automotive industry and how it’s revolutionizing the way we approach vehicle repairs and maintenance. They propose the term “Technology Specialist” for automotive technicians, emphasizing the importance of their expertise. This designation not only acknowledges their expertise in handling advanced vehicle technology but also elevates their professional standing. Changing the language and perception of technicians as professionals is crucial for the industry’s growth and success.

From the Classroom to the Shop – The Future of Automotive Education [AW 187]

Dec 9, 2023

Academic chairs Dave Macholz and Vinnie Laverdi, discuss automotive training at the college level. They cover the importance of soft skills in the industry, the role of mentors, and the need for industry professionals to engage with educational institutions. The episode emphasizes the sophistication of the automotive industry, the potential for growth and advancement in automotive careers and the need to incorporate electric vehicle technology into the curriculum.

Navigating the Tesla Terrain: Insights from Seth Thorson [RR 908]

Dec 8, 2023

Recorded Live at ASTE 2023, Seth Thorson shares insights on owning a Tesla, including the availability of parts, diagnostics, and his experiences with long-distance driving in a Tesla. He addresses misconceptions about EV charging stations and the topic of EV fires. Seth’s expertise and passion for Tesla and EVs are truly inspiring and informative.

Thriving Through Our Economic Challenges [THA 357]

Dec 7, 2023

Recorded Live at AAPEX 2023, Greg Bunch and Matt Fanslow discuss the impact of the current economy on the automotive aftermarket industry. They explore various aspects of business such as margins, advertising, training, hiring, labor rates. The conversation also covers the potential loss of independent repair shops, and the need for better communication with customers.

Exploring the Depths of Self-Reflection: The Power of Personal SWOT Anaylsis [RR 907]

Dec 5, 2023

“Do you have the strength to be honest with yourself?”

Michael Smith discusses the importance of personal and company-wide SWOT analysis. He explores the need for continuous learning, development and the role of collaborative feedback in identifying blind spots. He emphasizes the importance of going beyond the initial analysis to consider future goals and potential obstacles.

Give Me 10 Update: Collaboration with Education [AW 186]

Dec 2, 2023

“Give Me 10 Mission: To provide a work-based learning model that any industry can utilize to bridge the skills gap. Combining classroom instruction with on the job work based learning opportunities. This program integrates the classroom with employers to create an introduction to a career path of the student’s choice. 

The program simplifies the relationship between an industry lead business and vocational education that can lead into a career path. We ask for no money. Our “ask” is for your time. Time to integrate a student into your business to create a career fit. It starts with 10 hours and can grow into a new employee. Can you “Give Me Ten?”

Sue Dixon, the creator of the “Give Me Ten” program, discusses the importance of collaboration between the automotive industry and education. The “Give Me Ten” program, which exposes students to the automotive industry and helps them explore potential career paths, is highlighted. The discussion also covers the need for updated curriculums, industry involvement, and the success of the “Give Me Ten” program in providing work-based learning experiences.

Technician’s Three-Year Succession Plan [RR 906]

Dec 1, 2023

Andy Bizub and part owner Brandon Ludwikowski discuss the transition from technician to business owner, the importance of a positive attitude, and the tools and knowledge required for technicians. The conversation also covers the division of responsibilities within the company, decision-making processes, and the importance of understanding business fundamentals and financials.

Keeping an Eye on Bay Productivity [THA 356]

Nov 30, 2023

Did you know most shops only utilize 20-30% of their bay capacity? Let’s explore the concept of effective bay rate and the potential benefits of monitoring and analyzing bay usage. What is the potential revenue that can be realized by addressing these inefficiencies?

Our panel highlights the importance of focusing on bay efficiency rather than just technician efficiency and the need for shops to adopt lean six sigma principles to maximize productivity.

2023 AAPEX Service Award Winners [RR 905]

Nov 28, 2023

Recorded Live at AAPEX 2023, Service Award Winners Roy Foster, Michael Miller, and Greg Damon discuss their experiences in the automotive industry, the importance of continuous learning, and the benefits of mentorship programs. The conversation also touches on the challenges facing the industry and the importance of community involvement, training, and changing consumer perceptions.

Becoming a Shop Owner with Meg Richards [AW 185]

Nov 25, 2023

Carm and Meg discuss the shop’s transition to a four-day workweek to promote work-life balance, the challenges of finding and retaining skilled technicians. Meg shares her experience as a female technician. They also discuss the need to change the perception of the automotive industry and attract more women. The episode concludes with a discussion on succession planning and the shop’s community involvement.

CASE: Controller, Analyzer, Socializer, Entrepreneur- Which Personality Type Are You? [RR 904]

Nov 24, 2023

How can different personality types impact leadership and success in business?

Murray Voth discusses the importance of understanding personality types in business. He introduces a new acronym, CASE, which stands for Controller, Analyzer, Socializer, and Entrepreneur. The conversation also covers the role of human motivation, clear expectations and accountability in managing employees, and the importance of giving space to your partner in a marriage and how it applies to business relationships. Find out how you can create a harmonious and productive team dynamic, where individuals can play to their strengths and contribute effectively to the business.

OK, I Raised My Labor Rate: Now What?! [THA 355]

Nov 23, 2023

Raising labor rates is not just about increasing prices. It’s about finding more value in the industry and positioning ourselves as professionals. 

Join our panel as they highlight the need for understanding the concept of effective labor rate, ensuring services are charged appropriately, viewing the business as a professional entity, providing a positive customer experience and addressing core business problems before raising labor rates. Our panelists encourage shop owners to take a comprehensive approach to their business strategy, considering all factors and not just focusing on raising labor rates.

Transparency is the New Trust: Bridging the Gap Between Technology and Client [RR 903]

Nov 21, 2023

“AutoTechIQ helps car and truck owners identify problems their vehicles are having. We provide proven auto repair work that has solved similar issues thousands of vehicle owners have faced. We also recommend auto repair shops in your area based on trust, customer education, and quality of work. These shops inspect your car using a courtesy Digital Vehicle Health Inspection and create a state of health report with symptom information and necessary fixes.”

Frank Scandura and Krista Erickson discuss how AutoTechIQ aims to bridge the gap between shops and customers by creating better relationships through technology and transparency. The goal is to empower customers with knowledge and build trust.

Up Close and Personal with Brett Beachler [AW 184]

Nov 18, 2023

Brett Beachler shares the history of his business, the impact of closing on Saturdays, and the importance of creating a positive work environment. He also discusses the significance of customer trust and his future goals for his business.

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