CarmCast 082: The Power of Joining Together – PAVE Training

PAVE (Professional Automotive Virtual Education) Training is set for January 8 -10, 2021. Join us as we meet the many people that helped create this unified aftermarket training event. Let’s talk about it on this CarmCast. The Power of Joining Together.
Co-hosted by ‘G’ Truglia from TST
The panel:
- Rob Morrell, Senior Training Director WorldPac
- Matt LeLacheur, Corporate/Government Affairs Director – NESSARA
- New England Service Station & Auto Repair Association
- Mark Warren WTI Training Manager
- John Eppstein, John’s Automotive, President of ASCCA and owner of John’s Service, San Diego, CA
- “G” Truglia, (TST)
- Ron Turner, ASA PA
- Matt Dougher, Executive Director, ASA Ohio
- Dave Hinz, Incoming President ASA Illinois, owner of Master Tek Auto Repair, Algonquin, IL
- Jeff Lovell, ASA Northwest, Event Chairman
- Margaret Ragan, Outreach Coordinator, NATA (Northwest Automotive Trade Association)
- Robert Gruener,JR, Autotechtronics by Robert, ASA Texas President
- Mary Steele, ASA Florida
- Coordinator of this CarmCast, Brenda Wolslegel, ASA Northwest