How Frank Lloyd Wright got me going for Broke!

Darwin Martin

It was a rainy weekend with close friends visiting from Florida. This summer has been very rainy so far; our payoff for a very long hard Buffalo winter (tongue planted firmly in cheek). But I digress. For Florida residents heading up north for a summer retreat is a smart idea to escape the ninety degree…

Eleven Rules for Life!

It’s great to find a top ten or eleven list of great common sense rules that, for the most part, cannot be argued with. These can be adapted to your thinking in an instant. There was a time when these eleven where attributed to Bill Gates, but it is not true.  These are an excerpt…

Top 10 List!

  Do you have a list of your top customers? I’m sure you do. However it may be in the wrong place. I’ll bet many of you have it filed in your head. A very safe place. You’ll never lose it! I suggest that list be written down, managed and known to your team. Your…

Woody Allen was right: ‘80% of life is showing up’!

  This quote is taken from a book a book by George Lois called Damn Good Advice. George Lois is an advertising legend and creator of breakthrough ad campaigns. I liked reading this book as it shows Lois’s genius in 120 lessons with the Woody Allen quote, above, being one of them. I think back…