How is Your Power of Curiosity and Intution?
Curiosity is a powerful tool. It helps us to stay open-minded and creative.
Intuition is a way of knowing without the use of reason or thinking. It is about trusting your gut feelings and following them. Intuition can give you insights that you might not have thought about before, which can lead to better decision-making.
Being curious is something that we should all have as a default. It helps us to be more creative and to learn new things. Asking questions and being inquisitive is the first step to curiosity. The second step is being open-minded about what you find, even if it doesn’t match your expectations.
Intuition is a powerful thing that we all have, but it can be hard to listen to. We often ignore our intuition because we think it’s irrational or not logical enough, but this just means we need more information before making our decision.
That is why we need to be curious to be able to explore and discover new things and to use our knowledge to support our intuition. The podcast has proven time and again that you can feed your curiosity by listening to learn just one thing. And the more you learn and gain insights the sharper your intuition can be if you let it.
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