Rant From a Listener

I get emails and messages regarding the awesomeness of the work we do in building a learning library of business acumen. Almost 900 episodes covering, well, you name it. Trending topics and guests sharing their wisdom personally or on discussion panels. My friend Andy Bizub calls the podcast a 40-minute Twenty Group.
I recently got an email from Gene Morrill. He called it “Carmification”. I’m humbled by the word Gene used to describe the movement and result that “Listening to Learn Just One Thing” can mean to our industry and to shop owners learning curve. Gene wonders why not everyone in the industry knows about or subscribes to the aftermarkets premier podcast?
I also got this identical article sent to me a second time from a different source. It started me to wonder where did the second copy of this ‘rant’ come from. I discovered that Gene’s rant was published on the ASCCA’s Team Talk bulletin board. ASCCA is the great professional association in California where many of my west coast friends are members and run great shops.
I feel a bit weird re-publishing this. Do not think it is an ego thing. Not even close. I’m republishing Gene’s rant/article because as an industry peer he believes in the value and spirit of our purpose to ripple the water so that all ships rise. I thank Gene for sharing passion for what we do here. You can help. Forward this email or send a friend a message to get on board with this incredible learning institution.
In Gene’s words:
Carmification is a process of learning through listening and applying information gained from podcasts, Town Hall Academy’s, rants, and the Aftermarket Weekly Show.
This is a process that includes the industry’s best leaders, owners, technicians, coaches, industry aftermarket folks, and even a psychiatrist. This information is absorbed through the 2 listening devices on the side of your head.
It only works when applied to real situations. Carmification will warp you from being a shop owner to a professional business leader, right before your eyes. This can be a fast process or very slow depending on the amount of Carmification you let into your mind.
What’s the difference between a shop owner and a business leader you might ask? A shop owner is usually a person who has bought him or herself a JOB. JOB stands for Just Over Broke. They go to work each day and have not listened to the Carm Capriotto shows because there is not enough time in the day; at least that’s what shop owners tell me.
Shop owners never have time to improve their craft because they work 8,9 10 hours a day, sometimes more.
Worse they work 5, 6 or even 7 days a week. They make a good living, and most times miss out on family time.
A business leader has goals and a vision to move their company forward. They hire the right staff to drive the company without supervision. They create a culture and team that produces a fantastic customer experience and creates features and benefits that the customer values. A business leader works when needed from where he wants and for as many or little hours per day as he chooses.
He is not tied to the shop every minute of the day. He has all the family time needed for a happy home life. Carmification if free, yup the F word Free. Don’t wait, sign up today.
Thank you Gene Morrill for your heads-up rant on the power of listening to the podcast and making it part of our ‘homework’. Thanks for helping with my fight to improve our industry and us as leaders. You need to be a perpetual student if you have any chance of surviving the challenges we face each day.
Articles and messages like these add fuel to my passion to provide outstanding ideas, insights, and wisdom to every aftermarket professional. We cover everything A to Z on in our podcast library. All you have to do is give them your all and then take one of those special learning moments and do something with it.
Be safe,

About the author, Carm Capriotto, AAP
Carm is the founder and host of the Remarkable Results Radio Podcast and the pioneer of automotive aftermarket podcasts. Carm calls on his years of experience in the aftermarket to bring engaging stories from his guests.
Listen to raw, unfiltered, honest, and sincere stories that include insights, trends, best practices, and expertise. Each interview brings an opportunity to learn one new thing through the stories of personal achievement. Many podcast guests tell their story of transformation from working in their business to working on it.
As host of over 1,000 episodes, Carm uses his enthusiasm and passion for the aftermarket especially the service sector to take his listeners on a journey showcasing successful service professionals’ paths to Remarkable Results. He also enjoys interviews with aftermarket industry thought leaders who bring their industry perspectives to his listener.
Follow the podcast on your favorite podcast listening app and always listen to learn just one thing!