RR 353: Kyle Holt from S/P2 – Helping Entry-Level Technicians Enter and Stay in the Industry

Kyle Holt is the President of S/P2 (sp2.org). S/P2 serves businesses and career tech schools in the automotive service, collision repair, heavy-duty/diesel, welding, construction, cosmetology, and culinary industries. S/P2 is used by over 175,000 students and employees every year across North America.

S/P2 provides industry-specific, online training in safety, environmental, ethics, human resources, and soft skills. S/P2 also works to help entry-level technicians enter and stay in the industry with S/P2 Careers – the largest resume database of entry-level technicians – and S/P2 Workplace Mentoring – a systematized mentoring system to train and track the progress of entry-level techs.

An entrepreneur with a strong background in e-learning and web-based systems, Kyle is passionate about providing businesses and career technical schools the ability to utilize technology to improve the lives of students and employees everywhere. Listen to Kyle’s previous episodes HERE.

Key Talking Points:

  • Kyle’s Father started the collision brand called CarStar
  • He is the President of S/P2  
    • Online training company since 2002 (not just automotive, also for construction, culinary, welding and cosmetology)
    • Safety, ethics, HR, soft skills, mentoring
      • Ethical teachings: Do the right thing plus one step further- Example finding $20 in customer car – put on the dash with a note for the customer
    • From the time the new employee starts working and annually thereafter and anytime the shop environment changes, the shop must provide industry-specific safety training.
      • Will aid in OSHA audits if a shop has completed correct compliance training with proper documents.
    • Changing the ‘grease monkey’ perception.  
    • Over 175 thousand students use S/P2 online training a year.
  • S/P2 Careers
    • Started 2017 training template on building a ‘right’ resume.
    • Last 18 months uploaded 36,000 resumes to a database with over 27,000 entry-level automotive technicians.
    • Opportunity for entry-level students to enter the industry and stay in the industry- shop owners can use a database to grow their own techs.
    • 40% of students that enter industry leave it within the first 2 years.
  • Mentor training programs
    • Mentor- how to be a mentor, what’s expected, roles, responsibilities.
      • Mobile website- login, chose ASC task list, can grade student and comment while in the shop.
    • Mentee/ Apprentice- what’s expected.
    • Manager- the person in the shop overseeing both mentor and mentee.

S/P2 Website HERE

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