RR 103: Dave Erb

Have you ever thought about selling your business? Do you have a buyer? Want to hear the story from a thirty-year industry veteran who recently sold his businesses to an investor?

Dave Erb has a great story from buying his first shop to hitting his first $100K month. Ever thought about attending Leadership 2.0? Yes, but never pulled the switch. Dave will convince you why it was such a great move for him.

He shares some great wisdom he learned in the school of hard knocks. Invest in yourself … listen now!

RR 102: Donna Wagner form Northwood

Donna Wagner is currently Chair of the Aftermarket Management Program and Professor at Northwood University. She teaches courses specific to the automotive and heavy duty parts and accessories market. Courses include product marketing, global issues, sales, supply chain and business planning. This bachelor degree program in Aftermarket Management is the only one of its kind in…

RR 101: Ron Inchausti from Coast Motor Werk

Ron Inchausti always had entrepreneurial ideas since childhood, but lacked goal setting to implement these ideas. He started his automotive career like most, working for someone else. He never considered, or saw the need, to start his own company. This young, eager mechanic had a special passion fueled by providing quality service with a thoughtful…

RR 100: 100th Episode Retrospective

We’ll I believe you are in for a treat. A kind of behind the scenes of the last 100 episodes and some engaging talk on a few hot industry topics with my invited guests Jerry Kezhaya, Greg Buckley and Bill Nalu. I also invited all former guests, I call my alumni, to join in using…

RR 099: Randy Lucyk from Kalkaska Midas

Randy Lucyk from Midas in Kalkaska, MI is a very interesting entrepreneur. Randy is one strong aftermarket thinker and informally among Midas dealers he is known as the data and IT guy. We covered some great ground in this episode and I promise a lot of very good gems of wisdom for the taking. Randy…

RR 098: Ryan Kooiman, Dir. of Training, Standard Motor Products

Training PERIOD is the lifeblood of all companies large and small and for every person working today. We know how technology is moving at a rapid pace and our industry is no exception. In fact it seems like it is moving faster than we can actually keep pace. Getting a perspective on training from a…

RR 097: Jeff Ruffing from Ruffing Automotive Services

Can you relate to this: Jeff Ruffing from Ruffing Automotive in Kaukauna, WI, yes a Packers fan, started washing cars at a Buick dealership in 1985. Later that year he was asked to bring his tools in when a technician was injured. When he started his own shop he got into business with ‘’training wheels” on…

RR 096: Jeff Peevy of AMI on Creating A Learning Culture

Meet Jeff Peevy, President of the Automotive Management Institute (AMI), a 34-year industry veteran who has spent the past 20 years involved with education and research. Jeff discusses and drives home an important strategy on ‘Building A Learning Culture’ in your business. This episode can be distilled down to four words: Let’s Go Learn Something!…

RR 095: Tim Davison from Chumbley’s Auto Care

Meet third generation owner, Tim Davison from Chumbley’s Auto Care in Indianola, IA. Chumbley’s got it roots as a service station over 59 years ago. Tim Davison talks about those roots and how it has led to the very personal business it is today. Tim’s been in the industry for 35 years and 17 of them…