RR 118: Supplier Needs- What constitutes a strong business partnership?

If you are a member of the aftermarket distribution channel don’t miss this round table discussion. Learn from a jobber and two service professionals how important a strong partnership is and what are the critical components that constitute a strong business relationship.

Learn what these shop owners say are essential elements of their supplier relationship and where the sales person is on the value tree. An episode for all members of the aftermarket distribution channel.

RR 095: Tim Davison from Chumbley’s Auto Care

Meet third generation owner, Tim Davison from Chumbley’s Auto Care in Indianola, IA. Chumbley’s got it roots as a service station over 59 years ago. Tim Davison talks about those roots and how it has led to the very personal business it is today. Tim’s been in the industry for 35 years and 17 of them…