Catching Up with the ‘Car Coach’ Lauren Fix [AW 175]

‘Car Coach’ Lauren Fix discusses the topic of synthetic fuel, explaining Porsche’s investment in e-fuel as an alternative to electric conversion. Lauren shares her thoughts on EVs and the government’s role in mandating their use. She believes in the freedom of choice when it comes to the type of vehicle one wants to drive, be it electric, hybrid, diesel, or gas.

All Electric Vehicle Business Model – Dave Giles [RR 672]

All Electric Vehicle Business Model – Dave Giles[RR 672]

This is a fascinating business model and one that Makes EV’s a specialty, no different than Euro Shops. With OE commitments and government mandates to roll out EV’s and reduce the production of the internal combustion engine, we all need to be schooled in the ‘What’s Next’ indoctrination. It is time to look ahead before you get left behind. David Giles discusses how his electric and hybrid-only business has become a huge success. Keep in mind progress is impossible without change.

RR 185: Bill DeBoer Jr, AAM from DeBoer’s Auto Sales and Service

High Flying Entrepreneur Combines Used Cars with Automotive Service to Create the Right Formula.

Bill DeBoer, AAM has been responsible for bringing innovations in daily operations to the full-service, high-tech auto repair facility for 20+ years. Started by his dad in 1982 DeBoer’s also sells used cars.

DeBoer speaks to the value ride sharing will bring to his business, his new mastermind group, and his new Car Care Club among many other topics.