Hands-On EV and Hybrid Training: Earthling Automotive [THA 353]

The EV/Hybrid training you’ve been searching for.
Carolyn Coquillette, the President and CEO of Earthling Training and Earthling Automotive, and Jack Rosebro, the Head of Training at Earthling Automotive discuss their insights on the growing market of EVs, their unique approach to EV training, and how they adapted to the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Carolyn Coquillette, the President and CEO of Earthling Training and Earthling Automotive. Listen to Carolyn’s other episodes HERE.
Jack Rosebro, the Head of Training at Earthling Automotive. jack.rosebro@earthlingauto.com
Show Notes:
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- Earthling Automotive Training
- The Dream of Being an EV Training Specialist (00:02:53) Carolyn and Jack discuss the watershed moment that led them to focus on EV training and the similarities to their previous experience with hybrid vehicles.
- Small Class Sizes and Effective Learning (00:08:41) The importance of small class sizes for effective learning and how it was influenced by their experience training through COVID-19.
- Utilizing technology in training (00:09:49) Enhancing the learning experience in the classroom.
- The immersive learning experience (00:11:10) The decision to have individual students work independently rather than in paired groups, allowing for a more immersive learning experience.
- The importance of basic electrical knowledge (00:18:16) Discussion on the significance of understanding basic electrical concepts in automotive diagnostics.
- Assessing technicians’ background knowledge (00:19:18) The process of assessing technicians’ electrical knowledge before enrolling them in specific classes.
- Tracking progress and improvement (00:23:32) The use of case studies and comprehensive notes to track technicians’ progress and ensure effective training.
- Training in the Deep End (00:25:46) Discussion on the importance of hands-on training and the limitations of slide presentations.
- Investing in Community Colleges (00:28:05) Highlighting the value of community colleges in providing hands-on training and the need to support and invest in them.
- Facing the Unknown (00:31:12) Encouraging instructors to embrace new technologies, such as EVs, and challenge themselves to continue learning and adapting their teaching methods.
- The Paradigm Shift in the Automotive Industry (00:33:53) Discussion about attracting people with a computer science mindset to the automotive profession and the need for a paradigm shift in what a car is.
- The Profound Impact of EV Training (00:35:04) A story about a student who realized that everything is different when working on Teslas and how it can change a person’s perspective forever.
Thanks to our Partners Shop-Ware and Delphi Technologies
Shop-Ware: More Time. More Profit. Shop-Ware Shop Management https://getshopware.com/
Delphi Technologies: Keeping current on the latest vehicle systems and how to repair them is a must for today’s technicians. http://DelphiAftermarket.com
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About the author, Carm Capriotto, AAP
Carm is the founder and host of the Remarkable Results Radio Podcast and the pioneer of automotive aftermarket podcasts. Carm calls on his years of experience in the aftermarket to bring engaging stories from his guests.
Listen to raw, unfiltered, honest, and sincere stories that include insights, trends, best practices, and expertise. Each interview brings an opportunity to learn one new thing through the stories of personal achievement. Many podcast guests tell their story of transformation from working in their business to working on it.
As host of over 1,000 episodes, Carm uses his enthusiasm and passion for the aftermarket especially the service sector to take his listeners on a journey showcasing successful service professionals’ paths to Remarkable Results. He also enjoys interviews with aftermarket industry thought leaders who bring their industry perspectives to his listener.
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