RR 433: The Importance of Third Party Credentials | Creating a Learning Culture in Your Business
The Importance of Third Party Credentialing and Having a Learning Culture in Your Business.
You are a professional in the automotive service aftermarket. You know your stuff, you are smart, accomplished. You put your knowledge to use every day. Ever decide to have a third party provide you the professional credentials to verify your practical abilities? Twenty percent of our industry has their credentials so I’m talking to the eighty percent that don’t.
This episode with Trish Serratore, Senior Vice President of Communication at ASE and ASE and Jeff Peevy, President of AMi is a departure from what testing is and will help you understand the value in credentialing. Credentials are becoming more important than ever, and prove to customers and your shop owner you know what you’re doing.
THA 048: Grow Your Fleet Business | AMi Credit
Growth Strategy: Fleets
Fleet business can sustain your revenue during the up and down times of the year. Get started and be willing to change and adjust as you move along. These three experts agree that it may be time for you to ‘Get out of your comfort zone’ and jump into the fleet business.
Learn from Tom Palermo from Preferred Automotive Specialists in Jenkintown, PA, John Constantin from Bison Fleet Service in Buffalo, NY and Bill Nalu from Interstate Auto Care in Madison Heights, MI.
We talk how to recruit fleet customer, obvious reasons to get into fleet business, the how and the challenges of implementing and growing fleet revenue.
THA 046: Revving Up Your Business Culture | AMi Credit
Building a strong business culture can be one of the hardest things a business owner can do yet the most rewarding.
It is one of the key principles in the business that you cannot touch. It’s the soft stuff. For many, it is tough to get your hands around it. This academy panel does a great job explaining culture and shows you many ways to implement and lead it.
The power of a strong business culture can be one of your biggest differentiators as a business and a strong reason you attract top talent.
THA 045: Installing Customers Parts – A Discussion | AMi Credit
This panel’s perspective is meant to excite a dialogue, to present ideas and concepts to support your decision or to inspire you to take a stand; one way or the other.
This topic is a worthy discussion because of the growth rate of e-commerce part availability, transparency in pricing, and ease of self-diagnosis on the internet.
At risk can be your reputation based on the quality of part being installed. You own the cause of their concern. This panel has not gotten one new great customer from ever installing parts for walk-in customers.
THA 041: The Value of Knowing Your Customers Observable Behavior (DISC) | AMi Credit
Become A Better Communicator By Learning The Power Of Observable Human Behavior.
Kim Auernheimer, Shari Pheasant and Jeremy O’Neal bring their wealth of knowledge using the DISC profiles in their businesses. You need to understand that DISC is an evaluation of your four basic behaviors. There is a science element to our discussion but don’t let that get in the way of this very powerful communication tool.
The value of knowing your DISC and how to discover your customers or co-workers behavior traits and then communicate in their basic way is the power of this lesson. Once you know them the world is your oyster because you can now start to converse with them in their language, not yours.
THA 039: Eight Ways To Recruit and Build Your Team | AMi Credit
When was the last time you actively recruited qualified candidates to fill your bench strength?
Kevin Vaught, Business Development Coach from Elite Worldwide, Ryan Blair from Blair Automotive and Robert Sexton from First Tire and Automotive bring their strategies, tactics and ideas to the discussion.
We cover networking, building your pipeline of qualified candidates, and your people as recruiters. They all agree that recruiting is a long game that needs daily attention. You must invest the time.
We talk about marketing efforts and being involved in secondary and post-secondary education. Many more great ideas and gems of wisdom from the Academy panel who make recruiting a ‘must do’ piece of their responsibility to their companies