20 Questions in 30 Minutes with Donny Seyfer: NASTF, Innovation, and Leadership [RR 1028]
Recorded at the 45th annual Mobile Air Climate Systems Conference (MACS 2025) in Orlando, Florida, discover the importance of NASTF in bridging the gap between OEs and independents. Donny Seyfer also shares insights on empowering teams, today’s technology impact, and the importance of mentorship.
Rising Car Theft and Licensing Challenges [RR 1003]
Recorded at the 2024 ASTA Expo, Keith Perkins discusses critical issues in the automotive industry, including locksmith licensing, car theft, and the aftermarket scan tool validation program. Keith emphasizes the importance of continuous learning and the challenges of misinformation and fear of change within the industry. The conversation highlights the need for better communication between industry professionals and lawmakers, urging technicians to stay informed and proactive in adapting to evolving technologies and regulations.
Are You Embracing Vehicle Complexity? [FTR 107]
Recorded at the 2024 Automotive Aftermarket Retailers of Ontario (AARO) Business Management and Lindertech Training Trade Show, Donny Seyfer from NASTF highlights the increasing complexity of vehicle systems, security concerns like vehicle theft, and broader issues such as employment and the right to repair.
Securing the Future: Insights from NASTF [RR 994]
Recorded at the 2024 Automotive Aftermarket Retailers of Ontario (AARO) Business Management and Lindertech Training Trade Show, Carm sits down with Donny to explore his pivotal role at NASTF and his experiences working with automakers like Tesla. Donny shares behind-the-scenes insights on NASTF’s technician support initiatives, their impressive membership growth, and the innovative solutions they’re implementing to support automotive technicians.
We dive into Donny’s personal journey, his passion for the automotive industry, and the critical role of good business management in ensuring the success of repair shops.
“The National Automotive Service Task Force (NASTF) is a 501 C6 not-for-profit organization established in 2000 by Automakers and the independent aftermarket to identify and resolve gaps in Service information, Tool Information, and Training.”
Right to Repair Momentum – Rob Merwin [AW 143]
NASTF Update with Donny Seyfer [RR 637]
NASTF Update with Donny Seyfer [RR 637]
In this episode, we dive into NASTF’s soft launch of the Assisted Immobilizer Reprogramming Service that offers secure repairs when a vehicle’s security system is involved.
Cybersecurity risks are always a top concern and NASTF has collaborated with automakers to close the gap and offer a service to help shop owners, technicians, and car owners.
The key talking points for this episode reside at remarkableresults.biz/e637
THA 109: How to Handle the Overload of Information, Workload and All That You Have to Learn.
How to Handle the Overload of Information, Workload and All That You Have to Learn
We are in deep talking about how they deal with getting things done, keeping up on their learning curve, dealing with an overstuffed ‘In-Box’, prioritizing, delegating, learning, neural pathways, and exercise, just to name a few.
With me in studio talking ‘Information Overload’ is Donny Seyfer, Executive officer of NASTF and co-owner of Seyfer Automotive, Wheat Ridge, CO, Rob Rowsell, Family Auto Service La Mesa, CA (4 shop group) author of ‘Addicted to Life; How I Went From Homeless to Extraordinary Success and Happiness in a Short Period of Time.” and serial entrepreneur Mark Roberts, managing partner at Schertz Auto Service, Schertz TX
Guaranteed you’ll pick up at least one thing on helping you become a more organized and effective person.
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RR 358: John Gustafson – ATC: Synchronizing the Automotive Trades
ATC: Synchronizing the Automotive Trades
John Gustafson is the president of Gustafson Brothers Automotive Repair, Huntington Beach, CA and the founder of the Auto Talent Co-Op (ATC). ATC is an independent non-profit organization whose vision is to effectively unite resources within the automotive industry, and establish clear career path standards for its users.
ATC’s Mission is to build a synchronized and accessible platform, able to unite the automotive industry. To help refill the talent pool for all automotive job-related positions. To fulfill the technician shortage, and improve technician retention and to streamline career paths, bridge technician skills gap and improve recruitment.
Your support is needed. Find links on the show notes page.
THA 068: Why Just In Time Learning is Bad For Your Business
The Impact That Core Fundamental Training Will Have On Your Business And Career.
This power panel includes Donny Seyfer, Mark Saxonberg, Chris Chesney, Jeff Peevy and Bill Haas. They have the expertise and experience to give you a blueprint for your training strategy. From the Road To Great Technicians to the real world problem of Just In Time Learning … you can’t expect to make any money when you are learning in the service bay.
Yet there are many instances when you have to learn in the service bay because many of the problems you come across you have never seen before. And that is where core competencies come in. And the panel says, do not use Just In Time learning as an excuse not to have structured education.
We talk triage, structured training, service support resources and the importance of the Service Advisor as a critical component of getting the job done right the first time.
RR 312: NASTF – The Road To Great Technicians
The Road to Great Technicians
We talk so much about solutions to the technician shortage. Here is an episode that will get you to realize that there is so much more than filling the seats in trade schools. It is about what happens when we hire a new tech. The trend is to grow our own technician, but can we outline a career path for our new recruit? You need to be involved in creating a ‘Road to Great Technicians.
Joining me in studio at Vision 2018 is Donny Seyfer Executive Officer of NASTF, Chris Chesney, Sr. Director of Customer Training at Car Quest Technical Institute and Jill Saunders, Curriculum Developer at Toyota Motor Sales, North America.
This straight up discussion on creating a career path for all entry-level technicians through an apprentice and mentoring program outlines WHY this is so important. Do we want the government someday to create a program of standards and competence or should we as an industry start today to build those standards?
Just putting an entry-level tech in the lube bay without a career path is part of the big challenges we have as an industry. Without a defined career path it becomes a brain drain of young talent.
RR 309: The Shop of the Future – Are You Prepared? Vision 2018 Town Hall
The Shop of the Future: Are You Prepared?
Have you thought about how you will do business in the future? Well the mission of this panel was to stretch the boundaries and serve up plenty of thoughts, concepts and changes coming that you need to be fundamentally be prepared for.
So happy to be able to present this audio recording from Vision 2018. With me are shop owners, Summer Gurerro from Affinity Automotive Services, Inc in Wichita, KS, Keith Williamson owner of Williamson’s Repair and Tire in Bondurant, IA, Trainer and Mobile Technician Eric Ziegler form EZ Diagnostics, Chris Chesney the Senior Director, Customer Training at the Carquest Technical Institute and Donny Seyfer the Executive Officer of NASTF, the National Automotive Service Task Force and co-owner of Seyfer Automotive in Wheatridge, CO.
Many great thoughts that will help shape your future. There are many important action steps discussed that need your support and engagement. Listen carefully for those cues.
RR 275: Chris Chesney – Sr. Director Customer Training – Carquest Technical Institute
Are You Committed to Be A Lifetime Learner In The Automotive Aftermarket? Learn Why It Must Be Your Most Important Goal.
Chris Chesney is the Senior Director, Customer Training at the CARQUEST Technical Institute and explains that our great aftermarket has its best days ahead, however, the challenge is going to take many people, teams and organizations working together to formulate solutions as we prepare for the largest wave of technology and consolidation we’ve ever seen.
Chris explains that all successful technicians and shop owners know …. that you must be committed to being a lifelong learner. If not … you’re in the wrong profession.
RR 262: Skip Potter – Retired Executive Director NASTF
Retiring Executive Director Shares His Legacy and the Importance NASTF is to the Automotive Service Industry
Skip Potter has had a storied career working in parts distribution, motorsports, tools, service, collision, and heavy duty. He also had important roles with leading industry associations and a radio career with a syndicated radio broadcast called ‘Virginia Race Line.’
Skip is one of our unsung legacy leaders in our beloved aftermarket. He just retired as the Executive Director of NASTF (The National Automotive Service Task Force). Skip gives us a firsthand account of the value NASTF brings to the industry. You will be surprised.
Skip is one of those very versatile industry leaders and a great example of a legacy aftermarket leader. It is important we hear his story. So prepare for an important understanding of the role NASTF plays for all of us and the storied career of a legacy aftermarket leader.