Family Business: The Dads [THA 349]

Shop owners and fathers Charlie Marcotte and Paul Campanella discuss the topic of passing down a family business to the next generation. They emphasize the importance of aligning roles and skill sets, providing training and guidance, and setting realistic expectations for children joining the family business. They also explore the value of mentorship, learning from outside sources, and the challenges and rewards of running a family business. Whether you’re considering integrating your family into your business or looking for ways to make adjustments, this episode is a must-listen!
Charlie Marcotte, American Pride Automotive, 5 locations, Virginia. Charlie’s other episodes HERE
Paul Campanella, Paul Campanella’s Auto and Tire Center, 5 locations, Delaware and Pennsylvania.
Show Notes:
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- S.O.B: Son of Boss Episode:
- The importance of bringing children into the family business (00:00:01) Discussion on the process of bringing children into the family business and the importance of earning their position.
- Setting children up for success in the family business (00:01:00) Exploration of how to mold a child’s career path, provide appropriate training, and avoid nepotism in the family business.
- The role of passion and high expectations in the transition process (00:06:29) Insights on allowing children to follow their passions, setting high expectations, and the impact of high standards on their passion and performance.
- Earning trust and positions in the organization (00:09:04) Paul talks about how his son earned trust throughout the organization and how he wasn’t just a “silver spoon boy” but earned every position he got.
- Short term and long term goals for the next generation (00:18:33) Discussion on the short term goal of working together to understand the importance of relationships and the long term goal of applying learned tools to take the business to the next level.
- The importance of protecting the family in the long term (00:21:38) Advice on the need to protect the family in the long term and the potential challenges and risks involved in bringing a child into the business.
- Balancing family time and work time (00:23:29) Advice on setting boundaries and not bringing work stresses home, as well as the importance of enjoying family time and not letting work monopolize it.
- The importance of outside mentorship (00:25:18) Discussion on how mentoring children in the family business can make the owner a better leader.
- The value of recognition and praise (00:26:11) The need to recognize and praise children in the family business for their hard work.
- The power of learning from others (00:27:50) The benefits of letting children learn from mentors and peers outside of the family business.
- Building personal connections with employees (00:34:33) Importance of getting to know employees on a personal level, asking about their weekends, families, and showing genuine care and concern.
- The importance of integrating family into business (00:35:55) Discussion on the value of family integration in business, learning from past experiences, and how it can shape the future success of the business.
Thanks to our Partners Shop-Ware and Delphi Technologies
Shop-Ware: More Time. More Profit. Shop-Ware Shop Management
Delphi Technologies: Keeping current on the latest vehicle systems and how to repair them is a must for today’s technicians.
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About the author, Carm Capriotto, AAP
Carm is the founder and host of the Remarkable Results Radio Podcast and the pioneer of automotive aftermarket podcasts. Carm calls on his years of experience in the aftermarket to bring engaging stories from his guests.
Listen to raw, unfiltered, honest, and sincere stories that include insights, trends, best practices, and expertise. Each interview brings an opportunity to learn one new thing through the stories of personal achievement. Many podcast guests tell their story of transformation from working in their business to working on it.
As host of over 1,000 episodes, Carm uses his enthusiasm and passion for the aftermarket especially the service sector to take his listeners on a journey showcasing successful service professionals’ paths to Remarkable Results. He also enjoys interviews with aftermarket industry thought leaders who bring their industry perspectives to his listener.
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