Archive for April 2016
RR 112: Randy Baker – ASE/NATEF Industry Education Alliance Educator of the Year 2015
Where are the young technicians going to come from? Randy Baker is doing all he can to make that happen.
Randy Baker, honored as a 2015 Educator of the Year from ASE/NATEF, shares his story from shop owner to educator. He is outspoken and passionate about the additional support the aftermarket can have on secondary and post-secondary education recruitment. Do you want to know if shadowing or intern programs work? What should you tell a parent who has a child that is a hands-on learner? Get a powerful viewpoint from an enthusiastic educator.
RR 111: Frank Palange from V & F Auto
RR 110: Brent Berman from Federal-Mogul Motorparts
Brent Berman, Director of Training at Federal-Mogul Motorparts has been involved in the Automotive Industry for over 25 years primarily in the technical field evolving from mechanical to digital. In his eighteen years at Federal-Mogul, Brent has held roles of increasing responsibility in technical training, marketing and now manages the Garage Gurus training group in addition…
RR 109: Scott ‘GONZO’ Weaver
Maylan Newton from ESI – Implementation is Power [E108]
Are you ready for a very powerful message to help improve your business? Are you at the point where you need a push to get help or support? Are you at the pinnacle of your career and want to know how much further you can go?
Maylan Newton from ESI – Educational Seminars Institute will give you some straight up advice on how to be more successful. Maylan a business coach, trainer and industry speaker says, “He is ‘just a car guy’ with lots knowledge and is brave enough to talk about it”.
Maylan’s purpose is to educate leaders to be a better owner or service writer. Inside this episode are some very powerful tips from Maylan to improve your journey. Get the Brake Clean Story. Learn Maylan’s top 3 keys to improved profitability. Hear great insight into succession planning. Learn how many hours of training owners should get per year … and more.
RR 107: Ron Haugen of Westside Auto Pros
Ever lose your job? Here is a success story that starts out with the loss of a job. A life changing incident that sets up a business career. Ever take the biggest leap of your life and didn’t know a thing about business? Ron Haugen gives a refreshing look back as he reflects on the adage that you can do just about anything you want if you put your mind and heart into it.
And Ron adds even if you don’t know what you don’t know; you can be successful. Does the term ‘Short People Up Front’ mean something to you?” This saying was a monumental life changing memory for Ron Haugen and had a huge impact on Ron’s business and can for you. Over the course of the interview you will hear a blueprint for success. Ron will tell you many of his battle worn yet successful strategies that has brought great success to him and his team and can work for you.
RR 106: Bill Haas from NACAT
Are you having a problem finding trained technicians – – here’s an answer that will help you.
There is a guy by the name of Bill Haas – – who has done just about everything in the repair industry. He started at the age of 12. He dragged home a junk motor that he bought from a garage. For the next few years he played with that poor engine – – until he knew how to fix every component. Later, Bill became a shop owner, sold it then taught technicians how to fix cars , became a business consultant and trainer including the man at NACAT. (The North American Council of Automotive Teachers)
You need to hear the story of what Bill has done and is in the process of doing to help you get better technicians.
RR 105: Big Event Technician Training
“You never grow old until you stop learning”. Henry Ford
As it relates to training and new technology: Are you keeping up? Are you participating in the many regional training programs that are becoming the norm today? Have you attended one? How many hours per year are you investing in to keep current or stay relevant?
You need to listen to technicians talk about keeping up with technology and diagnostics. Inside this episode are four technician interviews I met on a road trip in March 2016 while attending a day long seminar hosted by TST. If you need any confirmation on what the techs are saying about the need for quality training … get listening. If you are ‘always learning’ then listen to your peers affirm why your commitment to training is your job security.
RR 104: Todd Westerlund from Kukui
Do you want to further your uptake on how to communicate with millennials? Want to catch a discussion on ‘gamificaton? (what’s that … you are just a click away)
Kukui CEO Todd Westerlund and I sat down and had a lively talk that will fill up a yellow pad of ideas. This is not GEEK talk at all, just an enlightening and open discussion where will you will learn at least one new thing.
Audit the other discussion points on lifestyle marketing and taking advantage of social networks. Get your straight up talk on marketing to millennials here.