A Tribute to Bob Greenwood – [Bonus 12]

I never thought I’d ever be doing a tribute like this for a good friend, Bob Greenwood. His passing really hit me as it did for so many others. You can’t help but realize we lost him way too early in his life. His mission wasn’t close to being done.

If you ever heard Bob Greenwood’s passion for this industry you know that he held high hopes for the future success of the independent aftermarket. His passion for making this great industry a profession instead of a trade was one of his biggest talking points (a signature of his) where ever and whenever he had a chance to pontificate.

I reflect on a few of Bob’s accomplishments, some of the thirty-three episodes he contributed to and I welcomed some friends to share their memory of Bob.

ASE Service Professionals Month – Trish Serratore [Bonus 09]

I’m with Sr. VP of Communications at ASE, Trish Serratore and we discuss some why and how to jump on board with Service Professionals Month. This is a very short listen and we toss up some ideas on how to build momentum inside your community, but more important to thank your people who have invested in their ASE Certifications. There is still time to embrace and support ASE Service Professionals Month.

An Unprecedented Year and Strategies for 2021 – Bonus Episode 8

Thoughts from an Unprecedented Year and Looking forward to Strategies for 2021 – Bonus Episode 008

As an industry we are essential.
The strong got stronger
. Virtual online training became the norm and will become a permanent part of our training needs
. Milestones reached this year:
600th episode of Remarkable Results Radio
. 200th episode of the Town Hall Academy
. The launch of Aftermarket Weekly.com
. Launched all LIVE show broadcast on the website’s LIVE page
. Training must become part of your culture
. The value of coaching.
Networking is a must to grow and learn
. Succession planning and growth
. Embrace our youth
. Set up an apprentice program
. Reach out to a local shop and have coffee and talk.

Final Inspection – Quality Controls & Covid-19 [Bonus 07]

THA 164 Final Inspection – Quality Controls

We are tackling Quality Controls and the Final Inspection. This episode aired live during the Covid-19 Pandemic and will become an important listen not only for the power of a good Quality Control process but how the Coronavirus weaved into this conversation.

In this episode, I’m joined by Chris Cloutier, Golden Rule Auto Care and CEO of Autotext.me and Tom Ham, Auto Centric, Grand Rapids, MI and Automotive Management Network and
Frank Scandura, Frank’s European, Las Vegas.

This team does have strong Final Inspection QC – Quality Control practices. They share why they do it, what they’ve learned, that we are human and make mistakes which is the strongest reason for a good Final QC process and we also spice this conversation with their practices in light of the Covid-19 pandemic.

There is no need to take notes. If you want them go to remarkableresults.biz/a164 /// on my website! On the show notes page find my guests bio’s and links to their previous episodes. Also the lists Chris Cloutier offered are also linked there.

Covid-19 Aftermarket Panel Discussion ‘Business as Unusual’ [Bonus 06]

In the format of a virtual coffee discussion, this group delivered on a wide range of pertinent topics we are facing. In light of the Covid-19 pandemic we are talking lines of credit, SBA loans, sanitizing, marketing, open or closed waiting rooms, planing short, medium and long-range .. as each week passes, expense review and the optimism that you need to get through this

My panel, is shop owner Greg Skolnik from Motor Works in Rockville, MD, coach Bill Haas, Hass Performance Consulting, shop owner Tom Ham, Autocentric and Automotive Management Network, Grand Rapids, MI and shop owner Bill Nalu, Interstate Auto Care, Madison Heights, MI

Covid-19 Think Tank Panel Discussion for Unprecedented Times [Bonus 05]

For many small shop owners, you’ve learned how to implement smart practices and holding yourself accountable. You’ve joined networking groups, maybe even hired a coach to bring business acumen to your world.

If you’ve done a lot to become a better marketer and leader you’ll be OK. If not, it is not too late. There is some good business advice in this episode, that if you implement it you will come out the other side of this Covid-19 challenge.

You’ll value this discussion with Dwayne Myers, Greg Buckley, Matt Fanslow, Danny Sanchez and Bob Greenwood. …. and my pledge to keep you flowing with thoughts and ideas from your fellow colleagues continues.

Keep in mind it is still not too late to do the right things for your family, employees, business and customers. If there is anything I can do to help you … like find a peer network, talk to a friend, find a coach join an association …. reach out to me carm@remarkableresults.biz.

Bonus Episode 03 – Town Hall Academy on Insurance Coverage

THA 161 Insurance Coverage Review – Part 1

Many don’t understand insurance, some feel they are over-insured, some underinsured. When, it is too late, and you have a claim, that is when you learn about coverages. This episode will go a long way to help you comprehend.

I’m with Bambi Crozier, Car Clinic in Lowell, AR, Kim Aurenheimer, CS Automotive, Brentwood, TN and Brad Hazelwonder, Federated Insurance. We are all over insurance. When I owned my business doing an insurance review was never something I looked forward too, HOWEVER, I knew how important it was to me, my people and the business.

The show notes are already done for you and could serve as a great meeting outline. Go to remarkbleresults.biz/a161. Copy and paste the talking points and also find my guest’s bios and links to their previous episodes.

Bonus Episode 2 – Little Effort – Big Benefit

Just a few minutes of your time. Some important one on one time because I believe you’ve missed some excellent shows we’ve produced for you. Please subscribe to the Town Hall Academy and For The Record podcasts on your listening app. These shows have been separated from the Remarkable Results subscription. So you don’t miss these…

Bonus Episode – Them Changes | A Must Listen

Important Changes You’ll need to subscribe to each podcast separately. In the recent past, you would get every show we produce into your one single subscription of RRR. One of the easiest ways to find all three podcasts is to search under my name in your app. Key in Carm Capriotto. You will find the…