Leveraging Technology and Marketing in Recruitment [RR 969]

Dan and Dave Ostrov, co-founders of Whiterail Recruits, discuss recruiting challenges and strategies in the automotive industry. The conversation highlights the use of technology and marketing to address labor shortages, the issue of ghosting, and the importance of building relationships with potential candidates.

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Make Every Detail Count: What Message Are You Sending to Customers? [RR 932]

Recorded Live at the 2024 MACS (Mobile Air Climate Systems) Training Event & Trade Show, shop owner Bill Snow discusses marketing strategies, the use of social media platforms, and the importance of authenticity in video marketing. Bill shares insights on audience preferences for lighthearted content and emphasizes professionalism and the value of every customer interaction in reflecting the business’s dedication to service.

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Technician Attraction Blueprint [RR 921]

Chris Lawson discusses the Technician Attraction Blueprint, a strategy for automotive shops to attract and retain technicians by focusing on respect, growth, and money. Lawson’s blueprint, derived from extensive industry questions, helps shop owners self-assess and troubleshoot hiring issues. 

If you’re ready to transform your shop into a magnet for top talent and create an environment where technicians thrive, then you won’t want to miss this!

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From Dealership to Mobile Mechanic [RR 920]

Explore the challenges and benefits of mobile mechanics, Jesse’s future ambitions for a physical shop, and the value of mentorship in the automotive industry.

Jesse explains his transition to full-time mobile work, his marketing strategies, and customer service approach. He also touches on the logistics of mobile operations, from tools to working in various locations.

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The Art of Client Appreciation [RR 915]

Dane and Cathy Bailey discuss their transition from a franchise to independent operators, the importance of trust and reputation, and their unique approach to customer relations. The Baileys emphasize the significance of creating a welcoming environment, particularly for female clients, and the role of personalized gestures like thank-you baskets and branded gifts in building lasting relationships. They also explore the parallels between the automotive and real estate industries, highlighting the importance of professionalism and quality service.

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The New Frontier of Measuring Service Advisor Effort and Output [RR 913]

Stan Stokes and Eric Renninger from Iron Fist Consultants discuss the evolving roles of service advisors in the automotive industry, the impact of COVID-19 on consumer behavior, and the role of technology. Gone are the days of going purely on gut feeling; today, maximizing conversion rates means utilizing every bit of data available. Operationalizing data and effective communication are fundamental aspects of a positive customer journey. 

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Why CRM is Vital to Automotive Shop Success [THA 359]

Our panel discusses the importance of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) in the success of auto repair shops. They highlight CRM’s role in client retention, communication, and building trusted relationships. The discussion also covers the significance of integrating CRM with shop management systems and the potential for automation and reminders based on customer data. The panelists stress the importance of the first 100 days in the customer journey, the need for consistent touchpoints, and personalized communication. 

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Acquiring and Transforming a 72 Year Old Business [AW 171]

Jon Kloosterman, the Director of Operations at West Side Service in Zeeland, discusses their recent acquisition of a business and their approach to training and retention of technicians. The acquired business had been a pillar in the community for 72 years and was ready for a change in ownership. Jon also highlights the importance of maintaining professionalism and focusing on the right KPIs in your business. 

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Real Estate Strategies [AW 170]

Rick Levitan shares his experience and insights on real estate in the automotive industry. He discusses the importance of developing a strategy when expanding and finding new locations, as well as various methods for finding potential sites. Rick advises against falling in love with a specific location and highlights the option of leasing with an option to buy. He also discusses the role of real estate investment trusts (REITs) and the importance of demographics when considering a new location. Rick emphasizes the need for careful planning, good advisors, and transparency when acquiring a business or property.

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How Do You Define Professionalism? [THA 340]

How do you define professionalism? It’s not just about how we dress but how we act and conduct our business. In this episode our panel dives into how professionalism is key in the automotive industry, and how it affects our businesses. They discuss the impact of professionalism on customer perception and satisfaction, and share personal experiences of creating a positive and welcoming environment in their auto repair shops. By prioritizing both the physical appearance and the customer experience, auto repair shops can set themselves apart and create a loyal customer base.

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Rachel Spencer’s ‘Rachelisms’ for Auto Repair [AW 169]

What are some of Rachel Spencer’s “Rachelisms?” The Power of Consistency: Rachel emphasizes the importance of consistency and communication in her operations. She believes in creating habits, holding each other accountable, and striving for perfection while acknowledging that mistakes can happen. Customer Communication is Key: Rachel’s approach to customer service is all about overcommunication. You must provide customers with as much information as possible upfront, offering financing options, and sending vehicle health and safety reports via text. Rachel also shares her experiences with recruiting technicians including reaching out to institutes with automotive programs.

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Remodel 1 Year Later: See the Transition, See the Difference [AW 168]

Carm Capriotto visits Scott Felser’s shop to showcase the renovations he made since the last visit. They discuss various changes, including adding a door to the parts room, implementing a four-day workweek, and upgrading facilities like a coffee bar and bathroom. They also highlight the overall design and decorations, with input from Scott’s wife, new security cameras, new phone system, the positive customer feedback, and Scott’s involvement in the “Brakes for Breasts” campaign.

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Breaking the Mold: How a Staffing Agency Can Help You Build a Winning Team [THA 338]

“There isn’t a technician shortage,” Said no one ever. 

Please welcome our panel of guests to discuss the topic of recruiting talent with a staffing agency in the automotive industry. Shop owners Kathleen Callahan and Michelle Tansey share their experiences and challenges in finding skilled technicians and how partnering with Promotive, a full-service staffing agency, has been a game-changer for them.  Joelle Pollak and Amy Gerardi, Cofounders of Promotive, discuss the process of understanding individual shop needs, sourcing candidates, and the importance of communication and partnership between the agency and shop owners.


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Preparing for Fall 2023 Conferences [AW 167]

Carm Capriotto discusses upcoming fall conferences the podcast is attending, speaking engagements, and events, including the Brakes for Breasts Campaign. Our website, remarkableresults.biz, now features a Classroom page. It’s a treasure trove of podcast episodes organized into specific topics, perfect for research and team discussions. Stay curious, keep learning, and let’s continue to Advance the Aftermarket.

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Marketing Power Panel: Grow Your Revenue by $1 Million [THA 337]

Is it possible to grow your shop’s revenue by $1 million? Together, our panel of marketing gurus discuss the importance of marketing for automotive repair shops and provide insights on effective marketing strategies. The panel emphasizes the need to understand the shop’s current situation and goals before developing a marketing strategy. They also discuss financial aspects, setting goals for growth, seeking advice from successful shop owners, and creating memorable customer experiences. They stress the importance of strategic and proactive marketing and financial planning to drive business growth in the auto repair industry. Remember, marketing takes time and should be trusted as a process. Always be marketing, and don’t stop when business is busy.

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The Noble Mechanic: Before and After Transformation and Rebranding [AW 166]

In this episode, Reggie Stewart covers a range of topics from dispatching and business operations to shop renovations. Reggie recently undertook renovations at his shop in Kokomo, Indiana, he modernized the colors and feel of the shop to give it an upscale vibe, with the help of an interior designer. He also discusses the importance of building a positive culture and is currently working on creating job descriptions and manifestos for each position to better define expectations and attract the right people. 

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Hiring Process Explained [RR 865]

Phil Carpenter discusses the challenges of finding good technicians and the constant need for recruitment. Phil maps out the hiring process at Urban Auto Care and Avalon Motor Sports, which includes video interviews and in-person interviews. It’s critical to a good fit for the long term and filtering out candidates who are not willing to go through their hiring process. He also explains the importance of maintaining a sense of urgency in hiring, employee turnover, and recognizing when it’s time to let someone go. 

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One Location $2.5M: How We Do It [THA 334]

Shop owners Jimmy Alauria, Joe Hanson, and John Gustafson share their strategies and tactics for achieving exceptional success. The most valuable lesson? The importance of having a strong team, setting goals, and monitoring key performance indicators to achieve success. They emphasize the need for attention to detail, accountability, and hiring the right people, empowering them to lead and demonstrating commitment to the purpose and core values of the business. Tune in to learn more about how to achieve success in this industry!

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How Can Data Improve Customer Relationships and Sales? [860]

Are you looking for ways to improve your customer relationships and drive business success? Bill Nalu and Stan Stokes discuss the importance of using data and information to enhance customer relationships and sales. They share their experiences with auditing phone calls and using personality assessments to identify areas for improvement. Tune in to learn practical advice for using data and information to improve your customer relationships and drive business success.

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Brakes For Breasts – 2023 Update & Challenge [CC 110]

Brakes For Breasts – 2023 Update & Challenge Breast Cancer Vaccine Trials at the Cleveland Clinic and a Challenge for Participation for the 2023 October Initiative which supports breast cancer vaccine research at the Cleveland Clinic. The co-founders of the campaign, Leanne Best and Laura Frank, discuss the importance of finding a cause that aligns with their values and the challenges of funding vaccine research. We discuss the success of the campaign and their goals for the future, encouraging independent repair shops to participate and donate 10% of labor and parts for brake jobs.

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Personalized Customer Service and Marketing Strategies [AW 160]

If you’re in the automotive industry, you know it’s not just about fixing cars; it’s about providing exceptional customer service, too. Leigh Anne Best and Bill Hill, owners of Mighty Auto Pro, discuss their marketing strategies that have helped attract and retain customers. They’ve created a customer-friendly environment, providing loaner vehicles, shuttle services, and free towing up to $50.

But it’s not just about the extras. Mighty Auto Pro also emphasizes continuous learning and growth, requiring a minimum of 40 hours of training per year for their technicians. They encourage their employees to pursue their interests and hobbies, even if they are not related to auto repair. This culture of training has grown beyond anything Leigh Anne and Bill could have imagined, with technicians pushing each other to attend classes and improve their skills.

So, what can you learn from Mighty Auto Pro’s marketing strategy? Personalization, exceptional customer service, and a culture of continuous learning and growth can go a long way in retaining and attracting customers. Make everything effortless for the customer, and they’ll keep coming back.

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Giving Back to the Community: The Social Impact Initiatives of Adam and Son Auto Repair [RR 850]

Are you tired of the same old auto repair experience with poor customer service and no personal touch? Look no further than Adam and Son Auto Repair in Colorado Springs. Owner Dan Adam and VP of Social Impact and Strategy Stacy Burns, share their insights on creating a unique customer experience and positively impacting their community.

Dan Adam founded Adam and Son Auto Repair with a mission to improve the way auto repair businesses are run and provide exceptional customer service. He achieved this by defining 28 fundamentals that create behaviors for team members and ingrained them in the company culture through weekly messages and daily huddles. But the customer experience at Adam and Son doesn’t stop there. They have implemented social impact initiatives that provide free car repairs to single mothers, domestic violence victims, and disabled veterans through their Stranded Motorist Fund. This program aims to provide safe and reliable transportation to those in need and has gained positive feedback from the community. Adam and Son have gained high-quality customers who support their business by providing excellent customer service and making a positive social impact.

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