THA 127: Overcoming Owner Burnout

Overcoming Owner Burn Out

Endeavor into some really great smart talk on delegating, recharging and prioritizing. Things you must do so you don’t spin deep into a negative vortex.

This team dishes out solutions to staying fresh and relying on your team to help you accomplish all your goals. Find out what it took Gerry and Jon to leave the business in the hands of their team. Is it easy? Is it easy? Will you need to start slow? How do your people fit into this equation? Are they qualified? Have you prepared them? How do you handle distractions? These and many more questions answered for you right now.

Join Jon Bockman from Bockman’s Auto Care, two locations based out of Sycamore, IL, and the NAPA Auto Care Center of the year 2019, also Gerry Frank, Auto Repair Technology, Brook Park, OH and Partner in Repair Shop Coach and Jim Hayes, General Manager, Pacific Motor Service, Monterey, CA

THA 109: How to Handle the Overload of Information, Workload and All That You Have to Learn.

How to Handle the Overload of Information, Workload and All That You Have to Learn

We are in deep talking about how they deal with getting things done, keeping up on their learning curve, dealing with an overstuffed ‘In-Box’, prioritizing, delegating, learning, neural pathways, and exercise, just to name a few.

With me in studio talking ‘Information Overload’ is Donny Seyfer, Executive officer of NASTF and co-owner of Seyfer Automotive, Wheat Ridge, CO, Rob Rowsell, Family Auto Service La Mesa, CA (4 shop group) author of ‘Addicted to Life; How I Went From Homeless to Extraordinary Success and Happiness in a Short Period of Time.” and serial entrepreneur Mark Roberts, managing partner at Schertz Auto Service, Schertz TX

Guaranteed you’ll pick up at least one thing on helping you become a more organized and effective person.


RR 410: Tom Ham – Running Your Business Remotely

Tom Ham: Running your Business Remotely

Tom answers some big questions like: Does it take the right culture and people to make working remotely work? What kind of self-discipline to you need? And how does technology make it feel like you are there? We cover a full spectrum of how Tom makes it work.

Tom Ham gives us the blueprint on how to run a remote office and what are the expectations that come along with it.

THA 104: Business Coaches Lab: The Art of Implementation – How to Get Things Done

The Business Coaches LAB: The Art of Implementation: How To Get Things Done.

In our continuing series of the Business Coaches Lab, we work to help you get into gear. The coaches mostly agree that there a few key problems for inaction.

The discussion includes finding your momentum, your one thing, planning, reflecting and the fact that you are trying to do too much, you wear too many hats. If you want to be a better leader, CEO and all-around good person you need to give these coaches a listen. A ton of free advice for you.

I’m joined by Rick White from 180 Biz, Cecil Bullard, with the Institute for Automotive Business Excellence, Jude Larson from the ACT Group, and Murray Voth, from RPM Training. Key Talking points, already written for you that will give you a bulleted plan for improvement. Also, find my guest’s bio’s links to their coaching companies and links to their previous episodes at

THA 086: Stop Being Busy and Improve Your Productivity!

Stop Being Busy and Improve Your Productivity

The panel includes Dennis McCarran, Executive Director of Dealer Strategic Planning, Justin Galsgow, Performance Tire & Wheel, Topeka, KS and Darren McClea from McClea’s Tire and Automotive, Santa Rosa, CA.

We talk your to-do-list, delegating, emails, time wasters, texts, finishing, priorities, and making time to get things done. A suggestion to get into work early and review your day and prioritize the critical task.

Consider batching your projects. Seeing reps; consider Tuesdays are the day for reps. This tightens up your planning efforts.

RR 343: Shop Talk: John Constantin, Mike Shultz, and Jim Fleischman

Shop Talk: Time Management and Digital Inspections

Shop talk with three shop owners; John Constantin, Jim Fleishman and Mike Schultz talk time management and digital inspections.
Systems for time management will either make our lives easier or without them, our stress level could be at Defcon 2. You may use post-it notes or digital software to stay on track and more organized.

This episode was recorded live and was an ‘open mic’ format. You enjoy the dialogue between these shop owners from the Western New York area near Buffalo.

THA 034: Nine Tips For a Better Work Life Balance

If you want Work Life Balance, first, you must BELIEVE that it’s possible. Once you believe that it’s possible, you must DECIDE that is what you want and set your INTENTION to make it so.

Become an expert at work-life balance by making it a habit, planning for it. You’ve heard many of the principles in this episode but you may have never heard them in an unfiltered way from your industry peers.

Make the choice what you are going to be. Be the master of your business. Be the master of your family when you are with them.

THA 021: Getting Things Done: A Discussion on the Challenges of Time Management

Are You Getting Things Done? Do You Find it a Challenge to Finish Tasks?

Listen to three of your industry peers as they discuss their perspective on what it takes to accomplish their tasks and goals. You’ll hear about creating a theme day, tactics to get more done, time wasters, and a suggestion that if you try to do too many things you don’t do any of them well.

We all struggle with this in this time challenged, too much to do world. This episode will help you find methods and ideas to make you more productive.