Eleven Tips for Creating ‘Extreme Employee Loyalty’

It is not important that you love to come to work and enjoy what you do? With my ear to the ground as the aftermarket podcast guy, an enduring culture rings strong as one of the most important strategies of an extremely successful business. One critical component of that success and the only way it…

The Power of Your Story is Effective Marketing

I picked up a book recently and could not put it down. I mean it. It grabbed me and I realized that this was the perfect read for the automotive aftermarket professionals. The advice resonated with me and I realized how wrong many of us have been as it relates to marketing our businesses. The…

Concierge Service

I have completed over 400 interviews with aftermarket professionals and there have been a few common threads I have been hearing as of late, they include: Getting paid for what you do. Letting ethics and integrity drive your business culture. Using quality parts. Paying attention to your numbers and measuring your KPI’s. (Key Performance Indicators)…

Do You Need a Quick New Idea That Will Give You a Competitive Edge?

When your business is running at top performance, you look back and realize all the hard work it took to get there. It takes years to become an overnight success!  You got there by making big improvements early on and now you are making small tweaks that continue to build your differentiation in the marketplace.…

Perfect Customer. Shaping YOUR Avatar.

Have you spent time developing who your target customer is? Do you really know when that ‘perfect customer’ walks in your door? Shop owner Gene Morrill from Certified Automotive in Glendora, CA, a Motor Age top shop winner 5 out of the last 7 years, makes this a critical part of his strategy. You must…

Starbucks: A Lesson In Value

David Fishof’s book ‘Rock Your Business’ was a great read. If you wanted to know about Rock ‘n’ Roll Fantasy Camp and how a rock promoter and sports agent got started and grew a very successful business; a fun read. There are some great stories in this book about leadership, patience, preparation and persistence. One…