Mike Tatich – 20 Questions in 30 Minutes [RR 566]

Mike Tatich – 20 Questions in 30 Minutes [RR 566]

Listen to shop owner Mike Tatich from TMT Complete Auto Service Center answer 20 questions on life and business. He shares some great advice he got from family and friends. He talks about how important people are in business and how important your networks are in case all else fails.

Mike Tatich also talks about reading more and networking to other shop owners. Mike has become a John Maxwell Leadership Certified business coach. He has a story of letting go, a perfectionist control freak, a helicopter dad, and he needs to get busier doing other stuff.

Find the key talking points, Mike Tatich’s bio and links to his previous episodes at remarkableresults.biz/e566

Live at the Grill with Chris Della Bella [THA 186]

THA 186 Live at the Grill with Chris Della Bella

Welcome friend to a first for the Town Hall Academy. I attempted to pull off a live cooking show with my friend Chris Della Bella, the Director of Market Development, Northern US for Advance/Carquest. We had some tech glitches, but we created a short and fun episode that accomplished our goal.

You know food is a universal language and breaking bread with people is one of the most intimate and fun relationship builder.

Imagine a cooking show in audio format. Our industry is known to hold cookouts for the team and with that idea in mind, we held a live cooking show. Sure you can listen to the podcast or go to the show notes page or my Youtube channel to watch Chris in action. remarkableresults.biz/a186

I hope you have plans this week to cook out for your team and your family while practicing social distancing.

Giving Back: His Calling to Expose the Automotive to High School Students [RR 565]

Giving Back: His Calling to Expose the Automotive to High School Students [RR 563]

My guest today demonstrates paying it forward. Luke Walker from Columbus, OH shares his 10-year success path from a one-bay shop into a 16 bay, $4M business.

He credits great people, coaching and a strong culture. A fascinating part of Luke’s story is his giving back to the community. As you listen, think about how you can help impress the automotive industry on the young people in your community. He is leading and supporting an after school program that unwraps automotive systems to students that may show technical/mechanical gifting and encourage them to our industry.

Talk to me at carm@remarkableresults.biz Thanks!!!! for sharing your thoughts. Find the key talking points, Patrick’s bio and links to his previous episodes at remarkableresults.biz/e565

The Moment of Impact – Validate Your Leadership – Paul McCarthy and John Passante [RR 564]

RR 564: The Moment of Impact – Validate Your Leadership

I am with John Passante and Paul McCarthy as we discover ways to learn and understand the intricacies of leadership and being a shop owner. A big point John makes is validation and how it connects to leadership. We will learn the concept behind how to be understood properly when communicating with your employees and how to give the right prop ups to deserving employees!

Dr. John Passante is a legacy automotive aftermarket Human Resource professional and the President and CEO of The Organizational Development Group and Paul T. McCarthy is the President of Automotive Aftermarket Suppliers Association. AASA is the voice for the automotive aftermarket supplier industry.

Find the talking points, bios and key talking points of John Passante and Paul McCarthy at remakableresults.biz/e564

Apprentice Program – Grow Your Own Technician [THA 185]

THA 185 Apprentice Programs – Growing Your Own Technicians

Do you need a technician? What are you doing about it. There is some great talent available as an outcome of the pandemic; however, it won’t last.

Here is another episode on apprenticing. This is a recurring curring theme on the podcast. I will put up a link on the show notes page that displays all podcasts that helps you learn about apprentice programs.

The panel: Pete McNeil, shop owner, Mc Neils Auto Care, The NAPA 2020 Shop Owner of the Year, Sandy, UT, 2 Locations. (Expanded Sandy location to 16 bays and use it for education). Jake Sorensen, Technician, the 2019 NAPA ASE Technician of the Year, He is an ASE Master technician with L1,2 and 3 advanced level certifications. He is the shop manager and diagnostic technician at McNeil’s Auto Care in Sandy, UT and Alexia Murphy, Program Specialist, Department of Workforce Services, State of Utah

The key talking points listed on the show notes page will make a great meeting agenda or outline for change find them at remarkableresuts.biz/a185

Patrick McHugh – 20 Questions in 30 Minutes [RR 563]

Patrick McHugh – 20 Questions in 30 Minutes [RR 563]

Welcome to the second episode of the new format. You’ll hear from shop owner Patrick McHugh from Bimmer Rescue. He talks about the top three most important needs when opening a shop and his solution to time waste.

Patrick McHugh also shares his personal views on business and family. During the start of the interview, he talks about his Appreciation for Family because he was separated from them the moment COVID-19 hit.

Find the key talking points, Patrick McHugh’s bio and links to his previous episodes at remarkableresults.biz/e563

Why Coaching is a Business Life Saver – Rick White [RR 562]

RR 562: Rick White on Coaching

Rick White, President and Lead Coach for 180BIZ will help you understand and appreciate the shop owner and business coach dynamic. Coaching is about relationships and communication.

Rick and I talk about why a shop does not have a coach and how failure only happens when you refuse to learn from it. Find the talking points, Ricks bio and key talking points at remakableresults.biz/e162

Decade the Seventies – Talking Auto Repair [THA 184]

Decade the Seventies: Talking Auto Repair – THA 184

What was auto repair like in the decade of the seventies? In order to make this panel work, I needed to find aftermarket leaders that are still active in the industry and who were in the trenches in the seventies. I found them. And what you are going to hear is an incredible journey from their collective memories.

Listen to this cast: Mitch Schneider, Chris Chesney, Maylan Newton, Jerry Kezhaya, and Bob Pulverenti. Needless to say, this group had so much fun sharing their escapades as technicians or shop owners. Even if you weren’t a member of the class of the seventies you’ll appreciate the stories of how things were and without them, we wouldn’t have what we have today.

Key talking points and links to my guest’s previous episodes at remarkableresults.biz/a184

Ryan Clo – 20 Questions in 30 Minutes [RR 561]

Ryan Clo – 20 Questions in 30 Minutes [RR 561]

Welcome to this inaugural new format you’ll hear from shop owner and coach Ryan Clo from Dubwerx and Avid Autowerx in Cincinnati. Ryan answers 20 questions within about 30 minutes. This is up close and personal and I believe brings value to you as you continue to navigate and grow your business to boundless success.

Ryan Clo shares one new skill he would like to have, new technology he recently added, his dream car, and one of his biggest mistakes and a whole lot more.

Find the key talking points, Ryan Clo’s bio and links to his previous episodes at remarkableresults.biz/e561

Improve Your Leadership Influence: Join Toastmasters [RR 560]

Improve Your Leadership Influence: Join Toastmasters [RR 560]

Ever want to grow your self-confidence, your ability to speak to a small meeting or a larger group. Well, toastmasters is a forum to challenge yourself to not only be a better presenter but a better listener and even a stronger leader.

Two aftermarket pros who are in Toastmasters Chris Cloutier, co-owner of Golden Rule Auto Care in Dallas Texas and CEO of Auto Texg.me and Craig O’Neill an integrator and trainer at Autotex.me are my guests. Learn their tale on how Toastmasters has really helped them in their careers.

We live and die by communication. Three out of four people have a fear of speaking and if you know it or not you are always selling, which requires good communication skills. Craig’s challenge to the industry is to get our trainers to embrace toastmasters to help them in their engagement and delivery. He and Chris believe we can all become better presenters and leaders.

Find the key talking points and my guest’s bio’s at remarkableresults.biz/e560

Selling Your Business – The First Steps [THA 183]

THA 183 Selling Your Business – The First Steps

I’m with coach and consultant Bob Ward from Warden LLC and perpetualbusiness.co, and David Justice, Coach with Repair Shop of Tomorrow. David sold His three shops and now supports shop owners to build their legacy.

You are going to find out about an exciting concept of building a perpetual business, which means it outlasts you. In essence, you prepare to sell your business the day you open, taking the stress of preparing your business for sale

The key talking points for this episode are already done for you, find them, and my guest’s bios at remarkableresults.biz/a183. These key talking points will make for a great planning agenda.

Make Customer Service your Single Biggest Competitive Advantage [RR 559]

Make Customer Service your Single Biggest Competitive Advantage [RR 559]

If you are a customer service advocate, one who believes in the Customer Experience you’ve come to a well of information that will confirm your strategies and help to create a new and powerful commitment to your customer.

Author John DeJulius and business coach Alan Beech talk about John’s book ‘Customer Service Revolution’. This is a highly recommended read from me and you can find it on the books page on the website.

John DeJulius says you can’t out market or outspend your competition … You need to out love them with an exceptional customer experience. He also says that exceptional experiences is one of the only sustainable differentiators among competitors.
Learn about secret service systems and soft skills training. You have to know your customer even at the tiniest level like learning what their coffee preferences are. You can out-service the competition this way. Exceeding their expectations ensures having a repeat customer.

Find the key talking points and bios for John DiJulius III and Alan Beech’s at remarkableresults.biz/e559