RR 173: Nick Modesti from Modesti’s Car Care Center

A true family culture ingrained with their customers.

Nick Modesti from Modesti’s Car Care Center in Culver City, CA is second generation nurturer. Nick has carried the tradition of his dad and mom to their team members and customers. Everyone feels the family culture which is never compromised.

Interview covers their goal to maintain 100% satisfaction with our clients, implementation of a DVI program, why having a business coach is one of his best decisions, how he bonuses his team for achieving training goals, and their peace of mind warranty program among others.

RR 172: Giuliano Zuccato, Clay Sculptor – 1964 Mustang

Sculptor Giuliano Zuccato shares his story inside the Ford Design studio as a member of the team that created the 1964 Ford Mustang.

Giuliano Zuccato, one of the original clay sculptors who worked in the Ford Design Studio on the 1964 Mustang, tells an inspiring story of an immigrant who discovered his passion for sculpting as a result of a life threatening illness.

RR 171: Robert Noriega from Autoworks Tampa

Humble beginnings: Started fixing cars in his mother’s garage to pay for college.

Bob Noriega from Autoworks of Tampa, FL has been in business only 7 years but has a winning formula of processes and systems that will allow him to duplicate and grow.

He credits his hard work, personal drive and business coach for setting a strong level of accountability. Bob’s business growth is directly attributed to managing his numbers and his passion on a ‘complete’ customer experience.

RR 170: Jude Larson, JML Real Solutions

How to become a sought-after business, that everyone wants to work for.

Jude Larson the president, owner and lead consultant for JML Real Solutions uses his rich experience and business success as he works with service professionals to re-engineer their businesses.

Jude shares ideas on how to become a legendary or sought-after business where top performers want to work and why company culture is precious and you need to build it and protect it. Jude also asks every client to review their business from a 30,000-foot view to gain a perspective and build the right priorities for their business.

RR 169: Seth Thorson from Eurotech Auto Repair

Euro specialist shop owner is also a BMW trainer and embraces technician networking.

Scott Thorson has specialized in the service of European automobiles since 1999. A BMW Trained technician also owns a nationwide BMW tech Support service (LMV Bavarian) that people all over the world use for BMW technical advice.

A national BMW trainer embraces new technology and understands that there is always someone willing to work harder to take everything away.

RR 168: Bob Heipp – Mobile Diagnostician

Automotive technician finds his move to mobile diagnostician the perfect fit.

Bob Heipp lead tech and Technician Manager for Mobile Auto Solutions, LLC in Chicago evolved throughout his career as learning became his passion and smart career path.

Bob believes his desire to learn is what opened doors to meeting technicians around the world. He considers

RR 167: Eric Svedberg from Automotive Specialists

How efficiency drives sales and profits for this three-bay service professional.

Eric Svedberg started as an Amoco dealer at the age of 22. Now at 45 years old he has much to share as a young man with 23 years of hard knocks experience. He adopted the slogan ‘Dealer Alternative’ from the day he opened.

RR 166: Jim Cathcart from the Cathcart Institute

Did you know that your customer relationships are considered an asset?

International best-selling author, world renowned speaker and president of the Cathcart Institute, Jim Cathcart is a worldwide leader in relationship selling and personal and professional development. He is one of the most award winning professional speakers in the world.

RR 165: Mark Goldsmith from Mark’s Independent Service

Hiring a millennial service writer had a positive influence on this service professional.

In 1988 Mark Goldsmith opened Mark’s Independent Service in Chatsworth, CA. He aspired to be the best owner/technician he could be and constantly pushed himself to further his knowledge and understanding of the automotive industry.