RR 116: Craig & Deb Van Batenburg from ACDC

Craig Van Batenburg is the CEO of ACDC and a former repair shop owner. His wife Deb is his partner and vice-president. Craig is engaged full time in the understanding of the technology used in hybrid and electric cars. His 45 years of automotive experience serves him well.

Craig Van Batenburg gives some great insight into why his career took the path to Hybrid repair and training. He says back in the early seventies he worked at a Honda dealership. With a huge passion for Honda’s, at 26 years old he opened a shop to work on Honda’s only. He bought the first model Honda Insight which was the 23rd hybrid sold in Massachusetts. His wife Deb went to Kent State and was always into recycling and politics. NOTE: This is the first husband and wife interview on Remarkable Results Radio Podcast.

RR 104: Todd Westerlund from Kukui

Do you want to further your uptake on how to communicate with millennials? Want to catch a discussion on ‘gamificaton? (what’s that … you are just a click away)

Kukui CEO Todd Westerlund and I sat down and had a lively talk that will fill up a yellow pad of ideas. This is not GEEK talk at all, just an enlightening and open discussion where will you will learn at least one new thing.

Audit the other discussion points on lifestyle marketing and taking advantage of social networks. Get your straight up talk on marketing to millennials here.

RR 078: Behind the Scenes on the Connected Car Part 1

To say you are in for a deep and powerful discussion about the connect car is an understatement. Your panel consists of four very ‘connected’ individuals as it related to the connected car. With vehicle technology a big part of the Consumer Electronics Show in early 2016, it demonstrates the importance and value of this…