Archive for September 2015
RR 050: Joe Sevart of I70 Auto Service
A special thanks to Joe Sevart, in celebrating a milestone, as the 50th podcast guest! Joe Sevart from I70 Auto Service in Kansas City, MO, received a very high honor from NAPA in 2014 as their NAPA/ASE Technician of the Year. Please watch this special video done as a tribute to Joe: He’s a…
RR 049: Bob Greenwood from AAEC
Bob Greenwood, AAM is President and CEO of Automotive Aftermarket E-Learning Centre Ltd. AAEC is a company focused on providing Business Management Resources and Development for the Independent Sector of the aftermarket industry. Bob has over 40 years of Business Management experience within the Independent sector of the automotive aftermarket industry in North America, consulting with…
RR 048: Jeff Matt from Victory Auto Service
Meet Jeff Matt owner and founder of Victory Auto Service & Glass, a family-owned, award-winning auto repair and auto glass business with six locations in Minnesota and Florida, is known for its honest, dependable service. Before opening Victory Auto in 1997, Jeff worked as an automotive technician and dreamed of opening a shop where the customer always felt…
RR 047: Trish Serratore SR Vice President of ASE
Trish Serratore is the Senior Vice President of ASE along with being President of the National Automotive Technicians Education foundation (NATEF) and the Automotive Youth Educational Systems (AYES). She works closely with all of the organizations within the ASE Industry/Education initiative, which also includes ASE and the Automotive Training Managers Council (ATMC), to help provide…
RR 046 Greg Skolnik from Motor Works
RR 045: Kim Walker from 5 Stones Media
RR 044: Rick Bilger from Advanced Auto Pros
Rick Bilger a 40 year service professional owns Advanced Auto Pros in Greely, CO. His Grandfather and Dad were mechanics/technicians and Rick practices his craft in a 10 bay facility with 4 techs, and two service advisors. Rick, a pilot, offers some very interesting and unique strategies in this episode. Much to learn from this episode.…
RR 043: Trish Serratore President NATEF & AYES
Trish Serratore is the President of the National Automotive Technicians Education foundation (NATEF) and the Automotive Youth Educational Systems (AYES) as well as Senior Vice President at ASE. She works closely with all of the organizations within the ASE Industry/Education initiative, which also includes ASE and the Automotive Training Managers Council (ATMC), to help provide…
RR 042: Dave Toole from Tooles’ Garage
Dave Toole, owner of Toole’s Garage in San Carlos, CA has a family affair, with Dave’s entire family working in the business. A great discussion on family and a few challenges as every family business knows. However he knows his role; as the glue of the organization. He keeps it going and all together. Dave…