The Relationship you Have with Your Accountant – Beyond the Numbers [THA 169]

Hunt Demarest, CPA Paar-Melis. Hunt is Accredited in Business Valuation and a licensed Certified Public Accountant that has been with the firm since 2006. He specializes in business taxes, valuations, and does consult work with our clients all across the country. When he’s not in the office, Hunt enjoys spending time with his family, golfing,…

Bright Light Shines from this Business Coaches Round-Table [RR 531]

Bob Greenwood, AMAM (Accredited Master Automotive Manager) is President and C.E.O. of Automotive Aftermarket E-Learning Centre Ltd. (AAEC). AAEC is a company focused on providing Business Management Resources and Development for the Independent Sector of the aftermarket industry. AAEC content and technology is recognized as part of the curriculum of the Fixed Operations Diploma and the…

Carrie Lynn Rodenberg and Kim Walker on Social Media [RR 530]

Carrie-Lynn Rodenberg, the owner of Turnkey Marketing, founded her boutique marketing firm after moving from New York where she was in charge of the direct response marketing for a 10 BILLION dollar company (Emblem Health). She went on to be the Director of Marketing and won the 2nd place Infusionsoft Ultimate Marketer Of The Year Award. Carrie-Lynn graduated…

Success Stories from the Coaching Front Lines PART 2 [THA 168]

  Mike McGroarty has been an auto care professional for over 35 years. He grew up in the family business working for his father. After graduating from trade school in 1982, Mike leased his own Shell auto care center.  In 2002 Mike sold his auto care center and purchased land and built his own 6,000…

Derek Kaufman on the Future of Battery Electric Drive Vehicles [RR 529]

For 40 years, Derek Kaufman has worked in the Transportation Industry with positions ranging from VP Marketing and Product Planning for Freightliner Trucks, SR VP of Sales, Marketing and Customer Support for Hino Trucks, President of Diesel Technology Co, a subsidiary of Penske Corporation, VP of Fixed Operations for Smart USA and CEO of Mission…

Technician Round Table – Part 9 OUTSPOKEN on Training – Heipp – Landry – Fanslow [RR 528]

RR 528: OUTSPOKEN on Training

Now Tech Talk 9 with Bob Heipp, Peter Landry and Matt Fanslow. This outspoken trio ponders training in a big way since we recorded this at vision. It was a perfect topic since Vision of the Premier training event. As it is typical with this trio they didn’t hold back and we had some fun.

We cover what it takes to be a trainer, what type of student are you, hands-on, play or research and critical thinking just to name a few.

Find the show notes and talking points at

Success Stories from the Coaching Front-lines [THA 167]

Bill Haas, AAM, is the owner of Haas performance consulting LLC, with 40 years of experience in the automotive service and repair industry. Clients have access to Bill’s solution-based focus, expertise, unique perspectives and in-depth knowledge of the industry. Bill began his career working part-time at a full-service gasoline station in Appleton, Wisconsin. His career…

Do You Understand Your Role? [RR 527]

Philip Christensen started his automotive career in 1997 with the world’s largest independently owned tire company. From there he worked his way through there apprenticeship, and management programs. In 2012 Phil joined BG Automotive which was a 4 person operation at the time. Today he has helped grow it to 3 dentations and 28 team…

Tech Update: AI and The Autonomous Vehicle [RR 526]

Scott Brown is an ASE Master Certified Automobile Technician with over three and a half decades of professional service industry experience. He and his wife own Connie & Dick’s Service Center Inc., a 57-year-old independent shop in Southern California. With a strong focus on engine performance and electronics, Scott began collaborating with other industry professionals, online,…

What Would I Tell My Younger Self [THA 166]

Ron Haugen, Retired, Sold Shop now a Coach Doug Grills, AutoStream Car Care Center, multi-shop owner, Baltimore, MD (Six Locations) Chris Monroe, Monroe Tire and Service, shop owner, Shelby, NC. Chris got on the track to becoming an industry superstar at the early age of 10, as his father started Monroe Tire in 1974. He took over…

Are you a Shop Owner or a Business Owner [RR 525]

Guest Ron Tinner from Sparks Tire and Auto, St. Charles, MO a NAPA CarCare Center   Key Talking Points: Best advice you ever received- Get off the counterOnce you start delegating responsibilities you realize what you could’ve been doing better all along  Many struggles are self-inflicted Owner of business instead of the owner of the…

What Needs to be in Your Marketing Plan Right Now [RR 524]

Dori Eppstein is the Founder and President of Amazing Women in Automotive and is an Automotive Coach/Consultant for ESi. She grew up in Southern California and started off in the auto repair industry handling the marketing for her brother’s first shop. She learned more about the business challenges auto repair shop owners face through working…

Surviving an Economic Downturn [THA 165]

Ron Ipach, co-founder or Repair Shop Coach, has helped over 5536 auto repair shop owners to get and keep all the top-quality customers they can handle. Marketing auto repair services are all he does. He lives, eats, and breathes it every day. He has seen, heard, and tested practically every kind of marketing there is out…