Wealth Building: Become a Financial Adult [RR 575]

Wealth Building: Becoming a Financial Adult [RR 575]

Jerry Kezhaya and his wife Dr. Laura Shwaluk bring you a powerful discussion on wealth and money. Jerry and Dr. Laura own The Auto Shop in Plano, TX. They are also leading Business Builders Mentor and Mastermind USA, helping entrepreneurs accelerate their businesses and open doors of mental blocks that prevent them from succeeding.

We discuss Debt, Wealth Building, Entitlement, Consumerism and Determining a Need or a Want. Surprisingly, 85% of 65 years or older don’t have access to $25,000. That is a very sad percentage knowing that you have worked almost all of your life, but do not reap the benefits!

Let this episode be your springboard to bounce you back to financial stability. The episode talks about Fiat Currency, the distinction between spending and investing, spending habits, and other in-depth financial mechanisms wired deep within you. As you listen, there are a lot of variables on why we fail with money. But there are also a lot of things to help us with what to do about it.

Get Jerry and Laura’s bio and talking points and previous episodes at remarkableresults.biz/e575.

Massachusetts Right to Repair Law: Vehicle Data Access [RR 574]

Massachusetts Right to Repair Law 2020: Vehicle Data Access [RR 574]

Welcome to an important and vital episode as it relates to how we will do business in the future. It’s about access to data that will be necessary to fix our clients’ vehicles. There is some astounding money being put up against this pro-consumer initiative in Massachusetts. The intention of this episode is to serve up awareness and the impact a NO vote from Massachusetts voters will mean to automotive repair going forward.

By 2022, 87% of new vehicles will be transmitting telematics data wirelessly. But who owns the data? The car manufacturer does. Without access to data, the independent service professional will not be able to get specific diagnostic data. They will hold all the cards and charge handsomely for it.

My guests are advocates of this ‘Right to Repair Law – Vehicle Data Access Requirement Initiative (2020)’. Bill Hanvey, President and CEO of Auto Care Association, and Aaron Lowe, Senior Vice President, Regulatory and Government Affairs.

Find the show notes at https://remarkableresults.biz/e574.

Succession Planning: With an Internal Candidate [THA 190]

THA 190 Succession with an Internal Candidate

In keeping with my goal to keep the succession theme burning as we face the reality that many of you need to retire and sell your business and many of you would like to become business owners.

This episode reveals a transaction with two internal non-family successors. Bob Ward anchors this episode as he helped orchestrate this transaction.

I’m with business owner Steve LaFleur from Prescott Import Car Service and one of the internal co-buyers, Dave Mendez. Dave has worked for Steve for 10 years.

This very candid conversation will help move your succession plans forward and you can get all the key talking points from this episode at remarkableresults.biz/a190. These key talking points will make for a great planning agenda.

Procedures and Systems Part 2 with Brian Gillis [RR 573]

Procedures and Systems Part 2 with Brian Gillis [RR 573]

Welcome to the second part of processes and systems with Brian Gillis. Brian is the Chief You Net-Results Strategist, with 25+ years experience in auto shop operations, hiring, recruiting, systems, processes, multi-store experience, and employee training.

A big part of building your Standard Operating Procedures is to start. Brian shares his formula and discipline for not only starting but for continual improvement.

Get Brian’s bio and talking points and his previous episodes at remarkableresults.biz/e573 .

Assessments: Hire Engaged, and Productive Employees Who Find a Home [RR 572]

Assessments: Hire Engaged, and Productive Employees Who Find a Home [RR 572]

There is a need in supporting businesses in enhancing their organizational eco-system through it’s single most important asset… The PEOPLE! The lifeline of a healthy business culture can be done at the tip of your fingertips

My guests today are; Carlo Sabucco, Mark Simons, David & Bonnie Schedin. They will be enlightening us with the value and importance of assessments. Assessments can identify people who have the highest probability of being successful in a role and provide practical recommendations for maximizing their performance.

learn the importance of two different assessments and how hiring with this knowledge will help your businesses leverage and streamline your hiring process and find a great match to enhance your team

The key talking points and important links found at remarkableresults.biz/e572/

Delayed Maintenance: The Power of Appointments [THA 189]

THA 189 Delayed Maintenance – The Power of Appointments

This episode is about delayed maintenance and the power of appointments. You are going to find fascinating data and information that will help you make strategic changes in your business.

I’m with Bill Thompson, President, IMR Inc. / automotiveresearch.com and shop owner Brett Beachler, Beachler’s Vehicle Care and Repair, Peoria, IL

To see the data referenced in this Academy episode you can watch the video on the show notes page or find each chart on the show notes page.

BTW there is a ton of great advice here but don’t take my word for it, listen until the end, even in two sessions. Get all the key talking points on the website at remarkableresults.biz/a189

Industry Terminology: It’s Time to Change it. Can You Get Behind This? [RR 571]

Industry Terminology: It’s Time to Change it. Can You Get Behind This? [RR 571]

The Panel: Chris Cloutier is co-owner of Golden Rule Auto Care in Dallas Texas and CEO of Auto Text Me. He spent many years in the software industry developing solutions for companies, and Bob Greenwood is President and C.E.O. of Automotive Aftermarket E-Learning Centre Ltd. (AAEC) a company focused on providing Business Management Resources and Development for the Independent Sector of the aftermarket industry.

Welcome to a fun and fast-paced show for you all about the language of our beloved aftermarket. Chris and Bob are providing provocative ideas for change in the language we use. They believe that many of the words we use don’t have the same meaning today that they did years ago.

Some of the language they feel we need to remove is training, customer, and business owner to name just a few. We’ve taken great notes for you so you can use as an agenda in your next team or networking meetings, Go to the show notes page at remarkableresults.biz/e571 . Also, find Chris and Bob’s bios and links to their previous episodes.

Margaret Palango – 20 Questions in 30 Minutes [RR 570]

Margaret Palango – 20 Questions in 30 Minutes [RR 570]

Margaret is the Executive Vice President at Autoshop Solutions in Raleigh-Durham, North Carolina Area. She shares some great and applicable advice on grit and positive thinking while emphasizing on the importance of building trust and building better teamwork.

Margaret Palango also talks about how she relies on her intuition whenever there is a difficult decision to make. She never regrets listening to her intuition. She made her intuition stronger in her professional life.

Find the key talking points, Margaret Palango’s bio and links to his previous episodes at remarkableresults.biz/e570

Succession With a Family Member [THA 188]

THA 188 – Succession with a Family Member

Family succession can be different than selling to a non-family member, yet many components of a transaction are similar. Jessica and Ron were very forthcoming and business coach Dave Justice helped shape the plan.

The panel: Ron Tinner, owner of Sparks Tire and Auto, along with his daughter Jessica Carrino. Jessica will become the owner, and they share their story about making a family transaction work. David Justice from Repair shop of Tomorrow is their business coach.

Succession is one of the hottest trends in our industry. So many want to retire, pass the business on to family or sell to a team member. Selling to another shop owner or group is also in the cars. We can’t talk about this enough.

For the key talking points, audio and video go to remarkableresults.biz/a188.

Electrical Engineers Become Shop Owners Growing to Seven Stores – John and Karen Manelas [RR 569]

Electrical Engineers Become Shop Owners Growing to Seven Stores – John and Karen Manelas [RR 569]

John and Karen Manelas attended the same school, took the same degree and became successful at their careers for 15 years as electrical engineers. They decided to take a huge life change and pay cut to start their own shop. They took on the challenge and the uncertainties. With low capital, they grew their shop from one in 2004 to an amazing 7 shops in 2019.

Growth is an amazing thing when you do it the right way. Prepare yourself mentally to put a lot of work into each location, hiring, training, and preparing the right staff.

Find the key talking points, John and Karen Manelas’ bio and links to their previous episodes at remarkableresults.biz/e569

Leverage the Smart Phone to Maximize Technicians Learning Potential [RR 568]

Leverage the Smart Phone to Maximize Technicians Learning Potential – RR 568

An important take on training with David Boyes and Pat Pate from todayclasstechnician.com

If you are interested in a system that is designed to teach with Adaptive Learning interactions with wrong answers greeted with why it was wrong and why the correct answer is correct, You may just have discovered a powerful new tool to keep your learning curve high.

You’ll find this a very interesting episode that you may just start your research on this method of training. Show notes and bios at remarkableresults.biz/e568/

Labor Rates: A Function of the Business Not the Market [THA 187]

THA 187 Labor Rates: A Function of the Business Not the Market

Labor Rates is a very touchy subject for some shop owners. It is the sacred measure that customers rate you on. If you believe that this episode is for you.

We are covering multiple labor rates, an approach to calculating your rates, and what the future holds as far as the importance that labor rates ill be to your business if not most critical already today.

If you are struggling to make money there are many areas you need to pay attention to, and most importantly your labor rate. Is your rate based on the market or on the function of your business.

The panel: Bob Greenwood, AMAM, President and of the Automotive Aftermarket E-Learning Center, Business coach, and as I like to say one of the best numbers guys in the industry. Also Business coach Brian Gillis the Cheif Strategist at You Net-Results and joining us halfway through is shop owner Bill Nalu from Interstate Auto Care in Madison Heights, MI

The Women Stereotype: Creates Friction, Insecurity, and Gender Issues [RR 567]

The Women Stereotype: Creates Friction, Insecurity, and Gender Issues [RR 567]

My guest today is Emily Chung. She owns and operates AutoNiche, a family-friendly auto repair shop in Markham, Ontario, Canada. She is a licensed Automotive Service Technician, and Automotive Writer for various publications. She also teaches in the Automotive Business School of Canada at Georgian College.

We are going to talk about gender stereotyping. I want you to listen to this episode in its entirety and let me know what you took away. I believe it will help you understand some of the reasons we do what we do as it relates to hiring and leading our team.

When it comes to gender biases, Emily makes very strong points. No doubt you can put yourself in many of the situations Emily speaks about. So we get this on the table here in episode 567 and I welcome Emily back to keep the dialogue going. Please recall another episode recently where we had a female shop owner, technician and service adviser discuss the Female Impact in the aftermarket. It is episode RR 549

Find the key talking points, Emily Chung’s bio and links to her previous episodes at remarkableresults.biz/e567