New Age Employees Require A New Way of Thinking [AW 176]

Pete McNeil discusses the changing needs of employees in the post-COVID workplace, particularly focusing on Gen Z employees. He talks about the importance of providing a positive customer experience and adapting to the preferences and attention span of Gen Z employees. He also discusses the challenges of hiring and retaining Gen Z employees, including the need for benefits, learning opportunities, and potential pay advantages.

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Catching Up with the ‘Car Coach’ Lauren Fix [AW 175]

‘Car Coach’ Lauren Fix discusses the topic of synthetic fuel, explaining Porsche’s investment in e-fuel as an alternative to electric conversion. Lauren shares her thoughts on EVs and the government’s role in mandating their use. She believes in the freedom of choice when it comes to the type of vehicle one wants to drive, be it electric, hybrid, diesel, or gas.

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The Roadmap to Success: Work Smarter Not Harder [RR 884]

Dan Taylor discusses various aspects of running a successful automotive repair business. He emphasizes the importance of having a roadmap to success, repackaging information to resonate with different people, utilizing reliable shop management systems, client and employee retention, effective marketing strategies, well-defined processes and procedures, and artificial intelligence in the industry. The episode concludes with a discussion on the importance of making money in the automotive repair industry and the need for a paradigm shift towards maintenance and customer service.

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Elevating Professionalism Through Language and Terminology [THA 345]

Our panel discusses the topic of language and terminology changes in the automotive aftermarket service industry. It’s important to use clear and professional language with employees and customers, as well as the significance of honesty and trust in communication. They also touch on the distinction between “technician” and “mechanic” and the need for ongoing training and teamwork. We hope that our discussion will inspire you to reflect on your own communication practices and make necessary improvements.

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Case Study: The Death of Your Client’s Car [RR 883]

Dr. David Weiman discusses the emotional attachment people have to their cars and how the repair industry can empathize with customers during the process of saying goodbye to a beloved vehicle. This case study was prompted by Dr. David’s own experience with saying goodbye to his car. He discusses the parallel between the automotive industry and the medical field in terms of diagnosis and repair, and the importance of trust and the role of service professionals in providing certainty and safety to customers.

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Who is Your Customer Experience Officer (CXO)? [AW 173]

Nichole Bennecoff discusses the importance of customer experience in the automotive industry. Nicole shares her company’s focus on customer experience and introduces Taylor, a client success representative who manages communication between clients and the company. Taylor’s responsibilities include monitoring client communication, arranging loaner vehicles, supporting service advisors and providing excellent customer service. Nicole and Carm also touch on setting client expectations, appearance, and the importance of listening to service advisor calls.

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Listening to Service Advisor Phone Calls [THA 343]

“The art of asking the right questions: this approach, inspired by the Socratic method, helps uncover valuable insights and ensures a thorough understanding of situations. Authenticity is key in every interaction.”

Carm Capriotto introduces a panel to discuss the importance of listening to service advisor calls. Rena Rennebohm and Clint White are service advisor coaches, while Collin Ashin and Tyler Nichols are their clients. They discuss the benefits of reviewing recorded calls, such as identifying areas for improvement, enhancing problem-solving skills, creating a safe environment for feedback, the value of coaching, and the need for continuous improvement. Remember, the journey to self-improvement begins with a single step.

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The First Breast Cancer Vaccine Trial Recipient: Jennifer Davis [CC 111]

The Brakes for Breasts campaign, every October, supports breast cancer vaccine research at the Cleveland Clinic. The co-founders of the campaign, Leigh Anne Best and Laura Frank, discuss the importance of finding a cause that aligns with their values and the challenges of funding vaccine research. They discuss the initiative and how it raises funds for breast cancer research by offering free brake pads to customers in October. Dr. Justin Johnson from the Cleveland Clinic talks about the importance of a vaccine trial for triple negative breast cancer. Jennifer Davis, the first recipient of the vaccine trial, shares her experience. Our panel emphasizes the importance of community support and the potential of the vaccine trial to revolutionize cancer treatment. 

We are challenging the industry to reach a goal of $369,000 or even $400,000 for this year and to involve at least 500 shops. This is a simple and effective program to offer to your customer and to anyone involved to tour the lab and see the impact of their contributions.

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Redefining Business Bravery: Stories of Courage [THA 341]

Join our panel as they share insights on the importance of courage, different leadership styles, the need for tough conversations, and the role of coaching and mentoring in developing courage in teams. The panelists emphasize the importance of effective communication, training, and providing individuals with the tools and confidence to make courageous decisions. They also discuss the need for leaders to make tough decisions even when uncomfortable.

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Rachel Spencer’s ‘Rachelisms’ for Auto Repair [AW 169]

What are some of Rachel Spencer’s “Rachelisms?” The Power of Consistency: Rachel emphasizes the importance of consistency and communication in her operations. She believes in creating habits, holding each other accountable, and striving for perfection while acknowledging that mistakes can happen. Customer Communication is Key: Rachel’s approach to customer service is all about overcommunication. You must provide customers with as much information as possible upfront, offering financing options, and sending vehicle health and safety reports via text. Rachel also shares her experiences with recruiting technicians including reaching out to institutes with automotive programs.

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Remodel 1 Year Later: See the Transition, See the Difference [AW 168]

Carm Capriotto visits Scott Felser’s shop to showcase the renovations he made since the last visit. They discuss various changes, including adding a door to the parts room, implementing a four-day workweek, and upgrading facilities like a coffee bar and bathroom. They also highlight the overall design and decorations, with input from Scott’s wife, new security cameras, new phone system, the positive customer feedback, and Scott’s involvement in the “Brakes for Breasts” campaign.

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Marketing Power Panel: Grow Your Revenue by $1 Million [THA 337]

Is it possible to grow your shop’s revenue by $1 million? Together, our panel of marketing gurus discuss the importance of marketing for automotive repair shops and provide insights on effective marketing strategies. The panel emphasizes the need to understand the shop’s current situation and goals before developing a marketing strategy. They also discuss financial aspects, setting goals for growth, seeking advice from successful shop owners, and creating memorable customer experiences. They stress the importance of strategic and proactive marketing and financial planning to drive business growth in the auto repair industry. Remember, marketing takes time and should be trusted as a process. Always be marketing, and don’t stop when business is busy.

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The Noble Mechanic: Before and After Transformation and Rebranding [AW 166]

In this episode, Reggie Stewart covers a range of topics from dispatching and business operations to shop renovations. Reggie recently undertook renovations at his shop in Kokomo, Indiana, he modernized the colors and feel of the shop to give it an upscale vibe, with the help of an interior designer. He also discusses the importance of building a positive culture and is currently working on creating job descriptions and manifestos for each position to better define expectations and attract the right people.

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Is Your Company Culture Holding You Back? [RR 864]

Now, I know what you’re thinking, “Culture again?” But trust me, this episode takes a deep dive into how culture can truly make or break a business. Every business has a culture, whether it’s intentional or not, and it’s crucial to evaluate if it’s the right one for retaining employees and attracting customers.

Imagine an auto repair shop that truly understands the frustrations of car owners and aims to provide honest, knowledgeable, and reliable service to give them peace of mind. That’s the kind of culture that draws customers in and keeps them coming back.

Chris Lawson suggests checking out an article in the show notes that discusses the impact of culture on over 40 business metrics. Studies have shown that employees are more motivated and efficient in a happy work environment. So, investing in your company culture can actually boost your bottom line.

If you’re a business owner or someone interested in creating a positive work environment, this episode is a goldmine of information. Carm and Chris provide practical guidance on building company culture and emphasize the need for strong policies, procedures, and teamwork.

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App-solutely Essential: Why Auto Repair Shops Need to Embrace Apps [RR 863]

Jeff Mont, owner of JJ’s Auto Service Center and Jeremy Glassco, founder of App Fueled, discuss the benefits of using apps in the automotive industry. Apps can be a valuable tool to engage with customers and increase customer loyalty. By offering valuable benefits and discounts, shops can make it worth their customers’ while to give their time and attention to their business. JJ shares his experience using App Fueled for his shop’s app, which includes a 10% discount on all purchases and a 5% rebate up to $50. He notes that the app has helped increase his shop’s average repair order by 15-16%.

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How Can Data Improve Customer Relationships and Sales? [860]

Are you looking for ways to improve your customer relationships and drive business success? Bill Nalu and Stan Stokes discuss the importance of using data and information to enhance customer relationships and sales. They share their experiences with auditing phone calls and using personality assessments to identify areas for improvement. Tune in to learn practical advice for using data and information to improve your customer relationships and drive business success.

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How Can Professionalism Improve the Automotive Industry? [AW 161]

Mac Akram, the owner of Mack’s Complete Auto Repair in Chandler, Arizona, discusses the importance of professionalism in the automotive industry, including keeping the shop clean and organized and using digital vehicle inspections to provide better service. Mac believes that raising the standards of the industry is crucial to gaining the trust of customers. Mac also encourages shop owners to invest in training for their technicians.

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Creating Consistent Routines that Drive Success [THA 331]

Do you find it hard to create consistent routines that drive success? This episode discusses the importance of standard operating procedures (SOPs) and how they can help businesses achieve their goals. Our guests, Jaron Kleber, Chris Machado, and Nick Hively, discuss the positive impact of SOPs on creating a positive culture and improving the consistency of the customer experience. They also discuss the importance of engaging team members and getting their input when creating SOPs.

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Personalized Customer Service and Marketing Strategies [AW 160]

If you’re in the automotive industry, you know it’s not just about fixing cars; it’s about providing exceptional customer service, too. Leigh Anne Best and Bill Hill, owners of Mighty Auto Pro, discuss their marketing strategies that have helped attract and retain customers. They’ve created a customer-friendly environment, providing loaner vehicles, shuttle services, and free towing up to $50.

But it’s not just about the extras. Mighty Auto Pro also emphasizes continuous learning and growth, requiring a minimum of 40 hours of training per year for their technicians. They encourage their employees to pursue their interests and hobbies, even if they are not related to auto repair. This culture of training has grown beyond anything Leigh Anne and Bill could have imagined, with technicians pushing each other to attend classes and improve their skills.

So, what can you learn from Mighty Auto Pro’s marketing strategy? Personalization, exceptional customer service, and a culture of continuous learning and growth can go a long way in retaining and attracting customers. Make everything effortless for the customer, and they’ll keep coming back.

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Making Dispatch Work [THA 330]

What are the challenges of making dispatch work in the automotive aftermarket industry? Our guests share their experiences with dispatch in their companies, emphasizing communication, flexibility, and teamwork. They also discuss the qualities of a good dispatcher and the need for policies and procedures in unexpected events. They stress the importance of simplifying technical information and building trust with customers. The episode concludes with a discussion of the interaction between dispatchers, customers, and technicians and the immense responsibility that comes with the job.

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Giving Back to the Community: The Social Impact Initiatives of Adam and Son Auto Repair [RR 850]

Are you tired of the same old auto repair experience with poor customer service and no personal touch? Look no further than Adam and Son Auto Repair in Colorado Springs. Owner Dan Adam and VP of Social Impact and Strategy Stacy Burns, share their insights on creating a unique customer experience and positively impacting their community.

Dan Adam founded Adam and Son Auto Repair with a mission to improve the way auto repair businesses are run and provide exceptional customer service. He achieved this by defining 28 fundamentals that create behaviors for team members and ingrained them in the company culture through weekly messages and daily huddles. But the customer experience at Adam and Son doesn’t stop there. They have implemented social impact initiatives that provide free car repairs to single mothers, domestic violence victims, and disabled veterans through their Stranded Motorist Fund. This program aims to provide safe and reliable transportation to those in need and has gained positive feedback from the community. Adam and Son have gained high-quality customers who support their business by providing excellent customer service and making a positive social impact.

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Turbo Tim’s Garage: From Core Values to Cats, How to Build a Unique Brand [RR 848]

Are you looking for inspiration on how to have fun in your business while building a unique brand? In this episode, co-owners Tim Suggs and Rachel Grewell share their approach to core values and how they recently held a leadership retreat to refine those values. They also discuss the role of cats in their branding and marketing efforts, employee management and training, and community involvement. Tim says, “Being true to yourself and your team is the key to success.” So, let’s all take a page out of their book and strive to be different and true to ourselves in our businesses and lives.

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Building Trust and Rapport: The Art of Being a Service Advisor [THA 326]

“The service advisor is the face of the brand and the first point of contact for customers.” Join our round table discussion as our panel shares their experiences and strategies of successful service advisors, highlighting the importance of communication skills, creating a positive customer experience, and building customer trust and rapport. It’s also essential to be an educator rather than a salesman and help customers understand how to maintain their vehicles to avoid breakdowns. The discussion also emphasizes the need for investment in service advisor training and development.

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Why Dressing Professionally Matters in the Shop and Beyond [THA 324]

As a customer, have you ever walked into a business and been put off by the unkempt appearance of the employees or the disarray of the business? If so, you’re not alone. Join our panel as they discuss the importance of professionalism in the automotive industry and how it can impact customer trust, employee morale, and overall success. We should expect nothing less than a professional appearance and attitude from those in the automotive industry, and we should continue to project that image to the public.

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Protecting Gross Profit: The Emotional Intelligence Approach [RR 841]

Dan Taylor uses emotional intelligence (EQ) as a platform to understand why organizations struggle to meet their gross profit goals. He emphasizes the importance of understanding and managing emotions in order to build trust with clients and achieve GP goals. He also emphasizes the importance of balancing empathy with financial responsibility in the automotive industry.

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