Closed All 10 Locations for Company Summit [AW 153]

Matt Lachowitzer shares his strategy for keeping his team engaged and communicative, including shutting down his business for three days to hold a company meeting. The meeting focused on differentiation, engagement, and culture and included a keynote speaker and team-building activities. The episode highlights Matt’s commitment to creating a fun, engaging workplace culture that fosters collaboration and growth.

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How to Create a Leadership Culture [THA 322]

How do you create a leadership culture within a business? Mike Davidson, Bryan Rogers and Josh Steinhert emphasize the importance of a positive atmosphere and culture in a shop and provide practical advice on developing leadership skills. This episode provides valuable insights and recommendations for shop owners and managers looking to improve employee satisfaction and overall success.

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Building Better Team Members by Building Better People – Matt Lachowitzer [RR 821]

How has Matt Lachowitzer been able to expand his multi store business while maintaining the culture within it? How did his team support each other through the sudden passing of a key manager? It all starts with building better people. So how do you do that? How do you find those unicorns that want to grow with your company and lead better lives themselves?

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Aftermarket Radio Network 2023 Forecast [THA 313]

Recession is the main topic for everyone as we enter into 2023, almost 3 years post-pandemic. The Aftermarket Radio Network has collaborated together to offer their forecast for the year. Consider this your ‘one stop podcast player’ to hear insights from an accountant, technician, business coach and marketing perspective. Together, we continue to Advance the Aftermarket.

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What Is Your Duration of Service? Carolyn Coquillette [RR 810]

Recorded Live at the 2022 Transformers Summit with Carolyn Coquillette, founder and CEO of Shop-Ware. Carolyn discusses a spotlight of Shop-Ware called ‘Duration of Service.’ This feature tracks how long a customer’s car is in your shop. The customer experience and your profits depend on the number of hours each car is in which stage of production.

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Google Reviews: New Value From the Words Used [RR 793]

We are with Jimmy Lea from Kukui at ASTE 2022 with another important Google Update. We are always keeping you in the know as it relates to mother Google. Google is now giving more credibility and weight to customer reviews. It goes beyond their ranked star review and dives into what they wrote, word for word, literally. What does that mean for your shop?

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Differentiate with Video [THA 299]

They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but what about video? Video content has taken our world by storm, and if you’re not doing videos for your shop, you are behind. Keep listening to find out how to differentiate yourself from other shops using authentic stories from your customers and employees.

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