RR 180: Jorge Menchu from AES Wave and Industry Instructor

How Do We Make Ourselves SMARTER?

Jorge Menchu was hooked at an early age. He grew up in Kansas City, MO. It was his go-cart that brought upon his passion for loving cars and mechanics. This developed into a passion about learning.
His goal is to help young folks to realize their own success and failure by engaging his students to be better learners.

The episode highlights Jorge’s three pathways to learning. These fundamentals can change your ability to learn and understand. They are Self-Awareness, Learning Awareness and Building a Structure of Knowledge.

RR 169: Seth Thorson from Eurotech Auto Repair

Euro specialist shop owner is also a BMW trainer and embraces technician networking.

Scott Thorson has specialized in the service of European automobiles since 1999. A BMW Trained technician also owns a nationwide BMW tech Support service (LMV Bavarian) that people all over the world use for BMW technical advice.

A national BMW trainer embraces new technology and understands that there is always someone willing to work harder to take everything away.

RR 164: Scott Norman – Skills USA & Worldskills USA

Where are the industries top young technician’s going to come from?

Skills USA and Worldskills brings to our industry an opportunity to showcase young talent in a competitive environment. Scott Norman, Chairman of the National Automotive Service Technology (AST) committee for SkillsUSA and the USA Technical Delegate for Worldskills gives you an insider’s overview of these two important competitions.

RR 152: Scott Norman Automotive Educator

Automotive Technology Bachelor’s Degree program producing our future technicians and entrepreneurs.

Scott Norman is an Associate Professor of Automotive Technology at Pittsburg State University in Pittsburg, KS and President of the National Association of Automotive Universities.

RR 126: John Gardner Automotive Instructor and Host of Tech Garage

John Gardner, automotive instructor at Chipola College in Marianna, FL believes that the quality of technicians graduating today are bright and amazing. John shares his passion for teaching and his love for training in an inspiring episode that includes talk of his hosting duties for Tech Garage on the Velocity Channel. John’s classroom motto is “Outdo…

RR 116: Craig & Deb Van Batenburg from ACDC

Craig Van Batenburg is the CEO of ACDC and a former repair shop owner. His wife Deb is his partner and vice-president. Craig is engaged full time in the understanding of the technology used in hybrid and electric cars. His 45 years of automotive experience serves him well.

Craig Van Batenburg gives some great insight into why his career took the path to Hybrid repair and training. He says back in the early seventies he worked at a Honda dealership. With a huge passion for Honda’s, at 26 years old he opened a shop to work on Honda’s only. He bought the first model Honda Insight which was the 23rd hybrid sold in Massachusetts. His wife Deb went to Kent State and was always into recycling and politics. NOTE: This is the first husband and wife interview on Remarkable Results Radio Podcast.

RR 114: Service EDU – Technician Training Program

What is Service-EDU? I cover training in a big way on the podcast. When I discovered  the newly created Service-EDU, a brand new partnership with four of our industries premiere manufacturers; Gates, MAHLE, Timken and NGK, I had to know more. You now have a chance to hear the story on how Service-EDU was created and…

RR 112: Randy Baker – ASE/NATEF Industry Education Alliance Educator of the Year 2015

Where are the young technicians going to come from? Randy Baker is doing all he can to make that happen.

Randy Baker, honored as a 2015 Educator of the Year from ASE/NATEF, shares his story from shop owner to educator. He is outspoken and passionate about the additional support the aftermarket can have on secondary and post-secondary education recruitment. Do you want to know if shadowing or intern programs work? What should you tell a parent who has a child that is a hands-on learner? Get a powerful viewpoint from an enthusiastic educator.

RR 106: Bill Haas from NACAT

Are you having a problem finding trained technicians – – here’s an answer that will help you.

There is a guy by the name of Bill Haas – – who has done just about everything in the repair industry. He started at the age of 12. He dragged home a junk motor that he bought from a garage. For the next few years he played with that poor engine – – until he knew how to fix every component. Later, Bill became a shop owner, sold it then taught technicians how to fix cars , became a business consultant and trainer including the man at NACAT. (The North American Council of Automotive Teachers)

You need to hear the story of what Bill has done and is in the process of doing to help you get better technicians.

RR 096: Jeff Peevy of AMI on Creating A Learning Culture

Meet Jeff Peevy, President of the Automotive Management Institute (AMI), a 34-year industry veteran who has spent the past 20 years involved with education and research. Jeff discusses and drives home an important strategy on ‘Building A Learning Culture’ in your business. This episode can be distilled down to four words: Let’s Go Learn Something!…

RR 090: Technician Training Round-Table Part 2

In a continuing series on Technician training welcome to part two of a Face To Face Video Podcast. Professional automotive trainers G Jerry Truglia from ATTS, Pete Meier from Motor Age and Pierre Respaut in a great dialogue about technician training. See their bios below. There are two ways to enjoy this round table discussion. You…