FTR 026: Derek Kaufman on Start-Stop Technology

Derek Kaufman has an intriguing thought on the growth of start/stop systems and what they are really doing for vehicle owners. He is also thinking out loud on what shop owners can do to take advantage of the technology changes entering the market to address some of the battery issues start/stop systems are causing.

RR 392: Shop Talk 7 – The Leading Ladies

Shop Talk 7 -Leading Ladies

Judi Haglin, from Haglin Automotive, Boulder CO, Shelle Bennett, from Mike’s Kars in Gettysburg, PA and Kelli Weatherby from Accurate Automotive in Mesa, AZ.

These three ladies are members of an ATI twenty group that is called Leading Ladies. They are proud of their numbers. They are the top twenty group in performance within the ATI program. How is that for ‘strength in numbers’.

We had a really relaxed and wide open chat in the AAPEX18 Studio where we touched on the disciplines they have in their 20 group, what they believe is the secret to a successful business, finding your humility will change your world, and why the fear of sharing hold businesses back. There is plenty more especially the talk on the secret sauce.

THA 099: The New Tax Law Impact on the Service Professional

The Impact of the New 2018 Tax Law on the Service Professional

Join Reed Meils, Financial Therapist and Partner in Paar, Melis and Assoc., Mt. Airy, MD, Hunt Demarest, CPA at Paar, Melis and Assoc and shop owner Gerry Frank, Shop and coach at Repair Shop Coach.

The highlight of the conversation is the discussion on the New Federal 20% Deduction for Qualified Small Business Income. 100% depreciation available for most asset purchases. Expanded Child and Dependent Tax Credits. Tax credits are better than a tax deduction. It is like getting cash. Technicians that have written off their equipment purchases off their taxes are no longer allowed.

This episode is not intended to give advice on the tax law or accounting principles. Please check with a professional for all your tax or accounting requirements.

RR 391: What Happens When a Technician Becomes a Customer for Automotive Repair.

What Happens When a Technician Becomes a Customer for Automotive Repair.

Pete Meir, Director of Training for the UBM Advanstar Automotive Group, which includes Motor Age magazine, wrote a story “When a Technician Becomes a Customer for Automotive Repair Service.” You can only imagine the implications and ramifications this implores.

When Pete needed tires for his truck he became a customer. He was not delighted with the service he was given and it drove him to write about it. He may have never written it if he had a satisfying and complete service experience. It’s tough to be in this industry and not judge your own personal experiences and standards against all others.

Training and Customer Service are the very processes that needed improvement and constant adjustment to meeting trends and everyday situations. Having this can equip a technician and service adviser in most decision making situations.

FTR 025: Bill Nalu on Abundance

Bill Nalu has been a great contributor to our many panel discussions. And as many of know, Bill is a big and deep thinker. You may need to listen to this twice so that you can appreciate the simplicity and depth of his thinking. A different way to think of Abundance.

RR 390: DATA – How Understanding Search Habits Will Help Grow New Customers

DATA – How Understanding Search Habits Will Help Grow New Customers

Al Haberstroh, a partner and Chief Strategy Officer at MontAd Media has developed numerous innovative, revenue-driving solutions for marketers of all sizes. He was an early adopter of content and database marketing and was instrumental in the development of two new proprietary marketing tools for the aftermarket; Shop Reach 360 and Audience ID.

Al knows that data will help drive traffic to the aftermarket. They key will be to interpret the data and use it to engage with customers who are searching for problem solutions.

This is episode is the answer to most questions regarding tracking data and its content and relevance. Monitoring the trends and movement with months and months of data can offer you a confident approach in assessing the products and services you offer. It is like reading the future and being a psychic using data analysis.

THA 098: Daytime Training vs Night Time Training – A Discussion of Ideas

  Your Learning Curve Never Sounded So Good   Chris Chesney is the Senior Director of Customer Training, CARQUEST Technical Institute, and a NASTF board member and a member of the ‘Road To Great Technician’ project.  Listen to Chris’s previous episodes HERE. Lucas Underwood is an Automotive diagnostic specialist, shop owner, and foreman. He owns L & N…

RR 389: The Art of Successful Mentoring

The Art of Successful Mentoring

Dr. John Passante is a well-respected mentor who has 35+ years of experience in human resource and organizational development. He is an author, a lecturer, a professor and prides himself in helping companies increase their effectiveness. Aaron Schaffer is well versed in sales, product, and marketing. He holds a BBA in Economics and a lifelong car enthusiast and has been active in motorsports competition.

This is episode brings you a full view of mentoring and the relationship shared as a mentee. The interview offers exclusive access to John and Aaron’s 45+ Years of combined experience in their respective fields. Their take on mentoring will add quality and value when you become a mentor yourself.

RR 388: Re-Inventing You! A Personal Story Of Prolific Change.

Re-Inventing You! A Personal Story Of Prolific Change.

Carlo Sabucco from Sils Complete Auto Care Centre, a successful 8 bay shop on the east side of Oakville, Ontario.

This is episode offers some in your face and blunt stores about failure, adversity and managing your ego to get to the next level. You cannot be successful in the changing aftermarket if you do not have the CEO mindset. Your thought process should match the level that you want to be at. There is no downshifting gears when you are climbing a mountain.

Carlo offers one of the most transparent interviews I’ve ever done on the podcast. He shares his romance of selling his business and then he said no. That experience rejuvenated him and allowed him to re-invent his mission and vision about his business and the industry.

One of Carlo’s personal disrupters in his business in 2019 is to take his entire staff to Vision KC. He knows that the future will be shaped by what we do today. Too many shop owners ask for help but never implement. He says they’ll be left behind.

THA 097: Service Professional Loyalty: A Supplier Perspective

Service Professional Loyalty: A Supplier Perspective

On the panel is Brad Hartline, from Hyde Villa Auto Parts President and Pottsville Auto Parts in the Reading PA markets and Trevor Martin, President, Vaca Valley Auto Parts, Fairfield, CA and Mark Stabelfeldt, from Fairfax Auto Parts.

If you are a service professional you have a supplier or three and most likely have a great relationship with your number one call because they are a supply partner with and for you. A lot of your success comes from your supplier providing you the parts and service you need to keep your customers happy and coming back.

RR 387: In Praise of Our Trainers

In Praise of Our Trainers

Our Guests: Bob Greenwood, AMAM, is the President and CEO of Automotive Aftermarket E-Learning Centre Ltd and has over 40 years’ experience working with Independent shops developing their business to maximize business net income.

Eric Ziegler owns and operates EZ Diagnostic Solutions Inc and is an accomplished automotive trainer working for Automotive Seminars and the Driveability Guys training technicians in the latest diagnostic techniques and technologies throughout the Midwest and US.
This is some straight up podcasting with hard-hitting talk about our industry trainers. Do we appreciate them the way we should? Are they paid enough? Do we look at training as an expense or an investment?

Bob and Eric seem like an odd couple to talk about this, but you’ll positively love the honest, transparent and frank talk that we had. Bob wrote an article titled. ‘In Praise of Trainers in the magazine Auto Service World and, I believe you’ll appreciate the way he and Eric bridge this topic.

RR 386: Shop Talk 6 – Making it Work – Husband and Wife Partners

Making it Work: Husband and Wife Partners

Our married partners are Judi and Dana Haglin of Haglin Automotive Boulder, CO, along with Kim and Rob Auernheimer of CS Automotive in Brentwood, Tennessee. They share their experiences in running a shop, together with their life partners.

They make it sound simple, however as you’ll hear there was and continues to be a learning curve in their path to ‘harmony’. We’ll learn how they brought out the best in each other while improving their business’s and continuously making each other better.

They persisted with the patience, hardships, struggles, fulfillment and the joy of owning and managing a business as a husband and wife tandem.

They are like any couple but have the additional dynamic as business co-owners and partners. Learn from their tribulations as they share how each overcame their challenges to make their partnership amazing and strengthen their relationship over time.

THA 096: Engaging Kids in the Automotive

Engage our Kids in the Automotive

This episode is a call to action to step up and get involved in your high school or college advisory boards and your community. Stop by a school and offer your help to the instructors or department chair or speak to your local rotary, PTA or career day. I guarantee they’ll welcome you with open arms.

The panel: Frank Leutz from Desert Car Care in Chandler, AZ., and host of the top-rated Wrench Nation radio show and podcast. Patrick McHugh from Bimmer Rescue in Richmond, VA who has created a middle school STEM class he offers at his shop. And John Gustafson the president and CEO of Gustafson Brothers Huntington Beach, California Who holds three student Boot Camps each year and Steve Ford an auto industry veteran and award-winning broadcast journalist and educator. You’ll find Steve doing volunteer work, as he contributes to skilled trades and youth, career outreach programs.

See the show notes page to find important resources and downloads mentioned on the broadcast. This episode will give you many ideas on how and what to do / from volunteering // to creating your own personal initiative in your business and community.

If we don’t reach out, we fail because we didn’t take the steps necessary to engage and help our education system and enlighten the students to the high tech and awesome careers in the automotive. They will only know about it from you.

RR 385: AAPEX 2018 – Driving the Aftermarket to be Ahead of the Curve

AAPEX 2018 – Driving the Aftermarket to be Ahead of the Curve

The Auto Care Association and the Automotive Aftermarket Suppliers Association (AASA) are valued partners working together to meet the needs of the industry and stay ahead of the curve. They co-own AAPEX where the global automotive aftermarket gathers to learn and find the next opportunity in this $740B industry.

Mark Bogdansky and Chris Gardner and their teams under the leadership of Bill Hanvey from Auto Care and Bill Long from AASA bring educational sessions, networking events and live demonstrations to help you grow your aftermarket business.

Mark Bogdansky, is the Senior Director of Meetings and Events at Auto Care Association, and Chris Gardner, MAAP, is the Vice President of the Automotive Aftermarket Suppliers Association.