THA 056: Your Ideal Customer – Defining Your Avatar

Your Idea Customer – Defining Your Avatar

Knowing your ideal customer is an important part of very successful businesses and helps define who you want as your customer. Commonly called your customer avatar, or your cardboard cut-out you are defining a customer that trusts you and are advocates for you.
These customers are least likely to stray are most likely to recommend you, because they are also advocates. You must talk to your ideal customer and find out what makes them tick.

In this episode find out the many ways you can connect with your avatar, a recommendation on how to get started and who to involve inside your company to help define who is your ideal customer. Hear from Ron Inchausti Coast Motor Werks in Irvine, CA, a multi-shop owner, Brian Weeks from [atc] Auto Center, a 3rd generation multi-shop owners from Augusta, GA and Patrick McHugh from Bimmer Rescue in Richmond, VA.

RR 305: Derek Kaufman – Joran Thompson – Living in a APP World

Chicago. No Car. No Problem.

Joran Thompson lives in Chicago and hasn’t owned a car for years. She does fine commuting to work, buying fresh groceries and dry goods. Her dry cleaning gets done, perfectly and on-time, and her latest IKEA purchase gets constructed. When she needs medicine, pizza or to wait in a line for a restaurant on a Saturday Night she just uses her smartphone. There’s an APP for all of her needs.

The story for aftermarket professionals is that all the miles Joran is not driving are being done by the services she contracts. Transportation as a Service will rack up the miles to support all the Joran Thompson’s who don’t own vehicles. Someone will need to maintain and repair those vehicles. It’s time to make those connections.

RR 304: The Battery Shop

Sell More Batteries. Training and Testing is the Key.

Join Michele Zgola the director of Marketing and Communication at Johnson Controls, Jim Bates the Aftermarket Training Center Manager also at Johnson Controls and Patrick Haynes, Executive Director at the Responsible Battery Coalition.

Learn about selling more batteries and how well the industry has rallied to recycle 99% of all batteries. Recycling challenges are coming in the future as lithium-ion batteries will need to be recovered.

THA 055: The Importance of Back Office Operations – Part 2

The Power Center of your Business is in the Back Office PART 2

Amy Mattinat, Jacquie Walter Hower, Maryann Croce and Kim Auernheimer discuss Human Resources and Marketing. Two very important responsibilities of the CEO and back office team.

Highlights: The legal document called an employee handbook, hire slow-fire fast, know your candidate’s personality and hire for a culture fit.

Track your marketing efforts, never shoot in the dark you may not be spending your money wisely. Have a good referral program for your advocate customer and your brand’s image needs to be consistent and must match the face you put in the web and social media. This group also shares some great marketing ideas.

RR 303: Jason Soto from

There’s an APP for that!

Ever thought of connecting with your customer with your own APP. Did you know that a smartphone app is a retention strategy?

Ever thought of the challenges with social media to get your message heard? What if you could push a message to a user of your app? Will your customer have a stronger relationship with you if your app is on their phone?

Jason Soto from Mobile Soft Technology talks about the value of having your own smartphone app. Interesting concepts you need to know about. Learn about this tool and how it could work for you in your quest to create customers for life.

RR 302: Lisa and Kevin Eckler

Never Too Late to Get a Business Coach to Help Put the Business on the Right Path.

This interview is for anyone who started a business and took time to discover that their talent as a top technician didn’t help when it came to run a business. Lisa and Kevin Eckler from Foreign Car Specialists in Poughkeepsie, NY bring you a very raw and transparent story of their business evolution.

Kevin shared his story so that you will benefit. His business acumen wasn’t as good as his talent as a technician. He gives great advice to anyone who is struggling to make money.

Lisa is new to the business and they married four years ago. They took their blended family and business struggles head-on. Their story is fit for the ages and I know many can relate to the challenges they’ve overcome. 

THA 054: Stay Up on Social Media – Facebook Changes and your Marketing Efforts 2018

Stay Up On Social Media. What do the Facebook Changes Mean to Your Marketing Effort?

Facebook announced sweeping changes in early 2018. Our Academy panel provides great advice on becoming 2018 ‘Social Savvy’ and improving and changing your social media strategy.

Key talking points: You are your brand, your brand is you. Build a sales funnel around the assets you own like your website and your mailing list. Put your customer out front. Use Facebook Live because video will get preference from Facebook. And among so many other great insights you need to document instead of create content.

RR 301: Matt Purselle from Revolution

Treat every customer like you would your mother.

Matt Pursell the guy with the bow tie owns Revolution in Decatur, GA. As a Mercedes Benz and smart specialty shop his customers expect a level of service indicative of the brand of car they drive. Matt shares how they deliver exceptional customer service. The growth rate in the business is 10% with no advertising budget for new customers and referrals has driven his success.

Matt also stands out as a differentiator in other ways. Imagine if you will it is July and you are a customer, you just may go home with a vegetable right from the Revolution garden. How cool is that? Matt explains they grow their customers like they grow their vegetables. His culture and customer service in his company is built upon this premise: Treat every customer like you would your mother.

RR 300: 300th Retrospective: Interview with Host Carm Capriotto

The 300th Episode Retrospective

For the first-time podcast host, Carm Capriotto is in the interviewee seat. Seven aftermarket professionals ask Carm questions that discover the attributes and purpose of the aftermarket’s premier podcast. He shares some very personal stories and chronicles some behind the scene moments.

You’ll learn about what makes Carm tick, how it all started and what his thoughts are for the future. He is so proud of the audio library made up of the voices of the aftermarket. The guests who trusted Carm to get their story told so that all ships rise, is the pure foundation of the value of the podcast to the industry.

THA 053: Improve Communication Between the Service Advisor & Technician

Many Problems Are Found in A Lack Of Communications; Therefore Good Communications Can Prevent Come Backs.

Improving Communications Between the Service Adviser and Technician with Jude Larson from Valley Repair in Tenino, WA and also with JML Real Solutions, also Darrin Barney, Owner of Barney Brothers Off Road in Grand Junction, CO and Donnie Carter, Service Manager at Little Wolf Automotive in Waupaca, WI.

Communication is an important tenant in any service business. It is up to the service advisor to bring the ‘novel’ to the technician. Listen hard to the customer and write down the details of their issue or concern.

Technicians results are dependent on getting a good path to follow. Give them a great opportunity to succeed with clear in-depth information. Techs need to do their part and provide clear information back to the service advisor to support the recommendations they are going to provide as a value to the customer.

RR 299: Christopher Petersen from Northwest Automotive

Shop Owner For Only 2 ½ Years Makes Big Moves: Buys a Building And Retrofits It Into a State Of The Art Facility.

Christopher Petersen from Northwest Automotive in Kalispell, MT has only been a shop owner for 2 ½ years. A twenty-two-year industry veteran, Chris made the leap to shop ownership and found himself owning two properties. He shares the story and explains that his bank showed the confidence in him to support these transactions.

Good take-a-ways here on DVI, and staying on the cutting edge of change. Chris says If it is not documented, then it didn’t happen. He’s got a porter on staff and he shares how important his people are to his culture and that his loyal and happy customers are a direct reflection of him putting his people first.

RR 298: Mark Roberts from Schertz Auto Service

Shop Owner and Serial Entrepreneur Shares His Business Story.

Mark Roberts of Schertz Auto Service in Schertz, TX tells his story when the entrepreneurial bug hit him; he was 15 years old. Mark shares his journey and outlook on life and business.

He’s getting ready for his second branch and has implemented a succession plan. He shares his very strong outlook on family and the family unit in his business.

Mark talks about his culture, his techs pay plan, work-life balance, how his DISC profile works so well with his manager and his philanthropy efforts. He’s set up a trust to invest back in community and people.