Avoiding Comebacks with Dave Hobbs [RR 592]

Avoiding Comebacks and More with Dave Hobbs [RR 592]

I’m with the lead technical trainer and course developer for Delphi Product and Service Solutions, Dave Hobbs. Dave has graced the podcast in the past and we are going to do a series of thought-provoking shows just for you.

Dave is tackling comebacks — a real part of doing business. Prevention or minimizing them comes from quality control, high standards and training. He also talks about the Right To Repair, Access to Data.

You can find Dave’s other episodes and the key talking points for this episode at remarkablersults.biz/e592

Buying & Selling: A Tale of Two Deals [THA 199]

Buying and Selling – A Tale of Two Deals [THA 199]

An episode that showcases a sale and an acquisition and the story behind these aftermarket transactions from two couples who each had a great opportunity.

Kevin and Sarah Bickford bought the Fox River Tire & Auto, Richie and Leslie Zimmerman owned and sold 3 Shops to a big box brand. The reasons and method of these two transactions will help you realize how these opportunities take an immense amount of work and maybe some luck.

The key talking points from this episode, they are already done for you. Go to the show page at remarkableresults.biz/a199.

Customer Service vs. Customer Experience with Murray Voth [RR 591]

Customer Service vs. Customer Experience with Murray Voth [RR 591]

Murray Voth the owner and principal trainer of RPM Training and one of Canada’s most knowledgeable experts on the automotive industry. Murray specializes in the fields of business development of the independent automotive service and repair sector.

Murray is focused on the customer experience. In this episode, Murray differentiates customer service vs customer experience and their specific advantages and disadvantages.

The talking points of this episode can be found at remarkablersults.biz/e591.

Science Based Hypnotherapy with Maureen Pisani [RR 590]

Science-Based Hypnotherapy with Maureen Pisani [RR 590]

I’m with Maureen Pisani a Certified Master Hypnotherapist and the founder of ProThrive Science-Based Hypnotherapy, where she works with individuals and groups (both in-person and online) to help empower, streamline success, and truly thrive.

Why this interview? I found the discussion with Maureen refreshingly different. I can see where some never reach their potential, yet we know they have it in them. Maureen offers solutions.

Imagine this as a tool for the automotive aftermarket. You do the math. Unlimited potential and untapped ideas.

We discuss how the brain works in hypnotherapy and the science behind it that proved useful in uplifting and giving us an edge in life! The talking points can be found at remarkablersults.biz/e590

Four Corner – Four Wall Shop Inspection [THA 198]

Four Corner – Four Wall Facility Audit [THA 198]

Welcome to an episode that brings to you the power and value of peer inspections of your facility and property. This discussion applies to the Four Corners and Four Walls of your shop. Does your customer see the organization and cleanliness of your shop? How about the environment that your people work in. Is it up to your standards?

I’m with Seth Thorson, Owner of EuroTech Auto Service and LMV Bavarian BMW Support; and Daniel Gravely, District Manager, EuroTech Auto Service. And keep in mind this is a peer review – some special power in that.

The key talking points from this episode, they are already done for you. Go to the show page at remarkableresults.biz/a198.

Doug Grills – 20 Questions in 30 Minutes [RR 589]

Doug Grills – 20 Questions in 30 Minutes [RR 589]

Welcome to another episode of 20 Questions in 30 Minutes. I’m with Doug Grills of AutoStream Car Care Center. Doug along with his partner Rick Levitan has been around the auto service business for over 25 years and has built their reputation by offering best-in-class service to their customers. Now he joins and answers his hand-picked questions on our format I call 20 Questions in 30 Minutes.

This episode highlights Doug’s early musical career and allowed us to understand how he uses his analytical skills to make decisions. He believes in process and that a strong culture is what people really buy into.

Find the key talking points, Doug Grills’ bio, and links to his previous episodes at remarkableresults.biz/e589

The Difference: Dealership Tech Now Works for an Independent. Why? [RR 588]

The Difference: Dealership Tech Now Works for an Independent. Why? [RR 588]

I’m with Matt Manzone and Jim Fleischman. Matt is an ASE certified master tech and service writer and works at Jim’s shop Automotive Alley in Arcade, NY.

Why this interview. Matt is a former dealer technician. Hearing the reasons why Matt Manzone went to work for an independent is important to how you think and approach hiring dealer techs. Jim also shares some of his process to bring Matt on board to work in his company.

We discuss the differences of techs at dealerships against techs at independent shops. Matt and Jim also talk about the dilemma of leaving your job of 14 years for the same yet new job. The talking points can be found at remarkablersults.biz/e588

Electric Vehicles – The Future Unfolds [THA 197]

Electric Vehicles – The Future Unfolds [THA 197]

Welcome to an episode ahead of its time. It may bring forth some brilliant thoughts and strategies moving forward that will help the aftermarket prepare for the future. It will be here sooner than we know.

I’m with John Eppstein, Carolyn Coquillette, Dave Kusa, and Rorry Balmer. We talk about the future with changing technology especially Electric Vehicles. Don’t shy away from this or any other topic that will define your future.

My Academy guests detailed our preparedness, the competitive landscape, predictions, legislation, powertrain, ownership structure, electric vehicles and more along with their recommendations.

If you want the key talking points from this episode, they are already done for you. Go to the show page at remarkableresults.biz/a197.

Four Ways to Generate Income Using ESBI with Gerry Frank [RR 587]

Four Ways to Generate Income Using ESBI with Gerry Frank [RR 587]

Gerry Frank, a business coach, and shop owner share Robert Kiyosaki’s famous CashFlow Quadrant in an easy to swallow and digestible way.

It has 4 quadrants and abbreviated as ESBI. He is correlating the ESBI approach to stages in the aftermarket. The stages are Employee, Self-employed, Business Owner, and Investor which relates to an individual starting himself as a technician becomes a shop owner and eventually, becomes an investor.

Find the key talking points, Gerry Frank’s bio, and links to his previous episodes at remarkableresults.biz/e587

Service Advisor Advice from Steve Shaw [RR 586]

Service Advisor Advice from Steve Shaw [RR 586]

Service advisor consultant trainer Steve Shaw of Steve Shaw Training brings his unique brand of training. Steve has some great ideas and concepts that can help you grow sales therefore dropping that margin gain directly to the bottom line. Steve Shaw teaches service advisors to get customers’ permission.

Steve shares 5 key reasons customers buy And he wants you to change the wording when you sell maintenance. There is also a simple approach to selling tires.

Steve also adds techniques in this episode. He advises, if you follow the tools and training you will sell more. He extends his understanding of customer behavior to your advantage. This episode can answer why customers buy and offer some great ideas on selling maintenance and tires.

Find the show notes at remarkableresults.biz/e586.

Cares Act & Payroll Protection Program Update with Hunt Demarest, CPA[THA 196]

CARES ACT and PPP Update with Hunt Demarest [THA 196]

I’m with Hunt Demarest CPA in this Payroll Protection Program or PPP update.

Hunt says that there is a document that says the deadline for PPP forgiveness is October 31, 2020. That is not true and Hunt explains. If you did get PPP funds there is a deadline to apply for forgiveness and he shares the timing on that. If you got an EIDL loan that must be paid back. Check with your banker or accountant. Don’t ignore it.

Hunt provides some tax consequence talk, but more importantly, you need to work with your banker, accountant or tax preparer to be sure you are compliant with the law i

Hunt is from Paar Mellis an accounting firm that exclusively works with aftermarket shop owners. Hunt has contributed in past episodes and he always offers great advice. Nothing in this episode is to be construed as gospel. You must do your own research and consult with your own professionals.

If you want the key talking points from this episode, they are already done for you. Go to the show page at remarkableresults.biz/a196.

Automotive Management Institute: Looking Ahead with Chuck Searles [RR 585]

Automotive Management Institute: New President Chuck Searles – Looking Ahead [RR 585]

I’m with Chuck Searles, the new president of AMI. I know many of you have your industry credentials from AMi, not only in collision but in mechanical. If you are not aware there are certifications and designations offered to the industry for management and service training. You may have your AAM designation, the Accredited Automotive Manager or master, AMAM and you should be proud.

Go behind the scenes and meet Chuck Searles and discover his background and what his plans are for leading AMi. Find AMi at amionline.org. AMi’s mission is to identify, provide, and promote qualified business education for the success of automotive service repair professionals.

Chuck shares his story of how he ended up in the automotive industry. As president of AMi, he wants to increase AMis presence on the service side of the industry. Find the key talking points, Chuck Searles’s bio and links to his previous episodes at remarkableresults.biz/e585