Technician’s Three-Year Succession Plan [RR 906]

Andy Bizub and part owner Brandon Ludwikowski discuss the transition from technician to business owner, the importance of a positive attitude, and the tools and knowledge required for technicians. The conversation also covers the division of responsibilities within the company, decision-making processes, and the importance of understanding business fundamentals and financials.

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CASE: Controller, Analyzer, Socializer, Entrepreneur- Which Personality Type Are You? [RR 904]

How can different personality types impact leadership and success in business?

Murray Voth discusses the importance of understanding personality types in business. He introduces a new acronym, CASE, which stands for Controller, Analyzer, Socializer, and Entrepreneur. The conversation also covers the role of human motivation, clear expectations and accountability in managing employees, and the importance of giving space to your partner in a marriage and how it applies to business relationships. Find out how you can create a harmonious and productive team dynamic, where individuals can play to their strengths and contribute effectively to the business.

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Creating Psychological Safety For Your Employees [RR 901]

George Kingman discusses the importance of work-life balance, psychological safety, and cultivating a positive work environment. He shares personal experiences and lessons learned from his journey in the automotive industry, emphasizing the need for passion and positivity. Kingman also discusses leadership strategies inspired by George Washington and how they can be applied in modern businesses. He stresses the importance of making employees feel valued and connected to their work.

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Personal Development in Sales Training: Pushing Boundaries for Growth [AW 183]

Aldo Gomez discusses the significance of self-understanding and acceptance in improving sales performance. Aldo shares his journey from being a service advisor to a sales trainer, emphasizing the importance of practicing presentation scripts and handling customer responses. He also differentiates between coaching for performance and development, highlighting the value of personal growth. Aldo reassures introverted individuals that they can be successful in sales and stresses the importance of a strong work ethic.

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Gain Commitment From Your Team: Lead From the Front [AW 182]

Tom Palermo discusses the importance of continuous training for technicians, the increasing average age of vehicles, and his strategies for fostering a positive company culture and building strong customer relationships. He also discusses the challenges and opportunities presented by electric vehicles and the importance of hands-on training.

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Doubling Down On Diagnostics [RR 898]

Recorded Live at ASTE 2023, twin brothers Mario and Martin Rojas and their employer Jason Athanas, discuss their work in the automotive industry, the importance of continuous training and staying updated on technology, and their unique business model. Mario also talks about his YouTube channel ‘Super Mario Diagnostics, which is used for training and customer engagement.

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Unlocking Higher Levels of Learning [896]

Recorded Live at ASTE 2023, Jim Cokonis kicks off the conversation with a mention of the late Anthony Williams and his innovative concept of “the Sage on the Stage” in training and education. This approach emphasizes the importance of learners discovering knowledge on their own, rather than being passive recipients of information. Jim also discusses his role as the Executive Director of the Auto Talent Co-Op led by John Gustafson in California, a non-profit organization aimed to solve the talent gap and technician shortage in the industry.

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Conference Planning Musts! [894]

Travis Troy, owner of Honest Wrenches, discusses the importance of conference planning and attendance for team development. He dives into the process of selecting classes, professionalism at conferences, and the significance of investing in training and planning for the future.

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Why Join Our Automotive Virtual Toastmasters? [THA 350]

Recorded Live at ASTE 2023, Carm Capriotto welcomes Chris Cloutier, Craig O’Neill, Sara Fraser, and Tracy Capriotto, They discuss the importance of effective communication and the value of joining Toastmasters to improve speaking skills. The conversation touches on topics such as the impact of technology on human connection, the benefits of feedback and evaluation in Toastmasters, the significance of timing in public speaking, and the need for better communication in the automotive industry. The episode concludes with a discussion on the importance of effective communication during times of crisis and the benefits of joining Toastmasters to enhance communication skills.

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Intentionally Lowering Tensions in Conversations [RR 893]

In our fast-paced world, tension is a common occurrence in various aspects of life, including work, relationships, and competition. Dan Taylor discusses the concept of the “Three P’s” – purpose, process, and payoff – as a way to set clear expectations and lower tension. He also emphasizes the role of active listening, empathetic engagement, understanding others’ perspectives and the importance of nonverbal communication. Remember, the art of conversation is a journey, not a destination. Let’s continue to learn and grow together.

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Defining Mentoring and Its Role in Implementing Change [AW 179]

Gary Gunn discusses how mentoring differs from coaching and how it can benefit shop owners in defining their own success and implementing necessary changes in their businesses. Gary shares his experience as a mentor and offers tools and strategies for shop owners to implement new ideas and overcome challenges. He emphasizes the importance of working on the business and oneself, creating a scoreboard for business performance, and understanding the true cost of doing business. Gary also explains the role of a true mentor and the value of assessments in tailoring mentoring approaches. Carm and Gary believe that mentoring can enhance the value of coaching and help shop owners gain confidence and make informed decisions.

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Family Business: The Dads [THA 349]

Shop owners and fathers Charlie Marcotte and Paul Campanella discuss the topic of passing down a family business to the next generation. They emphasize the importance of aligning roles and skill sets, providing training and guidance, and setting realistic expectations for children joining the family business. They also explore the value of mentorship, learning from outside sources, and the challenges and rewards of running a family business. Whether you’re considering integrating your family into your business or looking for ways to make adjustments, this episode is a must-listen!

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Life Calibration: From Burnout to Balance [THA 348]

Our panel explores the challenges of achieving work-life balance and how it affects busy professionals and entrepreneurs. The key takeaway was the importance of operating with the mindset of wanting employees’ lives to work both inside and outside of the shop. Eddie Lawrence shared his personal story of experiencing a health crisis in 2015, which served as a wake-up call for him. As a business owner, he had been prioritizing his work over his own well-being. This realization led him to create ‘Life Calibration,’ a framework to help individuals prioritize and improve different areas of their lives, not just for themselves but also for their teams.

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Speaking Greatness Into Your People [RR 889]

Dan Taylor and Rod Olson discuss leadership principles and creating a culture of recognition in the automotive industry. They emphasize the importance of recognizing and affirming people in the workplace, being sincere and specific in recognition, and creating a psychologically safe environment. They also discuss the impact of positive language, effective communication, and the role of coaches and leaders in helping individuals and teams reach their full potential. Remember, as leaders, our words have the power to inspire, motivate, and shape the culture of our organizations. Let’s use them wisely!

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5 Steps to Max Your Potential and Maintain a Healthy Work Life Balance [AW 177]

Jaron Kleber, National Sales Manager of Repair Shop of Tomorrow, discusses the importance of maintaining a healthy work-life balance and maximizing one’s potential. Jaron explains the negative effects of hitting the snooze button and shares his personal routine for starting the day off right. The conversation then shifts to investing in personal goals and well-being, and the importance of treating employees like family. It’s crucial to take a step back from the daily grind and ask oneself what should be done right, rather than focusing on what is being done wrong.

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High Performance Leadership Training [RR 888]

Carm Capriotto introduces a group of automotive industry professionals who are part of a leadership program led by Shawn Gilfillan. This group has been working on a 20-week program designed to enhance leadership skills and empower teams in the automotive industry. The program emphasizes the importance of self-talk and changing one’s self-perception to become a better leader. They highlight the benefits of using the DISC test to understand themselves and their team members better, promoting understanding and empathy. They also discuss the positive impact of active listening and effective communication in resolving conflicts and improving relationships. They emphasize the value of continuous learning and the benefits of joining a leadership coaching group.

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Hiring Gen Z Mechanics [THA 347]

Carm Capriotto welcomes Sara Fraser and a Gen Z mechanic, Owen Chambers, to discuss his motivations for entering the automotive repair industry. Owen shares his transition from a career in finance to automotive repair, his aspirations within the industry, and the financial consciousness of his generation. The discussion also touches on the cost of entry in the automotive industry, the importance of understanding younger workers’ needs and expectations, and the multitasking habits and attention span of Gen Z. Understanding the motivations, aspirations, and mindset of Gen Z workers is crucial for the future of the automotive industry.

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New Age Employees Require A New Way of Thinking [AW 176]

Pete McNeil discusses the changing needs of employees in the post-COVID workplace, particularly focusing on Gen Z employees. He talks about the importance of providing a positive customer experience and adapting to the preferences and attention span of Gen Z employees. He also discusses the challenges of hiring and retaining Gen Z employees, including the need for benefits, learning opportunities, and potential pay advantages.

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Conference ROI: Extend Your Conference Investment 10X [RR 886]

Carm Capriotto and Maryann Croce discuss the importance of attending industry conferences and how to maximize their value. They provide tips such as having a growth mindset, planning ahead, and taking action on what is learned. They emphasize the value of networking, exchanging contact information, and respecting sponsors, speakers, and vendors. They also recommend documenting insights, taking pictures and videos for social media, and representing your business professionally. After the conference, they suggest debriefing, discussing takeaways, and creating a plan of action.

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The Unspoken Reality of Grief [RR 885]

Jock Brocas, Author, Publisher, Researcher and Evidential Medium discusses the topic of grief and its impact on individuals and society. Jock shares his personal experience with grief and emphasizes the importance of integrating it into our lives rather than trying to recover from it. He explains there is a societal fear and discomfort surrounding grief and how it affects our ability to support those who are grieving. Jock offers insights on empathy versus sympathy and encourages engaging with those who are grieving. He also discusses the transformative power of grief and the importance of leaders in the automotive industry supporting their team members who may be grieving. Jock shares his simple model for coping with grief and emphasizes the power of choice. It’s our hope that this conversation will inspire you to approach grief with empathy, understanding, and acceptance.

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The Roadmap to Success: Work Smarter Not Harder [RR 884]

Dan Taylor discusses various aspects of running a successful automotive repair business. He emphasizes the importance of having a roadmap to success, repackaging information to resonate with different people, utilizing reliable shop management systems, client and employee retention, effective marketing strategies, well-defined processes and procedures, and artificial intelligence in the industry. The episode concludes with a discussion on the importance of making money in the automotive repair industry and the need for a paradigm shift towards maintenance and customer service.

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Elevating Professionalism Through Language and Terminology [THA 345]

Our panel discusses the topic of language and terminology changes in the automotive aftermarket service industry. It’s important to use clear and professional language with employees and customers, as well as the significance of honesty and trust in communication. They also touch on the distinction between “technician” and “mechanic” and the need for ongoing training and teamwork. We hope that our discussion will inspire you to reflect on your own communication practices and make necessary improvements.

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Lost Everything: Started from Scratch and Bought a Shop [RR 882]

Aaron Weber, a shop owner from D & E Auto Repair in Chico, California, discusses his experience during the devastating Paradise Campfire in November 2018. Aaron shares how he and his family lost everything in the fire and had to start from scratch. He is transparent about the challenges they faced, including dealing with insurance, finding temporary housing, and seeking assistance. Despite the difficulties, Aaron emphasizes the importance of compassion and empathy, and how this experience has made him a better leader.

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S.O.B: Son of Boss [THA 344]

Carm Capriotto hosts a panel discussion on family businesses, specifically focusing on the challenges faced by sons of bosses (SOBs). Andrew Marcotte and Anthony Campanella share their experiences of working in their family businesses and the unique dynamics that come with it. They discuss the perception of nepotism and the importance of earning respect and value in their own right. They also discuss leadership development, work-life balance, communication, and succession planning in family businesses.

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