Is Your Mission Statement Your Passion Statement? – Bill Greeno [RR 755]
Was your mission statement created by yourself, or was it a collaborative effort from your employees? Is it listed on your website homepage? Do your customers know what it is? I’m with Bill Greeno at the 2022 Elite Invitational and he discusses how his team revamped its mission statement into a passion statement. Find out why affirmations were critical in starting the process.
Are You Dreaming Big Enough? [RR 721]
Are you dreaming big enough for yourself and your business? Imagine what next year could look like if you take action today. Don’t let past failures cloud your vision and passion. My guest Bryan Gossel shares his humble beginnings going through bankruptcy with his first business, to his successful 3 store operation today. Listen closely to his journey and story.
EOS Part 7 – Traction with Barry Barrett [RR 666]
EOS Part 7 – Traction with Barry Barrett [RR 666]
Welcome to the final episode in our 7 part EOS (Entrepreneurial Operating System) series with Barry Barrett, a certified EOS implementer. It’s time to put everything together that we have learned in the previous episodes on EOS. No business is too big or too small to put this system in action.
Everyone has a lot to get done every day, especially business owners, but are you getting the right things done every day? How should your weekly meetings be structured? Take the questions out of the equation in your business by following Barry’s simple and direct processes. EOS can grow your profitability by 20-25%, what are you waiting for?
EOS Part 6 – Process with Barry Barrett [RR 657]
EOS Part 6 – Process with Barry Barrett [RR 657]
We are on part 6 of our 7 part series on the Entrepreneurial Operating System with Barry Barrett, a certified EOS implementer. In this episode, Barry discusses how to systemize your business by building processes. Too many owners think they don’t have time to document processes and then wonder why they can’t leave the shop and take a vacation.
Guess what? Processes can be a simple 1 page of bullet points. Keep listening to follow the steps to create consistency in your business.
EOS Part 5 – Issues – with Barry Barrett [RR 645]
EOS Part 5 Issues with Barry Barrett [RR 645]
We are on 5 of our 7 part series on the Entrepreneurial Operating System with Barry Barrett, a certified EOS implementer. Did you know issues aren’t always bad? Sometimes issues can be positive and an opportunity for growth. How many times have “issues” been brought up during team meetings with a discussion that follows but no real solution? In this episode, Barry breaks down how to identify, discuss and solve issues within your business with real-life examples.
You can find Barry’s previous episodes on the EOS system on, just search “Barry Barrett” or “EOS” to find them.
EOS Part 4 Data with Barry Barrett [RR 639]
EOS Part 4 Data with Barry Barrett [RR 639]
We are on 4 of our 7 part series on the Entrepreneurial Operating System with Barry Barrett, a certified EOS implementer. In this episode we discuss data in terms of measurable numbers that give you the pulse on your business. Shop owners often only measure their business success by the number in the bank. And too often shop owners don’t set clear roles, goals and enforce accountability for their team. It’s time to take a magnifying glass to your organization to see where you are.
The key talking points for this episode reside at
EOS Part 3: People with Barry Barrett [RR 631]
EOS Part 3: People with Barry Barrett [RR 631]
In this Part 3 of our 7 part series on the Entrepreneurial Operating System with Barry Barrett, a certified EOS implementer we discuss the vital essence of any business, its people. Are you surrounding yourself with the right people? Are they doing the right job in your business? Do they share the same core values as yourself? Barry challenges the way you think about yourself and your people.
The key talking points for this episode with Barry Barrett reside at
EOS Part 2: Vision with Barry Barrett [RR624]
We are on part 2 of our 7 part series on the Entrepreneurial Operating System with Barry Barrett a certified EOS implementer. The EOS system includes simple concepts and practical tools that help entrepreneurs get the most out of their business. There’s finally a system to build your leadership team through vision, traction and healthy disciplines
In this part we are covering “Vision,” the foundation of your business. As a business owner, it is critical to get everyone on board with where you are going and how you will get there. And that starts with establishing your core values and focus within the business and mapping out short-term and long-range goals. It’s time to put your ideas and brainstorming thoughts on paper.
EOS Part 1: How EOS helps Owners Get More Out of Their Business – Barry Barrett [RR 616]
EOS Part 1: How EOS helps Owners Get More Out of Their Business – Barry Barrett [RR 616]
Here is a first in a series with Barry Barrett, a Certified EOS Implementer. Barry talks about how the Entrepreneur Operating System helps entrepreneurs get what they want from their business and to Understand how to make your leaders get on the same page with you and have Traction by helping them become more disciplined and accountable.
This episode is an overview of EOS. Barry and I will bring you seven episodes, released over time to help you better understand the disciplines and power of the Entrepreneurial Operating System or EOS. There are shop owners engaged in EOS and it is having a huge impact on their business.
The key talking points for this episode with Barry reside at
Thanks for being here in the front row of life in the automotive service business.
Businesses Grow when Owners Grow – Maryann Croce [RR 542]
Maryann Croce from She and her husband Tony also own Croce Transmission in Norwalk, CT. As a business owner, she can chalk up many a mistake that has turned into wisdom. She has been there and done that and shares 5 key principles to help a startup business person get ahead of the game. She is speaking…
THA 077: Business Coaches LAB – Standards
Business Coaches LAB on Standards
Standards, in a business is the bar, the rules that set the level of quality, service, experience, caring, and engagement. The problem is so many times the owner is so busy doing whatever he’s doing in his business mistakenly believing his job is to make sure cars are fixed.
Owners forget about the standards that set the tone and pulse of the business when it comes to customers, processes, training, conduct, dress code, ethics, financial, execution and performance among others.
You do not want your ‘standards’ to be set by others so you must create them if not chaos is ensured and as panel member Cecil Bullard says, “In business, there is no floating. You either going up or down.”
THA 070: Business Coaches LAB – Leadership
Business Coach LAB on Leadership
“Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality”. –Warren Bennis
The passion behind the vision is what makes people leaders. This is a first in an episodic series called the Business Coaches LAB. With me for the ‘Leadership LAB’ is Cecil Bullard, Bob Greenwood, Jude Larson, Rick White and Murray Voth. Find the coaches bio, previous podcast episodes and their companies website on the show notes page: Also, find the cliff note ‘talking points’ there that can act as a great action to do list for you.
We get into some very deep discussion on the value of leadership, but also on how you can start to be a better leader. Yes, leadership can be learned and practiced. The value of this lesson will bring you rewards for years to come.