Archive for April 2019
RR 427: Vin Waterhouse – You Should Have the Highest Payroll in Town, Not the Lowest
You should have the highest payroll in town, not the lowest.
A generation ago the shop owner didn’t need to know the numbers. How the world has changed and in this episode with Vin Waterhouse, as with all my discussions with business consultants and coaches, will push you to make the important changes that will catapult you from having a hobby or job into a career that rewards you for your hard work
Vincent Waterhouse, President and Founder of The Waterhouse Group, an automotive Accounting, Training, and Coaching company shares his strategy for business climate based on today’s changing business models.
Vin has over thirty years of experience in the automotive aftermarket. His specialty is working with auto repair shop owners to help them earn the profits they deserve.
FTR 043: Dave Hobbs – Find The Time and Make the Sacrifice to Attend Training. Trainers Do!
Dave Hobbs – Find The Time and Make the Sacrifice to Attend Training. Trainers Do!
Dave Hobbs travels the country training technicians for Delphi Technologies. His participation in the industry is without rival. He has a strong message for you about training venues, hands-on and the sacrifice that all aftermarket trainers make in their lives to bring you training. All he wants is to have you come to class when the trainers come to your town.
Find Dave’s talking points and links to his previous episodes on the show notes page at
RR 426: Supporting Technician Training with Technology and Partnerships – Paul Louwers – AVI On Demand
Supporting Technician Training with Technology and Partnerships – Paul Louwers – AVI On-Demand
Paul Louwers, CEO and CO-founder of the Automotive Video Innovations and the driving force behind the concept and execution of AVI. He has been in the training business for over 25 years.
Paul explains that on-demand training is just one tool for a shop owner and technician in their training arsenal. Because of the online learning management system, and I can’t stress that enough, when you add in leader-led training, and hands-on, the power of networking; the learning is compounded. Find your learning combination.
AVI is a technology company that excels at creating training for the automotive industry. They are producing relevant content for, Service and Repair Centers, Parts Manufacturers, Parts Distributors, and Automotive Schools.
THA 116: Business Coaches Lab – Improving Shop Efficiency
THA 116 Business Coaches Lab – Improving Shop Efficiency
Look forward to tactics like knowing your techs gifts or strengths, remove obstacles, make process improvement a rule, minimize interruptions, if your techs aren’t efficient find out why. There are so many factors and our coaches do a great job of exposing some key components for improving efficiency in your bays.
The Academy panel includes Murray Voth, RPM Training, Rick White 180 Biz, Jude Larson ACT Group, Cecil Bullard, The Institute for Automotive Business Excellence and Bob Greenwood, Automotive Aftermarket E-Learning Center.
RR 425: Ray Fisher – Networking Just May Be Your Secret Weapon
A Convo with ASA’s new Executive Director, Ray Fisher.
We have an aging workforce that is driving the industry to make some difficult decisions. The demands to adapt to the rapid growth of technology and advancement are factors that 10 years ago were non-issues. Training and personal networking are the norms today. Ray Fisher shares his years of association experience and his plans for ASA to help in those areas and plans to reach out to more shops and industry professionals to raise awareness and involvement.
Ray Fisher, executive director of the Automotive Service Association. Ray started his new responsibilities on January 2, 2019.
With a formal education in business administration, Fisher is an Accredited Master Automotive Manager (AMAM). He has extensive legislative experience, driving key issues for ASA-Michigan members on sales tax issues and shop licensing.
FTR 042: Vinnie Lucido – Find a Balance to Your Ego
Find a Balance For Your Ego
Vinnie Lucido from Co-Auto in Reno Nevada says we need to find a balance in our Ego’s. His rant brings in the value of Yoga to your well being. He is a Yoga teacher so he should know about the value of Yoga in one’s life. His message has a three-pronged approach; put your ego in check, let’s stop judging each other and check out the power of Yoga.
RR 424: New Aftermarket Measurement – Cost Per Billed Hour – Will Drive Your Profitability
New Aftermarket Measurement – Cost Per Billed Hour
I’m with Bob Greenwood, President, and C.E.O. of Automotive Aftermarket E-Learning Centre Ltd. We are discussing how cost per billed hour affects the site’s total efficiency in maximizing net profits.
This episode tackles measuring your site’s efficiency with cost per billed hour as a new aftermarket measurement to maximize your net profits. The calculation reflects on all aspects of your labor rate, workflow, charging for diag time, and other critical performance metrics.
Important note for this episode. Since Bob is demonstrating his strategy and findings through formulas we decided to record the video of this episode so you can see how Bob arrives at the conclusion to his formulas. You can find the video version on the show notes page at or on my Carm Capriotto youtube channel.
THA 115: Who Says You Need an Automotive Background to Run a Successful Shop
THA 115 Who Says You Need an Automotive Background to Run a Successful Shop
Now visit with Brian Sump from Avalon Motorsports and Andy Bizub from Midwest Performance Cars as they share their strategy for growing their business. This is an interview like no other you’ve heard here on Remarkable Results or the Town Hall Academy for that matter. This interview should open your eyes because Brian and Andy did not grow up in the business. They were not technicians with a dream of owning their own shop. Brian was a professional football player and Andy was a commodity trader.
They grew their business without the knowledge of the industry. They share their strategies and tactics that have shaped their continuing success. Brian and Andy basically became the CEO of their business. We talk about that a lot on the podcast. They used their people, network and training to learn, lead and grow their business.
So there’s the rub. Why are there so many legacy aftermarket professionals in the industry struggling when these ‘outsiders’ who acquired going shops are at the top of their game? Find out.
RR 423: Shop Talk 10 – Sold My Business – What’s Next?
Shop Talk 10 – Sold My Business – What’s Next?
Listen to former shop owners talk about their decisions and what they are doing now. Most importantly they suggest that you plan ahead for your future. We also get into the future as they see it.
My guests for Shop Talk 10 are veterans and influencers in our industry. Ron Haugen, a consultant, a teacher and a former shop owner from Westside Auto Pros in Des Moines; Dick Jobe, owns machine head, a metal art maker and a former shop owner of Downtown Import Service popularly known as Dr. Volvo; Doug Stoll, former owner of Susquehanna Auto Clinic and The Auto Clinic and co-founder of Vision, a part-time business coach and Jerry Holcom, co-founder of Vision, president of Midwest Auto Care Alliance and owner of S & S Service in Kansas. Our only non-retiree!
Remember the ability to think about or plan the future with imagination and wisdom is the very definition of what we aim not just for business but for our professional growth as well. What’s next for you!
FTR 041: Keith Williamson – Change or Be Changed and Commit to be a Forever Student
RR 422: A Case for Shop Specialization
A case for shop specialization
We are discussing in a bird’s eye view of Shop Specialization and training.
I’m with Rob Morrell, Sr. Director of Management and Technical Training at WorldPac Technical Institute and Mark Warren, training manager at WTI. So glad to share Rob and Mark’s interview with you as we are going to have a very open discussion on specialization and, as you would expect, the ‘T’ word comes up. Training!
This episode tackles the challenge of what makes a specialty shop. Mark and Rob share their personal perspectives on one approach to specialization. You’ll also hear of their support for FREE education for post-secondary automotive students.
THA 114: Taking Community Involvement to the Next Level – CarFest – Philanthropy on Steroids
Taking Community Involvement to the Next Level – CarFest – Philanthropy on Steroids
CarFest is an event unlike any others in the US that connect the independent service provider together with the community. All the while you are listening think how you can start, on a small scale, to do more in your community. CarFest is aptly subtitled: “Unity in the Community”.
I first want to congratulate every North American service professional for all that you do in your community. There are so many of you that support Veterans, battered women and many outreach non-for profits with your kindness.
CarFest takes it to a whole new level. This is a higher calling of community that I’ve ever seen. With me is CarFest Founder Mark Colaw from Seymour’s Garage, joining us is Gary Pundt from Alamo Heights Garage and Louie Sirianni from Sirianni Automotive.
They do share with you the events that are going on with this two day, free to the public event. CarFest will give away 13 vehicles, provide funds to area post-secondary education and donate automotive repair for 25 vehicle owners that need safe and reliable transportation.
Coordinating the logistics of this event is a monumental task and it has grown into utilizing 200,000 square feet of space. Get some of the details and listen to Mark, Gary and Louie share their passion for this event that has provided over $1,000,000 in service, vehicles and donations within their San Antonio community in the last three years
RR 421: Mike Michalowicz: Making Profitability a Habit – Inside his book ‘Profit First’
Mike Michalowicz – Making Your Profitability a Habit
What is profit? It is the difference between the amount earned and the amount spent. Mike Michalowicz tells you that you subtract profit from sales and then learn to manage your expenses. Therefore Sales – Profit = Expenses. We discuss Mike Michalowicz great book ‘Profit First’.
Mike will give you his innovative processes on profitability. He will provide insights on understanding the core principles and processes of financial gain. It will also shed light on cash flow management system, revenue, support network, profitability, efficiency, and the 5 core fundamental accounts you need to work your business from.
The episode is painting vivid pictures of how profitability works on the business canvas. It will open your mind to systems and processes to make profitability a habit. I urge you to read Mike’s Book Profit First, cover to cover. You can find it on the books page on the website.
FTR 040: Bob Greenwood – Our Suppliers Need to Better Understand the Service Professional
Our Suppliers Need to Better Understand the Service Professional. Bob Greenwood, President of Automotive Aftermarket E-Learning Center points out that the supply side of our industry must find a higher level of understanding of the opportunities and challenges of the service professional. He says it’s not all about selling parts, but about how the suppliers can help the pro become more efficient, productive and profitable.
RR 420: Kim Walker – Building a StoryBrand
Kim Walker – Building a Story Brand
People are bombarded with 3,000 marketing messages every 24 hours. What does your message say?
Catch the power of ‘Story Brand’. Learn about the Guide, the Hero, the problem, and the plan among others. It is a perfect fit for growing your relationship with your client. This is a review of the book ‘Building A Story Brand’ by Donald Miller.
Kim Walker is an official Story Brand Guide and along with her husband, Brian are former shop owners who are taking their personal experience and helping shop owners with their ‘story’. Their company is Shop Marketing Pros and they are helping the service professional bring their story brand to their clients.
THA 113: Taking Care of Your Most Valuable Asset – YOU!
Taking Care of Your Most Valuable Asset – YOU
Are you looking to do something for you? Are you exercising? Are you taking care of you? This Town Hall Academy will help you learn how to find your personal motivation.
Get off the couch. It’s not OK to NOT be in shape. Many opportunities to be healthy. From exercise to eating. According to the World Health Organization — 80% of premature heart disease, stroke, and diabetes is self-inflicted. 40% of cancer is self-inflicted (Only 10% is hereditary and the rest is environmental).
It is a big responsibility to be and stay healthy as you take care of your family and your business family. Learn to like the results of healthy eating and exercising.
RR 419: Bringing Technician Proficiency to the Next Level Through Mentoring Programs
Bringing Technical Proficiency to the Next Level Through Tech Mentoring Programs
What is technician mentoring? It is a training program focused on technical proficiency. Helping our techs not just technical but also on effective communication, effective teamwork, positive shop culture and a higher bottom line for everyone. Encouraging a team aspect that benefits everyone involved and getting techs better at their jobs.
Ensuring our industry’s growth is our Vision 2019 power panel are veteran educators and trainers with years of expertise within the industry; Scott Shotton owner of the Driveability Guys, Eric Ziegler owner of E-Z Diagnostic Solutions and Trainer, Dave Denmon of Dave’s Car Care and Gerson Carcache Master Tech at Dave’s Car Care.
The episode is driving the discussion of technician mentoring and the need for assisting shops in developing their technicians. Not only keeping a seasoned technician current but in developing bench talent.