Archive for May 2021
Employee Amenities with JJ Greenfield and Kelly Michel [CC 091]
Employee Amenities with JJ Greenfield and Kelly Michel [CC 091]
I recommend you watch the video so you can see pictures of top-notch employee amenities from JJ’s Auto Care and Kelly’s Auto Repair. Both shops are located in Florida, and with that humid summer weather, you’ll see a refreshing way their tech’s beat the heat!
Showing your employees how much you value them can also be as easy as providing lunch once a week or once a month.
Head to the CarmCast Page on my website or my youtube channel to watch the video and find the key talking points for this episode. You might want to watch previous Carmcasts on lean processes and digital signage!
Chris Chesney and Virtual Tour with Judi Haglin [AW 055]
Taking Your Toolbox Home with Justin Barrett [RR 644]
Taking Your Toolbox Home with Justin Barrett [RR 644]
Justin is the owner of Barrett Automotive and has been trying to pack up his toolbox in the shop for good for the last 11 years. How many other owners out there have trouble leaving the bays?
The temptation is to default to being a technician, you were always most comfortable in that role or to help your team cover the overload. But when you’re a business owner, you have to hang up that hat and put on a different one. Justin shares his struggle.
The key talking points for all episodes reside on my website,
Building Customer Trust [THA 225]
Building Customer Trust [THA 225]
We all know building customer trust takes time and doesn’t happen overnight. So when does it happen? It starts with every single touchpoint you make with your customer.
From marketing to the way your storefront looks, and that first phone call, every interaction inches you further in developing trust. Find out how to polish your business in this must-listen episode.
Technician Outlook with Jake Sorensen- Part 1 [RR 643]
Technician Outlook with Jake Sorensen [RR 643]
Are you having trouble finding qualified technicians? Have you ever thought about starting an apprentice program but you don’t know where to begin?
In this episode, Jake Sorensen breaks down all the classic questions and concerns that arise with apprentice programs. It’s time to stop complaining about a technician shortage, and start becoming the solution. Are you willing to invest in your employees and your business? If so, keep listening. This episode can change your trajectory for the future of your business.
You can find the key talking points for this episode and every episode released on my website
Clint Dudley and Virtual Tour with Pete McNeil [AW 054]
Partnership Agreements with Charlene Parlett [RR 642]
Partnership Agreements with Charlene Parlett [RR 642]
Do you remember when you started your business with your wife or friend as your partner? The upside was blue skies and the horizon was never-ending.
No one plans for partnerships to crumble or marriages ending or an unforeseen death to occur. But what happens when it does? Do you have legal documents in place? No matter what stage you are in owning a business, it is a necessity to plan for the unexpected now, rather than later when emotions and tensions are high. In this episode, Charlene Parlett shares her personal experience with business and marriage so others can avoid the same path.
Find the key talking points for this episode at
Comebacks: Prevention, Reputation and Cost [THA 224]
Comebacks: Prevention, Reputation and Cost [THA 224]
How closely do you track comebacks in your shop? Do you look for trends? Is it human error or communication gaps between customer and service advisor, and service advisor and technician? Sometimes the most loyal customers arise from correcting a mistake, but often times we are unaware a mistake even happened. In this episode, my panel dives into the different scenarios that occur during vehicle comebacks and how to correct them.
You can listen and/or watch the video of this episode and find the key talking points at
Drop the Keys and Fix It [RR 641]
Drop the Keys and Fix It [RR 641]
Think about the latest procedure or surgery you had. You put all your trust in your doctor and the medical staff as you were getting put under anesthesia. Can we translate that trust into auto repair customers? How do we gain “Here are my keys, I trust you, fix it and let me know when it’s done” type of customers? In this episode, Andy Bizub and Charlie Marcotte break down the fundamentals of connecting with customers and what that means to your business.
The key talking points for this episode reside at
Improve Your Capabilities and Processes – Get LEAN [CC 090]
Improve Your Capabilities and Processes – Get LEAN [CC 090]
I recommend you watch the video so you can see the incredible organizational strategies Craig Caudill has implemented at Fine Tuned Auto in Erie CO. Use it as a template for your shop. Head to the CarmCast Page or to watch the video and find the key talking points for this episode.
Dwayne Myers and Shop Tour with Jonathan Ortiz [AW 053]
Leadership Series Part 1 with Mike Davidson – Everything Rises and Falls [RR 640]
Leadership Series Part 1 with Mike Davidson [RR 640]
How often do you work on your leadership skills? If you don’t, where do you start? Every business owner knows they need to be strong leaders, but how many are consciously working on it? Mike Davidson, a John Maxwell Certified Teacher, Trainer, and Coach, will be bringing you a 5 part series on leadership during the next few months. In this part 1 episode, Mike breaks down the essence of leadership that you should have in both your personal and professional life. Mike is also a shop owner.
The key talking points for this episode reside at
My Biggest Mistakes [THA 223]
My Biggest Mistakes [THA 223]
In this episode, my panel discusses some of their biggest mistakes they’ve overcome as shop owners. We all wish we could go back in time and fix mistakes from ever happening, but unfortunately, there is no crystal ball for life. Instead, it’s important to reflect and turn it into a learning curve for ourselves and others. Take this opportunity to listen to this giving and transparent episode to perhaps avoid making the same mistakes in your business. Learn from these moments of truth.
The key talking points for this episode reside at
EOS Part 4 Data with Barry Barrett [RR 639]
EOS Part 4 Data with Barry Barrett [RR 639]
We are on 4 of our 7 part series on the Entrepreneurial Operating System with Barry Barrett, a certified EOS implementer. In this episode we discuss data in terms of measurable numbers that give you the pulse on your business. Shop owners often only measure their business success by the number in the bank. And too often shop owners don’t set clear roles, goals and enforce accountability for their team. It’s time to take a magnifying glass to your organization to see where you are.
The key talking points for this episode reside at
Tom Ham and Shop Tour with Eric Henley [AW 052]
Guest Host Tom Ham and Carm celebrate the one-year anniversary of the start of Aftermarket Weekly. Tom also talks about rising prices and keeping your labor rate in tune with rising costs. The virtual Shop Tour by Eric Henley from H-Teck Auto Care in Gray, TN The Trivia Challenge: What Vehicle Won the MotorTrend SUV of the Year award for 2020?
Interesting New Technology with Chris Cloutier [RR 638]
Interesting New Technology with Chris Cloutier [RR 638]
If you love new technology you’re in for a treat! Chris Cloutier discusses the rapid changes in technology and what that means for our industry. If you’re not a fan of new technology, then consider this your opportunity to learn a slice of the future and get on board before it steamrolls you.
New technology is going to happen no matter what, it’s just a question of accepting it and adapting it to your world. The key talking points for this episode reside at
10 Things That Require Zero Talent [THA 222]
10 Things That Require Zero Talent [THA 222]
What makes a person successful? Is it luck? Is it because they are born to be leaders? Can success be taught or learned? Too often we get caught up in the day-to-day grind, we lose focus on the big picture called life. In this episode, we go back to basics and discuss 10 things that require zero talent that EVERYONE can accomplish. Practice each one and you’ll be amazed at the changes that follow.
You can listen and/or watch the video of this episode and find the key talking points at They make a great meeting agenda.
NASTF Update with Donny Seyfer [RR 637]
NASTF Update with Donny Seyfer [RR 637]
In this episode, we dive into NASTF’s soft launch of the Assisted Immobilizer Reprogramming Service that offers secure repairs when a vehicle’s security system is involved.
Cybersecurity risks are always a top concern and NASTF has collaborated with automakers to close the gap and offer a service to help shop owners, technicians, and car owners.
The key talking points for this episode reside at
Why Invest In Digital Signage & Great Branding [CC 089]
Why Invest In Digital Signage & Great Branding [CC 089]
Welcome to CarmCast Episode 089 with a message on the power of digital signs and branding. This is another Why and How CarmCast and is repurposed from our LIVE broadcast.
I recommend you watch the video because we have a lot of pictures that bring the visual to the message. Sure the podcast will give you great tips but the pictures that my guests brought with them help show the power of their branding/signage strategy.