Anxiety Disorders at Work [THA 246]

Anxiety Disorders at Work [THA 246]

Anxiety: we all know it and we all experience it. If you’re tuning into this episode you’re probably hoping to find a quick fix to handle anxiety. My panel does cover best practices when you’re in an anxious state, but they also dive deeper into what causes anxiety in the first place. The majority of the time it is self-induced. It’s time to open your mind and view anxiety from a different perspective.

The Power of Transformational Coaching [THA 242]

The Power of Transformational Coaching [THA 242]

Employee reviews: We’ve all been there. You get called into your boss’s office and get graded on your performance over the past year. It can be easy to forget your review once you leave the office. Out of sight, out of mind. Isn’t it time to change that mundane process? In this episode my panel discusses a transformational approach for owners to deepen their relationship with their employees. Let them be a part of your business and see how it can flourish. We are talking Transformational Coaching.

Coaches Lab: Why Employees Leave [THA 195]

Coaches Lab: Why Employees Leave [THA 195]

You are about to embark on a brainstorming session with three of our aftermarket’s excellent business coaches that have a strong leaning toward people and culture. As you’ve learned throughout the last 194 episodes picking a panel and getting them to mesh seems to be a strength of mine and this one nailed our topic. And you benefit from this listen.

Employees leave for many reasons. This episode will give you more than five reasons and if you work on only three of them, you are on your way to creating a solid ‘sticky’ team. I say sticky because you want your people to stay, yet you need to create the right environment, culture, and engagement for it to work.

The panel: Dan Taylor, Senior Business Advisor at Transformers Institute, Dave Schedin, from Computrek Automotive Management Systems, and Murray Voth, owner and principal trainer at RPM training.

If you want the key talking points from this episode, they are already done for you. Go to the show page at Use them for an agenda to help you implement the insights from this Academy.

If How To’s Were Enough We’d All Be Rich and Skinny- Dave Schedin [RR 555]

If How To’s Were Enough We’d All Be Rich and Skinny- Dave Schedin [RR 555]

The episode will teach you how to face your fears and understand the depth of your ego. Managing your ego and self-confidence in balance will get you the result you really need. Find out the truth behind the overconfidence and arrogance that we all try to avoid. We are all victims of whatever circumstance we chose to put ourselves into. The sooner we understand that the better off we are at handling difficult situations.

My guest is a coach and a former shop owner, Dave Schedin from Computrek Group a
Coaching and Training Company. Dave has 40+ years of experience in the automotive field.

David has a powerful message for you. We are talking about the fear-based scarcity mindset that can plague the best of us. If it remains unchecked it will derail most business owners by undervaluing themselves. The opposite of this has the same effect too. You can be too arrogant when you are overconfident. You have to balance things out. You’re gonna love this episode.

RR 486: Dan Taylor – Emotional Intelligence (EQ) Leads to High Performing Companies – Part 3

RR 486: Dan Taylor – Emotional Intelligence (EQ) Leads to High Performing Companies – Part 3

There are 4 pillars that make our discussion stand today. These pillars are the ones that solidify the company’s cultural EQ. These are personal behavior, empathy, accountability, and training.

I’m once again with Dan Taylor on our 3rd episode on the power of emotional intelligence or most commonly called EQ. This is a big topic. Welcome to the third part of our emotional intelligence series.

So glad to bring you episodes that make you think and self evaluate. If you have any type of leadership role these EQ episodes are for you. Also, see Part 2 in Episode 474 and Part 1 in Episode 461.

RR 474: Dan Taylor – Emotional Intelligence (EQ) Leads to High Performing Leaders – Part 2

Dan Taylor – Emotional Intelligence leads to High Performing Leaders – Part 2

Leadership has its different styles and strategies. How well you lead depends on how you treat followers and how you treat yourself as a shepherd towards its own flock.

Throughout time, we learned that there are different types of leaders, leaders who have different mindsets, discipline, strategies and even outlook. As you have studied lessons of leadership you may have discovered a formula that works, grows your influence and builds a team. So much of your leadership skills are about your Emotional Intelligence or EQ. We are talking EQ in Part 2 with Dan Taylor, a Senior Business Advisor at Transformers Institute

We will be expanding on our discussion of Emotional Intelligence and its relevant effects on leadership as a whole and how it can impact the aftermarket industry.

RR 461: Dan Taylor – Emotional Intelligence (EQ) Leads to High Performance Shops – Part 1

Dan Taylor – Emotional Intelligence Leads To High Performance

In the business of the aftermarket, we are always in search of leadership qualities to take our business and team to the next level. It is not necessarily how smart you are but how you manage your and your team’s emotions.

Let me set the stage; here is a quote from noted author Daniel Goleman: In a study of skills that distinguish star performers in every field from entry-level jobs to executive positions, the single most important factor was not IQ, advanced degrees, or technical experience, it was EQ: Emotional Intelligence.

This episode has the right ingredients to make you emotionally aware of the properties of your own emotions and how to incorporate them into problem-solving and to the overall emotional health of a shop. My guest today is Dan Taylor. He is the Senior Business Advisor of Transformers institute. Dan will help you understand the importance of Emotional Intelligence in leadership as a huge factor in team and customer retention.