RR 389: The Art of Successful Mentoring
The Art of Successful Mentoring
Dr. John Passante is a well-respected mentor who has 35+ years of experience in human resource and organizational development. He is an author, a lecturer, a professor and prides himself in helping companies increase their effectiveness. Aaron Schaffer is well versed in sales, product, and marketing. He holds a BBA in Economics and a lifelong car enthusiast and has been active in motorsports competition.
This is episode brings you a full view of mentoring and the relationship shared as a mentee. The interview offers exclusive access to John and Aaron’s 45+ Years of combined experience in their respective fields. Their take on mentoring will add quality and value when you become a mentor yourself.
RR 383: AAPEXedu 2018 The Road To Great Technicians – Roundtable
AAPEX EDU 2018 The Road To Great Technicians
A fundamentally valuable discussion as we get ready to deal with the tsunami of seeding our industry with our future technicians that will have the competencies necessary to perform mechanical and diag work and the need to develop career paths for every level of technician.
We need apprentice and mentoring programs that are universal to the industry, along with an industry moving in the same training direction so we can create competent technicians to work on the tech and safety issues of our future vehicles. We do not need our government involved in directing competencies, we need to do it ourselves.
This discussion is one you’ll need to hear time and time again. You will need to be involved and help move this initiative forward. Don’t wait to get involved. A first step is to become a member of NASTF. It is Free. Go to NAFTF.org
FTR 021: Do You Need a Mentor? Who In Your Life Can You Mentor?
Brin Kline says we can solve a ton of problems inside the industry if each of us found someone to mentor or to mentor you.
Brin explains the value he sees in having the right person believe in you and help you find your strengths. If you find this inspirational, create an action item and do. Find someone to mentor or tell your close circle of associates that you are looking for a mentor.
FTR 007: Matt Fanslow – Integrate the Malleable Young Apprentice Into Your Shop
RR 330: Dave Macholz – Academic Chair of Suffolk County College Automotive Technology
How Do We Educate and Integrate Our Young People into a Career as Automotive Technicians?
My guest is Dave Macholz, the Academic Chair at the automotive technology program at Suffolk County Community College on Long Island, NY. The automotive program has been active for over 30 years. Dave has an independent aftermarket history and is very transparent about the current and future value of training our future technicians.
We cover a large breadth of topics including funding, graduation rates, mentoring, improving enrollment, internships and capital spending to keep our colleges current with new technology. Stuff you need to know and get involved with.
You will benefit from this discussion. The more you know about the grassroots issues we face the better you be able to help solve them. With your help, the future is bright.
RR 312: NASTF – The Road To Great Technicians
The Road to Great Technicians
We talk so much about solutions to the technician shortage. Here is an episode that will get you to realize that there is so much more than filling the seats in trade schools. It is about what happens when we hire a new tech. The trend is to grow our own technician, but can we outline a career path for our new recruit? You need to be involved in creating a ‘Road to Great Technicians.
Joining me in studio at Vision 2018 is Donny Seyfer Executive Officer of NASTF, Chris Chesney, Sr. Director of Customer Training at Car Quest Technical Institute and Jill Saunders, Curriculum Developer at Toyota Motor Sales, North America.
This straight up discussion on creating a career path for all entry-level technicians through an apprentice and mentoring program outlines WHY this is so important. Do we want the government someday to create a program of standards and competence or should we as an industry start today to build those standards?
Just putting an entry-level tech in the lube bay without a career path is part of the big challenges we have as an industry. Without a defined career path it becomes a brain drain of young talent.
RR 306: The Young Auto Care Network Group – YANG
We’re In Good Hands.
Our future is all about incubating young people into our industry at every level from manufacturing, distribution to the service professional. Listen to three aftermarket professionals from the Auto Care Associations dynamic and vibrant under-40 set that finds its home with the Young Auto Care Network Group (YANG). YANG provides young auto care professionals in their twenties and thirties the opportunity to network with industry peers, enhance knowledge and improve leadership capabilities.
Joining Carm in this interview are Lisa Nazoyan, Mahle Aftermarket Inc., Farmington Hills, MI, JC Washbish, Director of Marketing, Automotive Aftermarket Auto Parts Alliance, San Antonio, TX and the Vice Chairman of YANG and Chase Baxley, Vice President of Product & Supply Chain, The Parts House, Jacksonville, FL who has also helped create YANG from the beginning.
RR 291: Bambi Crozier from Car Clinic and ASOG
Changing the Image of the Industry; One Customer at a Time.
Bambi Crozier and her husband Neil own Car Clinic in Lowell, AR. They are dedicated to lifelong customer relationships and are working to change their customer’s image of the industry to that of a profession and not just a trade.
With her background in customer service, she and Neil set out on a mission of change. She started by asking her customer’s a lot of questions about their vehicle. She discovered that her customers wanted the down and dirty truth about their vehicle needs.
Listen to her story of startup and transformation. She knows that the rapid change in technology and the way tech is affecting how business is done today will require a smarter, wiser business owner. She believes in the power of the statement: ‘You Don’t Know What You Don’t Know.’
THA 015: How to Improve Employee Loyalty
How to Improve Employee Loyalty and create engaged team members.
Listen to Ryan Clo, Dwayne Myers and Jude Larson talk about the power of gratitude, the importance of sharing your vision, creating a powerful work environment, the value of training for personal improvement, pay and bonus programs, mentoring and why you need to share your numbers.
RR 208: Business Coach Round-Table -Greenwood – Haas – Barrett
Three Aftermarket Business Coaches Affirm that Shop Owners Need to Become the CEO of Their Company
Join Bob Greenwood, Bill Haas and Barry Barrett as they bring a thoughtful and lively discussion on the need for business owners to make an important step and find the professionalism and become the CEO of their company.
They say it is not easy and requires training and support from their peers and even a business coach. Most importantly is the need for an accountability partner or mentor. Business is tough today and shop owner need an enormous amount of help to transfer from a trade mentality to a professional environment.
Business consultants are the cheapest employee in the business, they say and touch on family, wife, leadership, competitors, making errors, and getting out of the way of your people and let them do their job.
RR 158: Tom Meyers
NAPA ASE Technician of the year, 2009, in Chicagoland has a career that spans 40 years and still does it all; but loves diagnostics.
In 2009 Tom Meyers was selected as the NAPA/ASE Technician of the Year for the Chicagoland area, a first for a non-owner technician. He is an ASE Master Certified with L1 Certification and works on everything from computer diagnostics and engine performance to engine installations and rebuilding differentials. In the past 40 years he has always focused on repair quality and the latest automotive technology.
RR 157: Jason Hladyniuk from Oxford Tire and Auto Centre
Competitive Advantage: Be the Dealer Alternative
Jason Hladyniuk from Oxford Tire and Auto Centre in Woodstock, Ontario is reflecting on his eighteen years in the industry. He is certain that his investment in tools and training will be critical to stay relevant for servicing his customer’s vehicles in the future.
RR 147: Jacquie Walter Hower from Zimmerman’s Automotive
Jacquie Walter Hower is the Director of Operations and 3rd generation at her family’s business, Zimmerman’s Automotive, in Mechanicsburg, PA. Typical family indoctrination. During high school and into college, Jacquie worked part time for the company working in the Quick Lube department as a technician changing oil and maintaining customer vehicles. After her sophomore year…
RR 119: John Eppstein from John’s Automotive Care
John Eppstein from John’s Automotive Care in San Diego, CA was recognized in 2016 as the NAPA ASE Technician of the Year. Started Like So Many Others John Eppstein started in the automotive industry in 1983 because he wanted a job where he could help people. Like so many others in the industry, John pumped…
RR 094: Mike Davidson from American Skilled Labor Association
It is the mission of ASLA (American Skilled Labor Association) to provide a suitable employee to the American Workforce. Lead by Mike Davidson, service professional entrepreneur and shop owner of Parkway Automotive in Little Rock, AR, Mike says, “We will do this by providing businesses with a clear path for mentors and locating employees who…
RR 093: Technician Mentor/Apprentice
Prepare yourself for a very powerful discussion on growing your own technicians. In light of the technician shortage, this episode shows a pathway to build your own bench. Get a ton of great ideas and resources to help you stem the technician shortage. There are two ways to enjoy this round table discussion. You can watch…
RR 072: Tony Molla on the 21st Century Repair Shop
Tony Molla, Vice President of ASA, The Automotive Service Association and I hand a frank discussion on ‘The 21st Century Repair Shop’. You will take-a-way a perspective on the: Need for a learning culture Impact of technology Need for owners to be involved in the industry, to network and to be involved in 20 groups…