THA 020: How To Sell 250K Mile Maintenance & Save Your Customers Thousands

Customers need to see and understand the data on how they can save enormous money if they kept their car for 12 years.

We keep our largest investment for many years so why not our cars. This panel had a great discussion on the pros of helping your customer extend the life of their vehicles. The numbers are key and when you can show the ROI or savings to your customer they start to understand.

We know the benefits so it is your job to engage and show the customer how you can help extend the life of their vehicle and engage them in a disciplined maintenance program at your shop.

RR 244: Brian Sump from Avalon Motorsports

Industry outsider used his business acumen and detailed, process-based, management philosophy to grow his business.

Brian Sump is not your typical shop owner. A former professional athlete, Sump had never turned a wrench in a shop before starting Denver-based Avalon Motorsports in 2007.

Recognized with multiple industry and business awards, Brian Sump is an entrepreneur who runs six different organizations and he explains why you need to network-up and network-down.

This industry awarded shop owner brings his wisdom to the premier aftermarket podcast.

THA 025: Disaster Planning and Preparedness

Are you prepared for a disaster?

Business interrupters come in many forms. Natural, environment, death of owner, spouse or partner, surgery, accident, illness or even loss of a key employee.

This Academy lesson discusses: why you should plan, do you need a formalized approach, do you have plans for a normal business operation that can be followed and who makes the decisions.
It is said that business interrupters will happen (Not if but when). Will you be prepared?

RR 243: Giuliano Zuccato – Chrysler Crossfire & Horse of Destiny Foundation

The Mustang Man talks about his work on the Chrysler Crossfire Project, his 85th Birthday Celebration, and his new foundation “The Horse of Destiny Foundation” to help people in need.

Sharp as a tack at 85 years young, Giuliano Zuccato shares more behind the scenes look at his passion for automotive design and sculpting.

He explains a new concept of creating a full-size wind tunnel model of the Chrysler Crossfire. There is a video version of the podcast where you can see the slides of the Crossfire project that Giuliano is narrating. Find the video here.

Because he feels he wants to leave an even stronger legacy he started the “Horse Of Destiny Foundation” to help people in need.

After his bout with TB of the bone, when he was 19 years old, he sees his Glioblastoma as just another challenge to overcome. Listen to a ‘car guy’ legend; a truly remarkable man.

THA 019: Where Will We Find Our Future Automotive Instructors?

Where Will We Find Our Future Automotive Instructors?

This all-star panel tackled this problem head on. Where will the experience at the educator level come from when you need certain certifications. Will working technicians consider this as a career move and invest in the time and money to meet the teaching certification standards.

We may drive experienced and knowledgeable people away because of the needed certifications, pay and admin requirements. This topic is as important to discuss as the technician shortage.

Please have this discussion, with administrators, at the local college and high school level.

RR 242: Rick White from 180BIZ

Is the Transparency of The Internet Forcing The Service Professional To Change How Business Is Done?

Rick White is President and Lead Coach for 180BIZ, an auto repair shop training and business coaching company. He is an AMi approved trainer, an ASA committee member and an established industry writer for many top magazines.

Rick brings an enlightening view of leadership, communication, the sales process and shares the four responsibilities of a shop owner.

Rick also talks about the transparency of the internet and challenges a new way to do business because of the universal availability of information. He says we must bring insights to our customer because they are in need of our expertise. He also shares his view on where parts gross margins need to go in the age of the transparent internet.

THA 024: Quality Controls – Why it Matters for Retention & Reputation

Why Great Quality Controls Matters for Customer Retention and Shop Reputation.

A top lesson from three aftermarket colleagues who understand the value and need for a great quality control process. They leave no doubt why you need to adopt and improve your quality controls.
Tough love discussion that covers the importance of measuring your QC to help reduce mistakes (we are human we all make them) and how QC brings accountability to your overall processes. Investing in your QC program is as good as getting a five start on-line review. If you don’t you may be wiping up a two-star review.

Most shops do a great job fixing cars. That is not good enough anymore. Many more great take-a-ways that will fill up a yellow pad.

THA 018: ASA Connected CARS Detroit May 2017

What is Your Knowledge Quotient on the Connected Car?

ASA held an important industry event in May 2017 in Detroit, Michigan. Is was the ASA Connected CARS program. Presentations from Delphi, ETI, GM, Mahle, and Bosch highlighted the event as the future of ADAS and Autonomous Vehicles (AV) was discussed.

The Academy panel includes event organizer Donny Seyfer, shop owners Peter Rudloff, Craig O’Neill and technician Dave Wagner. Listen to your colleagues perspective on their take-a-ways from Connected CARS Detroit and how they see the opportunities shaping up the future of the aftermarket.

RR 241: Jorge Menchu – AES Wave and Instructor

Are You Learning Up To Your Maximum Potential?

Industry trainer and entrepreneur Jorge Menchu, President of AES Wave is enthusiastic about teaching our industries technicians. He is more passionate on how technicians learn. He says that the basic problem of learning is to understand the mechanics of learning.

Jorge shares his Four Levels of Learning and says if you are in control of your learning process you will learn more. He says everyone knows how to learn. If you are not struggling to learn; then you are in control of the process of learning.

THA 017: What Happens When The Phone Rings

What Happens When The Phone Rings?

Are you prepared with a clear mind and a clear and confident message? A big moment of truth with your customers is that interaction with the phone call.

Set yourself up to make a strong impact with every phone call. Focus, don’t multi-task, and practice your script and prepare to solve your customers’ problem.

RR 240: Marion Miller from Complete Marketing Resources

Have You Ever Wondered If Your Website Is Keeping Pace with The Needs Of Your Customer?

Marion Miller from Complete Marketing Resources is a website expert. Her company has received Top 10 Automotive Website honors in 2015 & 2016. She is keeping pace with changing technologies and especially with what works for consumers.

Among ten top talking points we talk about the power of your home page, the evolution of web-based search (will you be ready for this change), the value of blogging, and the top three ingredients to an award winning website.

THA 023: Social Media – How To Strategies

This Academy Panel says Social Media is the Most Important Marketing Tools at your Disposal.

Carrie-Lynn Rodenberg, Greg Buckley and Ron Haugen discuss their views on the power of social media. They talk about the value of posting, how they do it, the frequency, and where they get content. The panel discusses the long term viability of websites and the growth and power of Facebook and Google into the future.

Greg Buckley shares his five “E’s”: Educate, Engage, Entertain, Entice and Elevate as it relates to Social Media. Ron Haugen shares his inspirations for posts and a sure method to grow your likes.

RR 239: John Burkhauser – Director of Educational Programs – Bolt On Technology

What You Can Learn from Your Dentist on Setting Appointments.

John Burkhauser, the Director of Educational Programs at Bolt-On Technology has a storied career as an automotive technician and as a post-secondary automotive educator. He is finding his career path has set him up for this current job.

John says the service process really hasn’t changed in 30 years. For many shops, it is still a day of putting out fires and trying to keep one’s head above water. He has his opinions on finding techs in post-secondary schools, the importance of best practices, and insights on digital vehicles inspections.

RR 238: Greg Bunch from Aspen Auto Clinic

Is your service adviser getting forty hours of training per year?

Greg Bunch owner of Aspen Auto Clinic a five-store operation in Colorado Spring, CO tells the story on how his first branch came about. Greg tells of his best practices on how to scale for multiple locations. He shares the traits of a shop owner when preparing for expansion.

We talk consolidation, the value of quality service adviser training, what good technicians want from their shop owner, how to prepare for expansion (you need capitol), customer retention and more.

He also talks about his Transformers Mastermind group for multi-shop operators.

THA 016: Lean Processes – Relentlessly Work On Eliminating Waste

A commitment to Lean Process Improvement will yield a better customer experience.

Lean processes minimize technician activity outside of their work bay, creates uniformity in all communication pieces between service writers and technicians, can benefit the shop by hiring alternative staff for cleaning needs throughout the shop.

Lean also help you realize the value in the placement of equipment throughout the shop space and why it makes for a more efficient operation. Be sure to match the correct technician to every job when possible, play to their strengths … and so much more.

THA 015: How to Improve Employee Loyalty

How to Improve Employee Loyalty and create engaged team members.

Listen to Ryan Clo, Dwayne Myers and Jude Larson talk about the power of gratitude, the importance of sharing your vision, creating a powerful work environment, the value of training for personal improvement, pay and bonus programs, mentoring and why you need to share your numbers.

THA 014: Customer Retention Strategies

Do you have a customer avatar, a profile of your ideal customer?

Listen to this great lesson on customer retention and marketing from Gene Morrill, Ron Haugen and Maylan Newton as they bring to the forefront, customer marketing budgets and a yearlong plan, social media, special events, car care clinics and digital service reminder.

Many great ideas to jump start or re-invent your customer retention strategy.

RR 237: Rhonda Hiltbrand – News Works Marketing Group

Does Direct Mail Newsletter Marketing Work?

Join Rhonda Hiltbrand for a frank discussion on direct mail marketing. She sees a place for direct mail and especially newsletter marketing for service professionals.

Learn why direct mail is not dead and how it blends with social media. Rhonda talks marketing ROI, the tactics behind newsletters and why we are fighting clutter every day.

She says a newsletter is a platform to talk to your customer and help you stand out among the 6,000 advertising messages we are bombarded with every day.