RR 444: Technician Round Table – Part 7 – Professionalism and More – Heipp – Landry – Fanslow:

Technician Talk 7 – Professionalism and More

This outspoken trio wonders how professionalism is bred, how it starts and how it can be compartmentalized. Everyone must step up and set the bar high for others to emulate and follow.

My guests for Tech Talk 7 are Bob Heipp, Peter Landry and Matt Fanslow. These guys also wonder why shops that are not equipped to service certain vehicles advertised that they can. Some shops lack professionalism. Let’s face it, some shops advertise what they can do even if they are ill-equipped to do it.

They say that Shops need to get OE level service information to best understand how to repair the most common brands that they see in their bays.

THA 125: Client Loyalty Programs – Do They Work?

Client Loyalty Programs – Do They Work?

We’re going to serve up a strong discussion building client loyalty through loyalty programs. My guests are lo Brian Bates, Eagle Automotive, Columbine Hills, CO, Vinnie Lucio, Co-Auto – Community Conscious Car Care, Reno, NV, and Jeff Rudnick, Pit Crew Marketing.

You’ll hear a wide-open discussion. Vinnie doesn’t have a specific loyalty card but has programs, Brian does have a loyalty card and Jeff brings his insights from a loyalty card company.

A big take-a-way for you is this: A loyalty program will not fix broken systems, processes and a weak selling system and look for every competitive edge to build a relationship with your client.

RR 443: Jill Trotta – Survey Results – The Best and Worst Metro Cities for Car Repair

Jill Trotta Best and Worst Metro Cities for Car Repair Survey

My guest is Jill Trotta. She is the Vice President for Industry Advocacy and Sales at RepairPal. We talked about the surveys that pointed out which metro cities are best for car repair. This is based on factors like average repair order, road quality, average labor rate among others.

The survey talked about the statistics and information about car repair. You will learn the best and the worst cities for repairs according to the survey. The survey also pointed out which cities are most affected by the technician shortage.

FTR 051: Jerry Holcom – Where is Your Personal Commitment & Professionalism

FTR 051: Jerry Holcom – Where is Your Personal Commitment & Professionalism

Jerry Holcom from S & S Service Center in Kansas City, MO is a co-founder of Vision and current President of the Midwest Auto Care Alliance wrote in his latest presidents message about his concern for commitment and professionalism

RR 442: Joe Register – What are the Puts and Takes In Servicing Advanced Technologies

What Are The Puts And Takes In Servicing Vehicles Equipped With Advanced Technologies And Automated Driving Functions – ADAS

Vehicular data is important for various reasons ranging from collisions to communications and safety. With the advancement in technologies and improved automated driving functions, data and vehicle information is vital to the future of the aftermarket.

My guest is Joe Register who is the Vice-President Emerging Technologies at Auto Care. This is his second interview. His first episode was episode 381 which talks about SVI (Secure Vehicle Interface). In this episode, we discuss the technologies and features that keep consumers safe. With a focus on calibration and self-calibration, we speak to the vehicle data privacy and the investment in ADAS calibration training and equipment among others.

THA 124: So You Need an Accountability Coach?

This Town Hall Academy summit will explore the value of an accountability coach. The panel has a harvest of thoughts and insight for you.

These guys brought their A game and really were extremely transparent about their own personal story. The panel’s message resonated and was on point about coaching and accountability. There is a lot of talk in the industry as to the value of an accountability partner or coach. It is a personal decision. It is not for everyone, but this summit will help you resolve some of your very own concerns and help you make a decision.

The panel: Carlo Sabucco from Sils Complete Auto Care Centre, Oakville, Ontario, Kevin Eckler, Foreign Car Specialists, Poughkeepsie, NY and Barry Barrett a Professional EOS Implementer.

RR 441: Geek Talk 2.0 Part 4 – Can Our Data Be Used As a Benefit to Others and Us?

In their fourth installment of Geek Talk 2.0. This episode took an interesting path as Greg brought his perspective on AAA. Chris talked about AI, Bill has his thought on his suppliers and Karim talked about the importance of data ownership.

Your panel- Greg Buckley from Buckley’s Personalized Auto Care Willimgton, DE Chris Cloutier from Golden Rule Auto Care, Dallas, and CEO of Autotex.me, Bill Nalu Interstate Auto Care, Madison Height, MI and Karim Morsli, Winkler Automomotive in Gaithersburg, MD.

FTR 050: What the Aftermarket Can Learn from Professional Wrestling – Matt Fanslow

FTR 050: What the Aftermarket Can Learn from Professional Wrestling

Matt Fanslow threads a concept that we can learn from the way professional wrestling promotes themselves. Matt makes a strong point comparing the promotion of professional wrestlers to aftermarket shops. Matt likes to look outside the industry to learn and see new things. A stretch in thinking, I don’t think so. I know one thing, this rant will make you think.

RR 440: Bill Hanvey – Ownership of Vehicle Telematic Data Must Flow to the Vehicle Owner

Amending Legislation for Telematic Data Ownership – RR 440

My guest is Bill Hanvey, President and CEO of the Auto Care Association. Bill is engaging the automotive aftermarket to get involved in letting your legislators know the issue about data. Your help is needed to help in amending the right to repair legislation. Learn everything you can about this fight to amend the right to repair legislation. Ownership of Vehicle Telematic Data Must Flow to the Vehicle Owner.

Do you know that a car collects data as you drive? By 2022, 87% of new vehicles will be transmitting telematic data wirelessly. But who owns the data? The car manufacturer does. Without access to data, the independent service professional will not be able to get specific diagnostic data from the vehicle.

THA 123: The Power of the Supplier and Service Professional Relationship.

Supply Partnership – The Strength of the Supplier/Service Professional Relationship – THA 123

We get into some gritty perspectives from your suppliers on trust, delivery, training, and helping the service professional succeed. We also talk pricing, margin and the people factor. It is always refreshing to hear from one of the strongest spokes or partners in the distribution channel.

Your panel: Danny Durbin, from Durbin Auto Parts, Keith West, from Auto Supply Company, Bowdon, GA. and Matt Ward, Director of Governmental Relations and Field Services for AAAS ( Automotive Aftermarket Association of the Southeast).

RR 439: Safety Training in the Workplace – Charlie Ayers with CCAR

Safety Training in the Workplace – RR 439

Become educated on the importance of OSHA and HazMatt training. You’ll not want to be on the short end of the stick as it relates to your responsibilities in these areas.

With me today is Charlie Ayers the President of CCAR — Coordinating Committee For Automotive Repair. Charlie is truly a wealth of knowledge on Safety/HAZMAT Training when it comes to OUR Automotive Repair and Collision Industry. CCAR is the only OSHA Alliance Partner that deals specifically and only in the Automotive Industry. Charlie is also involved with Skills USA

You’ll learn about OSHA training requirements, CCAR’s involvement with Skills USA and the importance of safety in the workplace.

RR 438: My New Shop – From the Ground Up – Doug Callaghan

From the Ground Up – The Challenges of Building a New Facility

Building a new facility can make or break you. So many variables and decisions to consider not to mention the added issues, and problems which will be laid on the table. Confidence with an architect, your banker and your contractor makes a huge difference.

Doug Callaghan shares the story of his new build. He is the CEO of Vic’s Service Centre in Wainright, Alberta Canada. His new building has new features which include a training room among the wired and wireless bays. He built it with customer retention in mind and now he is reaping the benefits of being able to serve his customers to the best of his capabilities.

THA 122: Talent Management – Developing Your Leadership Team

Talent Management: Developing Your Leadership Team

We are talking about Talent Management – Developing Your Leadership Team. This group stretched the bounds of our discussion and you will either confirm your current leadership role or realize you have some areas to work on.

My Academy team includes Judi Haglin, Haglin Automotive, Boulder, CO, Mark Roberts, Schertz Automotive, Schertz, TX and Tom Palermo, Preferred Automotive Specialists, Philadelphia, PA

You will find this episode going places you did not expect. This group brought their A game and shared not only how to develop your people into leaders but their own ongoing treck to be a better leader.

RR 437: Recruiters Round Table with Kyle Holt & Jay Goninen

Recruiters Round Table with Kyle Holt & Jay Goninen

Ever have the need for a new team member? Trying to hire a technician. Concerned about losing a top performer? You are not alone and in fact, this is one of the toughest challenges service professionals face. We’ve done many podcasts on this theme and when I can get two experts on who has their finger on the pulse of this issue, you benefit.

Jay Goninen is president of Find A Wrench, which is a recruiting service used by shops around the country to assist them in finding Technicians. Jay’s company purchased a popular niche job board called FindAMechanic.com. Jay has a passion for promoting the industry and the many talented people we work with, and to be a voice for the ‘tech’those who don’t like to promote themselves.

Together Kyle and Jay will give you some recruiting tips, talk about recruitment, the biggest competitors for talent and growing your own.

FTR 048: Amy Mattinat – Our Technicians Are Car Doctors

Our Technicians Are Car Doctors

Amy Mattinat delivers her impassioned perspective on the value and benefits of ASE. It may be time for you to understand why you support ASE and if you don’t, to understand why you must. If there was ever a time to embrace ASE it is now. The high tech world of the automotive creates the need for highly trained technicians and through ASE certification allows us to differentiate ourselves and improve our image.