The Relationship you Have with Your Accountant – Beyond the Numbers [THA 169]

Hunt Demarest, CPA Paar-Melis. Hunt is Accredited in Business Valuation and a licensed Certified Public Accountant that has been with the firm since 2006. He specializes in business taxes, valuations, and does consult work with our clients all across the country. When he’s not in the office, Hunt enjoys spending time with his family, golfing,…

Success Stories from the Coaching Front-lines [THA 167]

Bill Haas, AAM, is the owner of Haas performance consulting LLC, with 40 years of experience in the automotive service and repair industry. Clients have access to Bill’s solution-based focus, expertise, unique perspectives and in-depth knowledge of the industry. Bill began his career working part-time at a full-service gasoline station in Appleton, Wisconsin. His career…

Surviving an Economic Downturn [THA 165]

Ron Ipach, co-founder or Repair Shop Coach, has helped over 5536 auto repair shop owners to get and keep all the top-quality customers they can handle. Marketing auto repair services are all he does. He lives, eats, and breathes it every day. He has seen, heard, and tested practically every kind of marketing there is out…

Financial struggles. Gain Control of your Finances [FTR 090]

With me is Maryann Croce from She and her husband Tony also own Croce Transmission in Norwalk, CT. As a business owner, she can chalk up many a mistake that has turned into wisdom. She has been there and done that and shares 5 key principles to help a startup business person get ahead of the…

Covid-19 Think Tank Panel Discussion for Unprecedented Times [Bonus 05]

For many small shop owners, you’ve learned how to implement smart practices and holding yourself accountable. You’ve joined networking groups, maybe even hired a coach to bring business acumen to your world.

If you’ve done a lot to become a better marketer and leader you’ll be OK. If not, it is not too late. There is some good business advice in this episode, that if you implement it you will come out the other side of this Covid-19 challenge.

You’ll value this discussion with Dwayne Myers, Greg Buckley, Matt Fanslow, Danny Sanchez and Bob Greenwood. …. and my pledge to keep you flowing with thoughts and ideas from your fellow colleagues continues.

Keep in mind it is still not too late to do the right things for your family, employees, business and customers. If there is anything I can do to help you … like find a peer network, talk to a friend, find a coach join an association …. reach out to me

Cash is King and Important to Your Business [THA 154]

Bob Greenwood, AMAM (Accredited Master Automotive Manager) is President and C.E.O. of Automotive Aftermarket E-Learning Centre Ltd. (AAEC). AAEC is a company focused on providing Business Management Resources and Development for the Independent Sector of the aftermarket industry. AAEC content and technology is recognized as part of the curriculum of the Fixed Operations Diploma and the…

THA 150: Three Financial Challenges – Coaches Perspective

David Justice has been an auto care professional for over 30 years. He grew up in the family business working for his father. At, a young age David purchased his father’s business and went on his own. Over the years David had multiple Shell Gas stations. Find David’s other episodes HERE. Cecil Bullard is President of the Institute for…

THA 149: Top Financial Challenges to Overcome – Shop Owner Perspective

THA 149Top Financial Challenges to Overcome- An Owners Perspective

We’re serving up a strong discussion on Financial Challenges with me are shop owners John Long, Schertz Automotive, Schertz, TX, Tom Ham, Auto Centric, Grand Rapids, MI and Andy Massoll, Detroit Garage, Farmington, MI

You may not be surprised as to the big take-a-way from this episode. It is only logical and will have a huge impact on your business immediately. The panel agrees that your family needs to be on board with any financial decision you make in the business. You’ll get advice on what to do if you get into financial trouble, also the power of sharing your financial status with your team and if you are in financial trouble, you are not alone.

THA 147: Overcoming Debt

THA 147 Overcoming Debt

A big problem for many service professionals is learning how to manage cash flow. The cash in the bank isn’t there for spending. It is generated by sales and the gross margin dollars that are earned on those sales is used to pay expenses. The remainder is profit. If cash is spent before allocations then it is very difficult to pay obligations. In many instances, loans are taken to pay bills and overspending stresses the business and the owner.

The panel for this Town Hall Academy includes Kim Walker from Shop Marketing Pros and former shop owner, AJ Nealey from Nealey Auto Service, Edgewater, MD and Tom Lambert owner of Shadetree Automotive. They each have a story on how to manage or eradicate debt, grow sales and scrutinize expenses. Knowing your financial states including Profit or Loss Statement and most importantly your Balance Sheet will help. Knowing what your metrics or tolerances of spending and cash management will lessen your dependence on borrowing and putting your company in harm’s way.

RR 471: Vin Waterhouse on Intensive Labor Rates & Financial Benchmarks

RR 471: Vin Waterhouse on Intensive Labor Rates and Financial Benchmarks

Are you aware that you are selling fewer parts? Do you understand that the hours of diagnostic work you do does not reflect the typical parts sales per hour that your financial business model has generated in the past?

So what you say. Ouch! The wrong attitude. You are bleeding to death and the math exists to prove it. You must pay attention to having an intensive or recovery labor rate. In this episode with legacy aftermarket coach and trainer, Vin Waterhouse, we get into the power and value of benchmarks and how to calculate a recovery labor rate.

If you are not happy with your net operating income (your bottom line) vs the hard work and time you spend at your business, then Vin may just help you formulate some next very important moves you need to make, so your financial strength improves.

Vin Waterhouse is President and Founder of The Waterhouse Group, an automotive Accounting, Training, and Coaching.

THA 135: Implementing Profit First – Shop Owners Thrilled With Results

Implementing Profit First – Shop Owners Thrilled With Results

This episode will change your thinking as it relates to a new profit discipline and cash management. I know you know that cash is king in any business, so start being a better manager of it.

Listen in on Danielle Bohlmann, owner with husband Brett in Highway 7 Service Center, Newell, IA, Kenny Wedow from Fine Tuned Auto, Broomfield, CO and Chris Cotton, Certified Profit First Professional from AutoFix SOS coaching company and a former shop owner.

They nailed the benefits of a strong and disciplined cash management system. Both these shop owners say they are in a better place because of implementing Profit First. Danielle and her husband Brett always plowed all their money back in their business. Now hear what they are doing and are better for it.

RR 445: Cash Management with Chris Cotton

RR 445: Chris Cotton – On Cash Management

My guest Chris Cotton is a business coach and helps shop owners understand the fundamentals of money and the decision-making behind it. He helps us manage our cash and how to set aside money obligations.

Chris’s AutoFix SOS coaching company is. His experience as a former shop owner relates to the struggles of shop owners to maximize their profits.

If you have ever wanted to know where your money goes, ever had a tough time paying your bills, meeting your tax obligations, or ever held cashing your paycheck because you knew it will bounce; this podcast is for you.

RR 424: New Aftermarket Measurement – Cost Per Billed Hour – Will Drive Your Profitability

New Aftermarket Measurement – Cost Per Billed Hour

I’m with Bob Greenwood, President, and C.E.O. of Automotive Aftermarket E-Learning Centre Ltd. We are discussing how cost per billed hour affects the site’s total efficiency in maximizing net profits.

This episode tackles measuring your site’s efficiency with cost per billed hour as a new aftermarket measurement to maximize your net profits. The calculation reflects on all aspects of your labor rate, workflow, charging for diag time, and other critical performance metrics.

Important note for this episode. Since Bob is demonstrating his strategy and findings through formulas we decided to record the video of this episode so you can see how Bob arrives at the conclusion to his formulas. You can find the video version on the show notes page at or on my Carm Capriotto youtube channel.

RR 421: Mike Michalowicz: Making Profitability a Habit – Inside his book ‘Profit First’

Mike Michalowicz – Making Your Profitability a Habit

What is profit? It is the difference between the amount earned and the amount spent. Mike Michalowicz tells you that you subtract profit from sales and then learn to manage your expenses. Therefore Sales – Profit = Expenses. We discuss Mike Michalowicz great book ‘Profit First’.

Mike will give you his innovative processes on profitability. He will provide insights on understanding the core principles and processes of financial gain. It will also shed light on cash flow management system, revenue, support network, profitability, efficiency, and the 5 core fundamental accounts you need to work your business from.

The episode is painting vivid pictures of how profitability works on the business canvas. It will open your mind to systems and processes to make profitability a habit. I urge you to read Mike’s Book Profit First, cover to cover. You can find it on the books page on the website.

THA 110: Charging What We Are Worth

Charging What We Are Worth

We talk professional courtesy, labor rates, training, having the right value proposition for your customer so you can charge accordingly, the labor rate spread in our communities, and why you shouldn’t be afraid to charge what you are worth. You’ve invested a lot in your business and need to be paid for this. Listen to why confidence in your skills and abilities will help you charge accordingly.

With me on this Academy panel is Tom Palermo, Preferred Automotive Specialties, Philadelphia, PA and former NAPA ASE Technician of the year in 2015, David Justice, President Repair Shop Of Tomorrow, Asset Management Technology and Mark Colaw, Seymours’ Garage, San Antonio, TX and founder of Carfest.

THA 078: Low Hanging Financial Fruit That Will Increase Your Profits

Low Hanging Financial Fruit That Will Improve Your Profits

The cost of doing business rises each year. Net profits that are necessary to move your business forward are challenged each day.

Our panel talks about the value of inspections on your sales, association membership, and billing for all parts and fluids used on a repair. We get into some cost savings ideas and using the power of a company credit card to help with training costs.

THA 059: Critical Daily Actions That Matter

Shop Owners Must Do’s: Daily Actions that Matter: Why Routine Matters.

We had a very deep discussion on critical daily actions that will keep your business compliant and running smoothly. You’ll walk away with a strong sense of discipline in building a daily task list that you stick with. Without proper planning and a strong checklist, that you are accountable for (or that you delegate), too many slips through the cracks and eventually crashes into your well-intentioned routine.

Bambi Crozier wife and co-owner with Neil Crozier, of Car Clinic in Lowell, AR, Mark Goldsmith Mark’s Independent Service in Chatsworth, CA and Rick White Rick is President and Lead Coach for 180BIZ bring their great insights on the importance of planning to be a strong business leader and watchdog.

THA 057: Your Profit & Loss Statement. Learn it. Love it.

The Power of Strong Financial Statements

No question that knowing the value of your Profit and Loss Statement helps you grow a strong, viable and profitable company. Many shop owners have not gotten intimate enough with the value of their financial statements.

The episode with Maryann Croce from Croce Transmissions in Norwalk, CT, Mark Roberts from Schertz Auto Service in Schertz, TX and Bob Greenwood, AMAM, president of Automotive Aftermarket e-Learning Center show the power of an accurate P & L.

We also talk about the Balance Sheet and the extreme value in accurate finical statements if you are going to sell your business or buy one. Also discussed is where on the P & L is it indicated that you can afford raises and that your emotions will try to override the numbers, because they tell the real story.

THA 051: First Moves When Opening a New Shop

Find A Blue Print Outlined For Finding Success If You Are Going To Open An Automotive Aftermarket Service Repair Shop.

There is some secret Sause shared here including a few preferred methods on how to start, setting up your spending plan, how important location is and the need to know the demographics of that local community. Is the income level such that money can be spent on vehicle service and maintenance?

We talk financial, (knowing your numbers) debt, cash flow. All very important parts of a CEO’s responsibility. May great technicians, who are unemployable, strive to start their own business because they want to do things their way. Most find out it is not an easy task. There are responsibilities beyond financial and cash flow like, marketing, the tax man, HR laws and that is just the tip of the iceberg.

This panel does a great job of explaining the challenges you’ll need to deal with, so you can find your successes sooner rather than later. It is a slow process, but success shouldn’t take years to achieve.

THA 044: The Importance of Back Office Operations – Part 1

The Power Center of your Business is in the Back Office.

In this Part One Amy Mattinat, Jacquie Walter Hower, Maryann Croce and Kim Auernheimer discuss controls, operations and accounting/finance.

Highlights: Cash accountability, bank statements, trust and verify. The three stages of a business and the power of communication. With good systems, you can find where any breakdown occurred. Also discussed is team buy-in, QuickBooks, keeping good records, budgeting and cash flow.

RR 268: Scott Wheeler from Automotive Consultants Group

Let’s Do Some Math on the Foundations of a Million Dollar a Year Shop.

As a 36 years industry veteran and he’s been a business coach for the last 17 Scott Wheeler holds numerous ASE credentials and we jump into some extremely important topics of discussion that will have you engaged and shaking your head slowly up and down as you will relate to many of our key talking points.

Don’t shy away from the financial discussion. These are some of the most critical topics for a successful business. Life is a big math problem and we do some of it here.

From the tech shortage to learning leadership qualities and the extreme importance of good financial statements Scott Wheeler covers a broad range of important aftermarket subjects.

THA 030: Nine Reasons Why Labor Rates Need To Increase

Is Your Labor Rate Keeping Up with Inflation and Your Cost Doing Business?

A tough subject to discuss, however many great ideas shared on the mechanics of setting a labor rate, but most importantly being valued and getting paid for all that you know and do for your customer.

The correct labor is a big factor in profitability among other critical measures in a service business. Learn from the discussion.

THA 013: Expense Control – Best Practices

Expense Control and Other Money Saving Ideas. This Town Hall Academy hits on budgets, expense control being a team effort, expense leakage, delegating certain tasks, When an expense is not an expense and developing relationships in the community among other key cost reduction ideas.