Archive for August 2017
THA 030: Nine Reasons Why Labor Rates Need To Increase
Is Your Labor Rate Keeping Up with Inflation and Your Cost Doing Business?
A tough subject to discuss, however many great ideas shared on the mechanics of setting a labor rate, but most importantly being valued and getting paid for all that you know and do for your customer.
The correct labor is a big factor in profitability among other critical measures in a service business. Learn from the discussion.
RR 253: Scott Buckley & Steve Bullins
The Future of Our Industry Speaks Out on Tech, Technology, Millennials, DVI and Customer Service.
Scott Buckley and Steve Bullins from Buckley’s Personalized Driver Care bring a refreshing look at our industry. You’ll be happy to hear this duo speak on so many topics.
All the while you are listening, consider these guys are the shop owners of the future and will help guide and steer our industry for many years to come. We’re in good hands.
RR 252: Eric Carlson from Ervine’s Auto Repair & Grand Rapids Hybrid
Michigan Shop Owner Makes Hybrids His Specialty Niche
Eric Carlson from Ervine’s Auto Repair and Grand Rapids Hybrids has found that his specialty in Hybrids has been a welcome addition to his business and his market is responding. With hybrids as loaners, his hybrid business is growing at an unexpected rate.
Eric shares his story that includes the purchase, 24 years ago, of a business that was on its last leg. His supplier gave him a heads up on the opportunity. Eric has been recognized multiple times as the NAPA Technician of the Year, in the Grand Rapids region. He also tells about his commitment to ASE and the time he was as a subject matter expert. He helped work on the Hybrid tests.
THA 029: Are We Too Dependent on Being Independent?
Individuality and entrepreneurialism is commanding but being inter-dependency can become a powerful positive force.
Independence is a strength, however being Interdependent on each other can benefit the entire industry.
Being independent seems to breed us not working together to lift our image, improve labor rates, access to information, grow our people, share knowledge, tools and equipment.
RR 251: Craig O’Neill form O’Neill’s Transmission Service
Third Generation Millennial Whose Dad Has Complete Confidence in His Decision Making is Looking for an Actionable Succession Plan.
Craig O’Neill from O’Neill’s Transmissions and Service has taken some bold moves in the business and implemented a DVI system and hired a business consultant.
He sees great opportunities in emerging technologies and values the power of a strong business culture.
Regarding the technician shortage, he shares their apprentice program that has helped not only his business but the vocational school he works with.
RR 250: Dave Hobbs – Lead Technical Trainer- Delphi
Renowned Industry Trainer Says Our Technology is The Carrot at The End of The Stick To Entice Recruitment Into the Industry and to Keep Our A Techs.
Dave Hobbs, Lead Technical Trainer and Program Developer at Delphi Product & Service Solutions, has been in the aftermarket for over 30 years living his passion teaching technicians about repairing new technology.
He is on the cutting edge with ADAS (Advanced Driver Assistance Systems) and discussed the challenges with calibrating repaired systems. This interview covers his start in the industry, what it takes to create a training seminar and that he sees great opportunities for A techs even if they want to move to a new city, to find the right situation, and work for a top shop.
THA 028: Twenty-One TIPS to Get an Edge on the Competition – Part 1
Do you need a quick new idea that will give you an edge on your competition?
In this Academy lesson get 21 TIPS that have been implemented before to help give you an edge over the competition. These are some very simple ideas that have been collected from successful service professionals in the industry.
Implementation will be the big payoff. If you listen to learn just one thing and do not implement you will not benefit from this listen.
RR 249: Brenda & Brent O’Neal from Repair One Automotive
Is Your Customer Retention All About Your Integrity and Building a Trusting Relationship?
Dynamic husband and wife team, Brenda and Brent O’Neal, lead their team to ensure “The customer experience is the best it can be.” All roles must do their job to perfection. The team knows that they are not fixing cars and that their customer is the most important part of the business.
They believe that living in the same community as their business brings great value and recognition.
Brenda and Brent, who do not have a background in the automotive field, share where they get their new ideas, how to grow your own techs, their marketing strategy, and the extreme value they’ve received from hiring a business coach.
RR 248: Tom Lambert from Shadetree Automotive
Do You Expect Your Customers to be ‘Customers For Life?’
Tom Lambert from Shadetree Automotive in Layton, UT has a goal to keep customers for life. Everything done in the business and through marketing efforts works toward that goal.
Lambert can say this because he has built a company with a strong culture of caring from a highly motivated, yet laid back team that loves to have fun.
The key to his success was hiring a business coach to bring the guidance he needed to see things from a different perspective. His organization is experiencing 10% growth each year and will top out at $2.5 M in revenue this year.
THA 022: Hiring for Team Dynamics
What would you do differently if you knew you could never fire anyone?
Hiring the right team member continues the culture and team dynamic in your business. Hiring the wrong person can crash your culture and create friction in your team.
You need to hire slow and fire fast and hire for attitude, not aptitude; because we usually fire for attitude.
This team of aftermarket professionals brings their experience along with great advice on how to hire smart and for the long term.
THA 027: Performance Reviews – Best Practices
Are your Performance Reviews Creating the Best Behaviors from Your Team?
Performance reviews for many business owners never get done. There are many reasons why not and this episode tackles them head on and the best way to get them done.
There is great wisdom from the Academy panel like the review starts at the interview, that reviews need to be used to create personal performance goals, reviews is a formal way to be sure accountability sticks, and your core values are the key points to apply all behavior against.
There are over 20 key talking points that will help you in your process or get you started on the right path. The panel agrees that becoming a better leader will be key to using performance reviews to grow your business culture with performance reviews
RR 247: Derek Kaufman – Partner at Schwartz Advisers – What Does the Future with Autonomous Cars Look Like?
What does the future with Autonomous Cars Look Like?
Derek Kaufman a Managing Partner at Schwartz Advisors is thinking large about the future of the auto care industry and the acceptance of TaaS (Transportation as a Service) with ride sharing and ultimately vehicle ownership.
Vehicle ownership will have a big impact on our industry and it will have a big impact on the miles driven with the remaining vehicles in the car parc.
Derek is challenging a report that says there will be only 44 million vehicles that will handle the 6 trillion Vehicle Miles Traveled in 2030 in the car parc vs 270 million we have today. He is accepting the technical evolution with AV’s, however, he is questioning the numbers from the report and applied some of his own math to figure out what our future may look like. Will these vehicles be able to handle the miles we drive today for work and pleasure? What about convenience. What about our work trucks? Listen to his view on our future.
THA 021: Getting Things Done: A Discussion on the Challenges of Time Management
Are You Getting Things Done? Do You Find it a Challenge to Finish Tasks?
Listen to three of your industry peers as they discuss their perspective on what it takes to accomplish their tasks and goals. You’ll hear about creating a theme day, tactics to get more done, time wasters, and a suggestion that if you try to do too many things you don’t do any of them well.
We all struggle with this in this time challenged, too much to do world. This episode will help you find methods and ideas to make you more productive.
RR 246: Scott Brown from iATN
Is iATN A Staple In Your Shop? Listen to Scott Brown Tell the Story of the Humble beginnings and Future Plans Of iATN.
Scott Brown president of iATN and co-owner, with his wife, of Connie & Dick’s Service Center, keeps his finger on the pulse of the industry by staying engaged at the shop. The interview takes you back to the day before the internet when bulletin boards were a way to communicate with your peers.
iATN is keeping pace and is working on exciting plans to continue to bring value to shop owners, technicians and educators of the auto care industry.
Scott gives an insider look at the iATN mobile APP, the new ‘Review’ space and the new iATN 2.0 and much more.
THA 026: Succession Planning – The Next Generation Entrepreneurs
Are Your Succession Plans Solid? Are You Ready To Leave Your Business To The Next Generation?
Bob Ward from Wardden LLC and former shop owner Russel Andrew bring a few building blocks of succession to the Academy. The message is strong: you need to start NOW to plan on getting your business to succeed without you.
Seventy percent of business owners in the next 20 years will depart their business in many different ways if there is no planning. They must nurture and retain their key leaders and motivate them.
Owners struggle emotionally about leaving their business; because they started with nothing and there is a big attachment to their successes over the years. Owners must think about the joy of leaving their business and seeing their legacy to continue.
RR 245: Kate Jonasee from K-Tech in Sebastopol, CA
Do you remember when you started in business? What humble beginning did you have?
Kate Jonasee from K-Tech and Pauline’s Auto worked her way across the country after graduating from automotive technology college in upstate New York. She persisted through every opportunity to own two shops in Sebastopol, CA.
Kate says she learned something along the way from every shop she worked at and always had the goal to own her own shop, let alone two and possibly more.
Listen to the smart choices she made along the way, what her personal motivations were and how she is working to improve herself and her business.