Archive for May 2019
RR 436: Brad Beeston – Building a Reputation Online
Building a Reputation Online
Back in the day where yellow pages, print ads, billboards and TV rule the marketing world, now it is almost irrelevant. It is not completely gone but it will be. We are experiencing an influx of all digital marketing. Marketing technology, Influencers and Data Science now rule the marketing scene. We are observing demographics, page ranks, reviews and so much data to gain advantage over the competition.
Brad Beeston an account executive at Podium brings some very key insights to your online reputation and some tactics behind managing it.
THA 121: APPS That Improve Productivity and Make for a More Efficient You
APPs That Improve Productivity and Make for a More Efficient You
Our desktops and smart devices give us tools to make us more efficient at what we do, they are not for everyone and some are just not right for how you operate. There are thousands of apps that do just about anything. In this episode, you’ll discover what apps work for others and learn about some that may be just the right discipline for a more efficient you.
The panel includes Ryan Clo owner of Dubwerx, in Cincinnati, OH, Edwin Hazzard, mobile diagnostic tech, automotive instructor and currently, a contributing writer for Motor Age magazine and Craig O’Neill with an integrator and trainer for
RR 435: Young Careers In The Making – Automotive College Student Panel at CarFest 2019
Young Careers In The Making – Automotive College Student Panel at CarFest 2019
This episode with Ashlynn Poole, Cheyanne Keith, and Michael Wheeler is proof that Carfest is doing some great things by reaching out to automotive colleges to further enhance the awareness of independent aftermarket professionals. These students volunteered and worked hard in their assigned bays working with professionals to further engage their technical hunger.
There are some huge learning moments for you as you’ll hear what is on the mind of potentially the kind of young new hire you will make in the not too distant future
CarFest is a production of the Community of Automotive Professionals (CAP); a 501c3 non-profit organization dedicated to the improvement and revitalization of both the automotive industry and South Texas communities. They have done a tremendous job in going to secondary schools to raise awareness and motivate our youth to volunteer and learn how to become a tech in the industry.
FTR 047: Jim Silverman – Stop Being Ordinary – Here is What it Takes to Become Extraordinary
RR 434: Training Talk – Daytime vs. Night Time Training | ASE Certification | Instructors and Students
Training Talk – Daytime vs. Night Time Training | ASE Certification | Instructors and Students
Experience the insights of a Tech and Automotive Instructors talking about the difference between Day and Night training along with ASE certifications and Training from Schools on how to keep students engaged through balanced lectures and hands-on experience with a few visuals!
Our Tech Talk Panel guests include Marty Depowski is an Automotive Instructor of Wayne County Community College, Michigan; David Myers is an Automotive Instructor, Southwestern Community College, North Carolina; and Dwayne McCarty is a Technician of Martins Garage, Ft. Myers, FL.
THA 120: How Can We Provide Our Technicians a $100K Yearly Pay Package?
How Can We Provide Our Technicians a $100K Yearly Pay Package?
We covered a large swath of reasons to review technician pay and to create a fair and adequate compensation plan based on criteria that is a win, win, win for the tech, the owner and the customer.
Our panel consists of Seth Thorson, shop owner at Eurotech Auto Service New Brighton, MN, Jerry Kezhaya, shop owner at The Auto Shop in Plano, TX, Frank Scandura shop owner at Frank’s European, Las Vegas, NV and Matt Fanslow, Shop Manager/Lead Diagnostician at Riverside Automotive, Red Wing, MN.
You’ve heard of the struggles and have most likely had your own issues with losing and hiring technicians. Our discussion is not the scientific answer however it goes a long way to helping you make decisions to retain, create loyalty and ward off the loss of our smart and talented technicians to other shops and other industries.
RR 433: The Importance of Third Party Credentials | Creating a Learning Culture in Your Business
The Importance of Third Party Credentialing and Having a Learning Culture in Your Business.
You are a professional in the automotive service aftermarket. You know your stuff, you are smart, accomplished. You put your knowledge to use every day. Ever decide to have a third party provide you the professional credentials to verify your practical abilities? Twenty percent of our industry has their credentials so I’m talking to the eighty percent that don’t.
This episode with Trish Serratore, Senior Vice President of Communication at ASE and ASE and Jeff Peevy, President of AMi is a departure from what testing is and will help you understand the value in credentialing. Credentials are becoming more important than ever, and prove to customers and your shop owner you know what you’re doing.
FTR 046: Alan Symmes: When Your Community Needs Help to Afford Safe and Reliable Transportation
RR 432: Shop Talk 11 – Important Aftermarket Partnership – Shop, Parts Supplier and Manufacturer
Shop Talk 11 – Important Partnership – Shop, Parts Supplier and Manufacturer
Welcome to Shop Talk 11. Our Shop Talk Panel guests are Monte Hamsher, a shop owner, technician and automotive teacher; Bob Pattengale- National Training Manager at Bosch; and John Marcum- Director of Marketing for Federated Auto Parts.
We discuss the challenges involved in running a shop and the shop’s relationship to its part supplier & Manufacturer. Learn about the importance of a well-trained service professional and the need for competent technicians as a whole. Also, we talked about the need for a stronger commitment to training from the industries technicians.
THA 119: Improving Employee Loyalty
Improving Employee Loyalty
Fuel your engine today with our discussion on Improving Employee Loyalty with my shop owner panel Donnie Hudson from Troy Auto Care in Troy, MI, Roy Foster from Roy Foster’s Automotive in Reno, NV and Steve Finzel from Finzel’s Master Tech in Terre Haute, IN They’ve built a family culture in their shops and you can too.
You’ll hear how they did it and understand why they created the programs that build loyalty and retention from their people. I know you’ve heard this adage before: “Take care of your people and they will take care of your customer.” This episode will give you a great idea on how to do that.
Prepare for many strong ideas coming at you so. Pick a few and start to implement them in your business. The panel admits, it did not happen overnight but was nurtured for years. So you need to start. Keep in mind that it is imperative you seize onto a new idea, own it, implement it and watch it transform your business.
RR 431: Sara Fraser – The Power of Social Media for Automotive Professionals
Sara Fraser – The Power of Social Media for Automotive Professionals
There are a lot of trends happening on social media in the past couple of years. Understanding these trends can give us a competitive advantage and hashtags plays an important role especially on Facebook and Instagram. This episode will help you better understand the power of social media and some of the tricks that will make it work for you.
Sara Fraser has over 15 years of retail management experience, the last 6 of them as an office manager for a used car sales and service center. To bring her customer service, marketing, and business knowledge to the automotive industry she has recently joined the team at Haas Performance Consulting.
FTR 045: Brian Walker – Foundational Marketing Techniques – There Are No Silver Bullets
FTR 045 Brian Walker – Foundational Marketing Techniques – There Are No Silver Bullets
Brian Walker co-owner of Shop Marketing Pros explains that there is no silver bullet to marketing. He shares thirteen Foundational Marketing Tactics and is determined that your marketing is consistent and when business is good, keep marketing and when it is bad, keep marketing. Marketing requires patience. It takes times to build momentum
RR 430: Jennifer Filzen- What Dancing Taught Me About Running a Successful Business
Jennifer Filzen- What Dancing Taught Me About Running a Successful Business
A very interesting discipline that incorporates how you lead and how you strategize your life and business as a whole. Imagine learning the principles of dancing to improve your aftermarket success
Jennifer Filzen, from Rock Star Marketing, is here talking about her new book ‘What Dancing Taught Me About Running A Successful Business”. I was fascinated to hear how she connected dancing to being a strong leader and entrepreneur. I think she nailed it. So if you would like some self-help introspective don’t go anywhere.
We are talking about Clarity, confidence, certainty, teamwork, timing, and technique. Do you want your team, at the shop to move like poetry in motion? You’ve come to the right place.
THA 118 Recruiting Students to Discover a Career in Automotive
THA 118 Recruiting Students to Discover a Career in Automotive
Enjoy some great new ideas and real-world issues as I welcome Seth Thorson, shop owner, Eurotech, Brighton, MN. Seth created a $25,000 endowment for automotive careers. We discussed in episode 340, David Macholz, Academic Chair of Suffolk County College – Automotive Technology and Aaron Dalton, Coordinator- School to Career Programming at the North Kansas City Schools.
On the podcast, we’ve not shied away from big issues in the industry. The only way our investment in this great dialogue actually gets traction is if you do your part. I can relate the discussion we are having today with a thought on philanthropy. Hats off to what you do for your community. Honorable. However, the future of our industry is dependent on recruiting, training and retaining technicians. Call it an investment in your own personal philanthropy.
Getting involved in local education at all levels to share our hi-tech industry with administration and to support the educators that are teaching young students on the automotive is a very important role you have. Especially as an independent. If you don’t then who? You will have less to give to your community if you don’t invest in your future.
RR 429: Family Succession Part 2 – Parents on their Daughters Succession Plan
Family Succession Part 2 – Parents on their Daughters Succession Plan
Welcome to the second installment of Family Succession. Learn how parents mold and develop their children to take the helm of the company after they retire. Hear the discipline, methods and strategy each owner is using as they embark on this important journey of succession.
I’m with Judy Zimmerman Walter, a second generation owner of Zimmerman’s Automotive; Jim Paiva, Owner of Elite Auto Repair; and Jeff Matt, owner of Victory Auto Service and Glass. They are the proud parents of Jacqui Hower, Carly Paiva, and Lauren Anderson of Family Succession Part 1, Episode 401.
FTR 044: Murray Voth – Your Opportunity is Huge; Find the River Where the Money Is
RR 428: Tech Talk – ADAS | Support Vendors That Support Training | Fundamental Training
Technical Talk – ADAS | Support Vendors That Support Training | Fundamental Training
Tech talk with Kevin Fitzpatrick, Vice President Autologic; Steven Zack, Automotive Technical Instructor for Bosch; and Matt Fanslow, Shop Manager/Diagnostician of Riverside Auto Repair. Our episode reiterates the importance of training, we get into ADAS Calibration, adapting to tech changes, and the amount of good training available among others.
Trainings and Big Events are available for technicians whether it is in the classroom or online. Our guests elaborate and advise on the challenges and the steps to advancement. They say there is no shortage of good training.
THA 117: Creative Brainstorming: How To Build an Idea Factory
Creative Brainstorming: How To Build an Idea Factory
Some people just bubble with ideas; they are visionaries. You’ve got team members who are great at seeing new and better ways to improve systems and processes, serve customers and create great marketing. What are you doing to create an idea factory in your business? Are you actively listening? Are you creating a culture to create ideas and change? Lately, have you implemented a new idea lately in your business or are you just talking about them?
With me is Shari Pheasant co-owner of A Master Mechanic, in Reno, NV and business coach and consultant known as the Queen of Horsepower, Barry Barrett is here from Business with a Purpose and a Professional EOS Implementer and David Eschbach from the Clutch Performance Group
In this episode, ideas are flying around abundantly for you as we help you grab on to the value of Creative Brainstorming and getting your idea factory churning to help improve your business. Once you listen you’ll be ready to jump into using the power of ideas to improve your business.