3 Shops In 1 – Travis Comfort [AW 125]

Guest Host and Shop Tour with Travis Comfort, Rick’s Automotive, Springfield, MO. Take a tour of this 28,000-square-foot campus.


Creating a Sticky Organization – Dr. Dave Weiman [RR 783]

Do you have a sticky organization? Or is it more like Teflon? Do your employees feel a sense of belonging and ownership? Do they take pride in their work? Dr. Dave Weiman simplifies what it means to have a sticky culture and some warning signs to avoid in your business. Stick around!


Customer Perceptions Part 3 – Bob Cooper and Chris Monroe [RR 781]

We are wrapping up our 3 part series with Bob Cooper and the Q&A discussion with a customer panel at the 2022 Elite Invitational. Chris Monroe joins us as we discuss websites, google ads and cause marketing. Don’t forget to download your complimentary Customer Care Guide and an Owners Job Description Guide by going to eliteworldwide.com/ARN or find the link in the show notes. 

Preparing For The Next Five Years [RR 778]

If only we had a crystal ball to peak at the next 5 years. As a shop owner, you might still be booked out 2-3 weeks, but with gas prices, inflation, the great resignation, interest rates, and new and used car costs, what do you need to pay attention to in the short term to continue to be profitable and relevant? 

Customer Amenities [THA 291]

Customer amenities aren’t just a snack bar and some coffee k-cups. It takes more to deepen a relationship.  My panel of shop owners goes beyond the free wifi and beverages to really wow their customers and make that lasting impression. Amenities are your ultimate marketing tool for your business. Take Note!

Numbers Don’t Lie, They Also Don’t Tell the Truth [THA 290]

The gang’s all here; we have the entire Aftermarket Radio Network together for an important episode inspired by the movie Moneyball. We all have experience with people who are not our top performers, but are we better to have them on the team than not? You know them; they are consistent, reliable, steady, and contributors. Are they worth replacing? Will they become the best or top performers, or do they help strengthen our overall performance? A great discussion among your peers.

Hypocrisy: Check Yourself, Before You Wreck Yourself – Matt Fanslow [RR 770]

It seems like the hot topic of late is customer service. Businesses are short-staffed… and everyone is asking for customers to be patient. But what happens when something goes wrong? How does that business handle that situation? How does the customer react? I’m joined by another network show host, Matt Fanslow. We discuss the hypocrisy that exists when a business owner is now the customer.


Be Proud of Your Culture [AW 117]

Guest host and shop tour with Pat Schnaidt, Performance Tune Auto Repair, Fort Collins, CO. Find out how Pat attracts and retains his employees. He also has an apprentice with no automotive experience but an appetite to learn.


Work Happy, Drive Happy [RR 768]

Find out how Marc Pons maintains a “Work Happy, Drive Happy” culture inside his 9 shops. Marc is also the president of ASTA in North Carolina, the Automotive Service and Tire Alliance, the folks who bring you ASTE. Marc explains the importance of setting routines to reinforce your values, it only takes 15 minutes at the beginning of each day. Can your shop spare 15 minutes? I think you can.


How Partnerships Work [RR 766]

What does it take to build and maintain a long-term and successful business partnership? Why do so many fail? I’m with Travis Troy and Josh Mullins from Honest Wrenches, and they are debunking the misconception that partnerships in business don’t work. Spoiler alert, just like a marriage, it takes hard work and clear communication with aligned values.  

What Do Technicians Really Want? – Jimmy Alauria and Jason Stretch [RR 765]

We all know that there’s a shortage of workers for mostly all businesses in all industries because of the great resignation. As a shop owner, how are you attracting the best technicians? Are you promoting your culture and the opportunity to work in your business? Wouldn’t it be nice to know what is important to technicians? What are they looking for in a shop, and do you offer it? Jimmy Alauria and Jason Stretch discuss the results of a recent technician survey that might surprise you. And how the value of the survey shapes the ads that attract superstars.


Processes: The Pulse of Your Business – Randy O’Connor [RR 763]

Have you ever thought about a few years ago and wished you did something differently? Maybe those few things that seemed impossible to implement weren’t as difficult as you thought.  I’m with Randy O’Connor, Executive Director of Modern Tire Dealer Training and Educator Network. Randy gives an insightful analogy to processes and procedures being the lifeblood of your business. They connect everything. Put the work in and reap the rewards.


The Extreme Value of a ‘SWOT’ for your Business [THA 283]

How often are you checking on the overall health of your business with your team members involved? Are you identifying and working on the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, known as SWOT? How do you start a SWOT analysis? What are the benefits? How do you find your blindspots? Does knowing your SWOT give you a competitive advantage? My panel takes a deep dive into the value of SWOT and shares their own experiences.


A Collective Think Tank – Marconi – Murphy – Morrill [RR 759]

Nothing beats live in-person industry events. There is power in the collaborative minds from around the country in one room. The podcast attended the 2022 Elite Invitational in San Diego and we recorded some incredible stories with essential aftermarket voices. At the end of the conference, I had the idea to grab Jim Murphy, Gene Morrill, and Joe Marconi for a recap of the event and their perspectives on our industry. Keep listening, you have the best seat in the house right next to these 3 aftermarket icons.


Do You Have a 40% Close Rate For Pre Scheduled Appointments? Brett Beachler [RR 758]

How do your service advisors close their sales with a customer? Are they pre-scheduling for future maintenance appointments? Brett Beachler’s business has a 40% close rate for pre-scheduled maintenance appointments. He discusses how to make your current customers, your future customers.  Grab a pen and paper or head to the shownotes on this episode. You don’t want to miss Brett’s closing presentation that can be implemented in your business.


Incentive Pay Ideas for Technicians [THA 282]

Did you know incentive pay plans are both monetary and nonmonetary? Your business must be profitable and have a clear vision with the right culture set in place for incentive plans to work. How are benefits, bonuses, and incentives different? Keep listening to find out how to incentify your employees to achieve their dreams.


4 Locations and Growing – Craig Popp [RR 757]

What are the challenges of being a successful multi-shop owner? Is there an ideal scenario to buy more locations? Should you buy an existing business or build from the ground up? I’m with Craig Popp at the 2022 Elite Invitational and each of his 4 locations has a unique story to tell. Keep listening if you are in the market for another shop.


Do You Have a Customer Avatar? – Daniel Griffith [RR 756]

Have you identified and named your ideal customer avatar? Do you talk about it with your team? I’m with Daniel Griffith at the 2022 elite invitational. Listen as he breaks down finding the ideal customers and the importance of team culture. He even uses his employee testimonials in job postings (there’s an idea).


Is Your Mission Statement Your Passion Statement? – Bill Greeno [RR 755]

Was your mission statement created by yourself, or was it a collaborative effort from your employees? Is it listed on your website homepage? Do your customers know what it is? I’m with Bill Greeno at the 2022 Elite Invitational and he discusses how his team revamped its mission statement into a passion statement. Find out why affirmations were critical in starting the process.


Hairdresser Turned Shop Owner – Danielle Vila [RR 754]

Are hairdressers the new untapped resource for our industry? How does a hairdresser in San Francisco become an automotive shop owner in Las Vegas? What can we learn from the intimacy between a hairdresser and the client? I’m with Danielle Vila at the 2022 Elite Invitational, stay tuned, you won’t want to miss this episode. We discuss business, hair care tips, and a few laughs in between.


From Investment Banker to Shop Owner [RR 752]

Ready to be inspired by a shop owner that came from the merger and acquisition realm? Why did he choose our industry? What fresh perspective does he have?  I’m with Thomas from Hotchkiss Auto Repair and his passion about people and training is infectious.


The Many Roles Of The Shop Owner – Dr. Dave Weiman [RR 749]

As we grow as leaders and build a strong culture in our businesses, we take on many different roles. These are unwritten roles that many small business people need to know that may have to step into. Such as a marriage counselor, a person of faith, an intervention confidant, and more. I’m with Dr. Dave Weiman, a great and wise contributor to the podcast, as we discuss the management of all the different hats we put on as business owners.


Build Your Labor Rate From The Ground Up [THA 276]

How much do you value your time? Your employee’s time? Are you making your decision on your labor rate based on data? My expert panel breaks down a mathematical and strategic way to understand the labor rate that delivers your profit goal. To view the charts and presentations my guests have prepared, make sure you head to my carm capriotto youtube channel or find the link on the show notes. Once you see the math your decision to set a profitable labor rate will be smarter and easier.
