Seller Beware [THA 304]

Matt Fanslow shares a recent interaction with a salesperson that wanted to help in the sale of the business. There were some warning signs, and with a call to an industry peer, Hunt Demarest, Matt stopped what could have been a costly mistake.

TechForce: Powering Our Youth [RR 798]

TechForce Foundation is a national charity committed to powering technical careers so communities thrive. We are LIVE at AAPEX 2022 with members of the TechForce Foundation to discuss their critical role in engaging with the next generation of technicians .

Paul Scanner Danner: His Life, His Brand, His Impact [RR 791]

For my 5th episode with Paul ‘Scanner’ Danner, we sat in the ASTE studio and caught up on his life, his world. There are some great pictures if you watch the video version of the episode of him in 1994 and now. He reminisces about his Dodge Power Wagon, his family, and the Scanner Danner Brand. Paul was at ASTE to learn and continue to hone his craft. Paul has his son working with him in the creative process to keep ‘Scanner Danner’ relevant and up to date.

Only 1st Class – Harry Whyte [AW 126]

Guest Host and Shop Tour with Harry Whyte, 1st Class Automotive, Raleigh, NC. Join Harry and Carm as we toured his shop and learned the benefits of Shop-Ware while we were in Raleigh, NC for the ASTE Show.

A Plan To Solve The Technician Shortage [RR 786]

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, the technician shortage is the hottest topic and challenge in our industry. My guest Cecil Bullard from The Institute, has a plan to solve the technician shortage. It involves a $20 increase in your labor rate and how that money gets distributed. Sounds too good to be true? Good!

Practice What You Learn – G Truglia and Pete Meier [RR 784]

The proverb ‘A little knowledge is a dangerous thing’ expresses the idea that a small amount of knowledge can mislead people into thinking that they are more expert than they are, which can lead to mistakes being made. When it comes to repairing EV/Hybrids, the era of being a parts changer, I’m told, is nonexistent. We recorded live at Dorman with G Truglia and Pete Meier, 2 out of 4 trainers for a weekend of hands-on training.  Listen to their perspectives on EV/Hybrid repair and training and why critical thinking is more important than ever.

Preserving Your Reputation [THA 295]

Honesty is always the best policy, but sometimes is it better to omit certain information to a customer? What if you make a mistake but make it right and eat the cost? Are there situations where you don’t divulge all that information to a customer? Let’s have an open discussion on ethics and your shop’s reputation.

Mobile Air Climate Systems Association (MACS) – Peter Coll and Andy Fiffick [RR 774]

Founded in 1981 as the Mobile Air Conditioning Society (MACS), now called  Mobile Air Climate Systems, its focus is to provide unbiased information to shop owners and technicians, including technical resources and training for automotive air conditioning technicians. Let’s dive into MACS together and also learn about the benefits of becoming a member because no matter what the future holds, vehicles will need climate control.

Hypocrisy: Check Yourself, Before You Wreck Yourself – Matt Fanslow [RR 770]

It seems like the hot topic of late is customer service. Businesses are short-staffed… and everyone is asking for customers to be patient. But what happens when something goes wrong? How does that business handle that situation? How does the customer react? I’m joined by another network show host, Matt Fanslow. We discuss the hypocrisy that exists when a business owner is now the customer.

2022 Napa Technician Of The Year: Meg Lewis [RR 769]

We are at the NAPA Expo joined by the 2022 Napa Technician of the Year, Meg Lewis. She is the first female winner and is a huge advocate for automotive training and reaching the youth in schools. I’m also joined by Matt Fanslow from the Diagnosing the Aftermarket A to Z Podcast. We discuss goals, passions, work-life balance and advice to women in the industry.

Ron Capps: Two Time World Champion NHRA Driver Turned Team Owner [RR 767]

We are at the 2022 Napa Expo with reigning two-time world champion Ron Capps, who has just recently started his own Motorsports company. Find out what it’s like being both the driver and team owner. Listen to Ron explain the initial rush when his race car goes from 0-100mph in 7/10 of a second. He says It’s all about his team and the processes and procedures.

What Do Technicians Really Want? – Jimmy Alauria and Jason Stretch [RR 765]

We all know that there’s a shortage of workers for mostly all businesses in all industries because of the great resignation. As a shop owner, how are you attracting the best technicians? Are you promoting your culture and the opportunity to work in your business? Wouldn’t it be nice to know what is important to technicians? What are they looking for in a shop, and do you offer it? Jimmy Alauria and Jason Stretch discuss the results of a recent technician survey that might surprise you. And how the value of the survey shapes the ads that attract superstars.

Growing Pains with Jim Shukys [AW 113]

Guest host and shop tour with Jim Shukys, JimyZ Automotive, Streetsboro, OH. Jim is managing unprecedented growing pains. He is also training his successor with a 5 and 10 year tentative plan.

ABC Technician: What Does It Mean? [THA 280]

Are A,B, and C technician levels outdated? Or do we need to take into account specialized skills that can be required in certain areas? Is there room for A, B and C levels within categories? As our industry continues to change, maybe our perspectives on technician labels change too.

Technician Mentoring [THA 279]

There are business coaches for shop owners, service advisors, COO’s and managers. But what about technicians? Training events are critical for everyone in your shop, but one on one technician mentoring at your facility is unrivaled. Find out the benefits of bringing a trainer in specifically to teach your team.

Technician Time Management [AW 107]

Guest host and a shop tour with Casey McGowan, Casey’s Independent Auto Repair, Vancouver, WA. Casey discusses the difference between productivity and efficiency in a shop and the importance of measuring technician time management.

Prepare for the Future [THA 277]

How do we prepare for the future? In this episode listen to the insights from the perspective of a shop owner, technician, instructor, COO, and trainer. Times have changed, so how do we get the younger generation passionate about our industry and our high-tech vehicles? What does the future of ADAS and electric vehicles mean to the aftermarket?