4 Locations and Growing – Craig Popp [RR 757]

What are the challenges of being a successful multi-shop owner? Is there an ideal scenario to buy more locations? Should you buy an existing business or build from the ground up? I’m with Craig Popp at the 2022 Elite Invitational and each of his 4 locations has a unique story to tell. Keep listening if you are in the market for another shop.


Do You Have a Customer Avatar? – Daniel Griffith [RR 756]

Have you identified and named your ideal customer avatar? Do you talk about it with your team? I’m with Daniel Griffith at the 2022 elite invitational. Listen as he breaks down finding the ideal customers and the importance of team culture. He even uses his employee testimonials in job postings (there’s an idea).


Is Your Bathroom Like the Ritz Carlton? [THA 281]

Did you know your customer’s bathroom is one of the most important reflections of your business to your customer? It reflects the commitment to a clean environment, it will affect your customer’s perception of your business and it demonstrates how well you’ll care for their personal vehicle. My panel discusses simple bathroom amenities that can have a huge impact and lasting impression on customers. Strive to have a customer rest room that is like the Ritz Carlton.


Is Your Mission Statement Your Passion Statement? – Bill Greeno [RR 755]

Was your mission statement created by yourself, or was it a collaborative effort from your employees? Is it listed on your website homepage? Do your customers know what it is? I’m with Bill Greeno at the 2022 Elite Invitational and he discusses how his team revamped its mission statement into a passion statement. Find out why affirmations were critical in starting the process.


Moving to a New Shop [AW 110]

Guest host and shop tour with Jae Malinowski, Faithfull Tirecraft, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. Jae’s shop has 5 shipping containers of customer tires. Find out why tires are an important part of his business.


Hairdresser Turned Shop Owner – Danielle Vila [RR 754]

Are hairdressers the new untapped resource for our industry? How does a hairdresser in San Francisco become an automotive shop owner in Las Vegas? What can we learn from the intimacy between a hairdresser and the client? I’m with Danielle Vila at the 2022 Elite Invitational, stay tuned, you won’t want to miss this episode. We discuss business, hair care tips, and a few laughs in between.


ABC Technician: What Does It Mean? [THA 280]

Are A,B, and C technician levels outdated? Or do we need to take into account specialized skills that can be required in certain areas? Is there room for A, B and C levels within categories? As our industry continues to change, maybe our perspectives on technician labels change too.


Survey Says [RR 753]

Did you know a simple survey gathers valuable input from your customers about your business? It’s time to tap into the customer’s viewpoint by listening to what they want. Your customer’s input is a great source for your marketing plan. Find out how many survey responses give you a good sampling. Get info on conducting your own survey with links on the show notes page.


Two Locations, One Campus [AW 109]

Guest host and shop tour with Reggie Stewart, 2 locations, Reggie’s Motorworks and Noble Auto Service, Noblesville, IN. Find out how and why Reggie branded 2 separate locations in 1 former dealership space.


From Investment Banker to Shop Owner [RR 752]

Ready to be inspired by a shop owner that came from the merger and acquisition realm? Why did he choose our industry? What fresh perspective does he have?  I’m with Thomas from Hotchkiss Auto Repair and his passion about people and training is infectious.


Technician Mentoring [THA 279]

There are business coaches for shop owners, service advisors, COO’s and managers. But what about technicians? Training events are critical for everyone in your shop, but one on one technician mentoring at your facility is unrivaled. Find out the benefits of bringing a trainer in specifically to teach your team.


Motorist Assurance Program (MAP) [RR 751]

Is your shop a part of the Motorist Assurance Program (MAP)? If this is the first you are hearing about the Motorist Assurance Program, you just may be pleased to know that  MAP provides repair and maintenance standards that create trust between the consumer and your business. Besides the consumer element. MAP follows and gets updates on state bills, guidelines, and regulations that you might not be aware of.


Process Driven: Stop Restarting Jobs [AW 108]

Guest host and a shop tour with Lorenzo Pellicciotta, CarStar, Oakville, Ontario. Lorenzo discusses his path to becoming an entrepreneur and why processes and procedures are critical to gathering all information on a vehicle the first time. 


Surviving Two Store Openings During the Pandemic [RR 750]

What is it like opening two locations at the dawn of COVID? David Eschbach shares his story around three primary business tenets. Each Take-Away is wrapped in a compelling story and supported by integrating sub-lessons. See the show notes as a guide, as this information is applicable for leading a business during any crisis or economic environment, not just during COVID.


The Value of Exit Interviews [THA 278]

We’re talking Exit interviews. Some shop owners do them religiously. Some don’t want to face the music. Some don’t know what to do in an exit interview. 

Is it a smart time not to burn a bridge? Is there a format to follow? We are going to attempt to answer these questions and more in today’s Town Hall Academy. You can learn a lot about yourself and your company in exit interviews.

The Many Roles Of The Shop Owner – Dr. Dave Weiman [RR 749]

As we grow as leaders and build a strong culture in our businesses, we take on many different roles. These are unwritten roles that many small business people need to know that may have to step into. Such as a marriage counselor, a person of faith, an intervention confidant, and more. I’m with Dr. Dave Weiman, a great and wise contributor to the podcast, as we discuss the management of all the different hats we put on as business owners.


Technician Time Management [AW 107]

Guest host and a shop tour with Casey McGowan, Casey’s Independent Auto Repair, Vancouver, WA. Casey discusses the difference between productivity and efficiency in a shop and the importance of measuring technician time management. 


The Lowest Price Shop Is Not Your Competitor – Reggie Stewart [RR 748]

What do you do when a disgruntled customer wants to know why your shop is more expensive than the one down the road? Are you educating customers on the value of your services? Do you feel like you have to defend your profitable business model? Does the shop down the road, which has the crazy low price, realize their business won’t be worth it’s value when it’s time to sell?


Prepare for the Future [THA 277]

How do we prepare for the future? In this episode listen to the insights from the perspective of a shop owner, technician, instructor, COO, and trainer. Times have changed, so how do we get the younger generation passionate about our industry and our high-tech vehicles? What does the future of ADAS and electric vehicles mean to the aftermarket? 


Google Reviews – Jimmy Lea [RR 747]

It’s time to take a deep dive into Google Reviews. Why is it important to have a variety of star ratings instead of all 5 stars? Why do you need to respond to good and bad reviews? I’m with Jimmy Lea, Kukui Evangelist. Find out why your business must exist digitally in order to capture customers.

Being Focused Led to Dream Shop [AW 106]

Guest host and a shop tour with Tom Schearer, Schearer’s Sales and Service, Allentown, PA. Tom discusses the importance of leadership and focus. Empower your team with what to do, how to do it and why they are doing it. 


From the Bays to the Classroom – Brandon Steckler [RR 746]

Do you have a passion for teaching others and watching them grow? Is it something you’ve been interested in doing? I’m with Brandon Steckler at the TST Big Event 2022 and we discuss his path to becoming a trainer and writer for MotorAge Magazine. He also shares a transparent review of one of his classes from a peer. A special episode I did with Brandon on his passion for teaching is episode 342. Speaking of training, did you know that auto tech colleges need part-time instructors? It is a great way to engage with auto tech students. How about being a high school night school trainer. Let’s think outside the box and advance the aftermarket together.


Build Your Labor Rate From The Ground Up [THA 276]

How much do you value your time? Your employee’s time? Are you making your decision on your labor rate based on data? My expert panel breaks down a mathematical and strategic way to understand the labor rate that delivers your profit goal. To view the charts and presentations my guests have prepared, make sure you head to my carm capriotto youtube channel or find the link on the show notes. Once you see the math your decision to set a profitable labor rate will be smarter and easier.


“You’re Not A Technician, You’re A Technical Expert” Aaron Becker [RR 745]

I’m with Aaron Becker at the TST Big Event 2022. His stepfather-in-law is the late Myron Stein, inventor, product innovator, and founder of Airsept. Aaron is the President of Airsept and we discuss Myron’s famous donut and coffee selling tactic, and new products, and if you listen until the very end of your podcast player, you might hear a little backstage chatter with my daughter Tracy. By the way, I got to know Myron during my early days as a podcaster and he was an encourager and always told me like it was. I’ll miss him.
