THA 119: Improving Employee Loyalty

Improving Employee Loyalty

Fuel your engine today with our discussion on Improving Employee Loyalty with my shop owner panel Donnie Hudson from Troy Auto Care in Troy, MI, Roy Foster from Roy Foster’s Automotive in Reno, NV and Steve Finzel from Finzel’s Master Tech in Terre Haute, IN They’ve built a family culture in their shops and you can too.

You’ll hear how they did it and understand why they created the programs that build loyalty and retention from their people. I know you’ve heard this adage before: “Take care of your people and they will take care of your customer.” This episode will give you a great idea on how to do that.

Prepare for many strong ideas coming at you so. Pick a few and start to implement them in your business. The panel admits, it did not happen overnight but was nurtured for years. So you need to start. Keep in mind that it is imperative you seize onto a new idea, own it, implement it and watch it transform your business.

THA 118 Recruiting Students to Discover a Career in Automotive

THA 118 Recruiting Students to Discover a Career in Automotive

Enjoy some great new ideas and real-world issues as I welcome Seth Thorson, shop owner, Eurotech, Brighton, MN. Seth created a $25,000 endowment for automotive careers. We discussed in episode 340, David Macholz, Academic Chair of Suffolk County College – Automotive Technology and Aaron Dalton, Coordinator- School to Career Programming at the North Kansas City Schools.

On the podcast, we’ve not shied away from big issues in the industry. The only way our investment in this great dialogue actually gets traction is if you do your part. I can relate the discussion we are having today with a thought on philanthropy. Hats off to what you do for your community. Honorable. However, the future of our industry is dependent on recruiting, training and retaining technicians. Call it an investment in your own personal philanthropy.

Getting involved in local education at all levels to share our hi-tech industry with administration and to support the educators that are teaching young students on the automotive is a very important role you have. Especially as an independent. If you don’t then who? You will have less to give to your community if you don’t invest in your future.

THA 117: Creative Brainstorming: How To Build an Idea Factory

Creative Brainstorming: How To Build an Idea Factory

Some people just bubble with ideas; they are visionaries. You’ve got team members who are great at seeing new and better ways to improve systems and processes, serve customers and create great marketing. What are you doing to create an idea factory in your business? Are you actively listening? Are you creating a culture to create ideas and change? Lately, have you implemented a new idea lately in your business or are you just talking about them?

With me is Shari Pheasant co-owner of A Master Mechanic, in Reno, NV and business coach and consultant known as the Queen of Horsepower, Barry Barrett is here from Business with a Purpose and a Professional EOS Implementer and David Eschbach from the Clutch Performance Group

In this episode, ideas are flying around abundantly for you as we help you grab on to the value of Creative Brainstorming and getting your idea factory churning to help improve your business. Once you listen you’ll be ready to jump into using the power of ideas to improve your business.

THA 116: Business Coaches Lab – Improving Shop Efficiency

THA 116 Business Coaches Lab – Improving Shop Efficiency

Look forward to tactics like knowing your techs gifts or strengths, remove obstacles, make process improvement a rule, minimize interruptions, if your techs aren’t efficient find out why. There are so many factors and our coaches do a great job of exposing some key components for improving efficiency in your bays.

The Academy panel includes Murray Voth, RPM Training, Rick White 180 Biz, Jude Larson ACT Group, Cecil Bullard, The Institute for Automotive Business Excellence and Bob Greenwood, Automotive Aftermarket E-Learning Center.

THA 115: Who Says You Need an Automotive Background to Run a Successful Shop

THA 115 Who Says You Need an Automotive Background to Run a Successful Shop

Now visit with Brian Sump from Avalon Motorsports and Andy Bizub from Midwest Performance Cars as they share their strategy for growing their business. This is an interview like no other you’ve heard here on Remarkable Results or the Town Hall Academy for that matter. This interview should open your eyes because Brian and Andy did not grow up in the business. They were not technicians with a dream of owning their own shop. Brian was a professional football player and Andy was a commodity trader.

They grew their business without the knowledge of the industry. They share their strategies and tactics that have shaped their continuing success. Brian and Andy basically became the CEO of their business. We talk about that a lot on the podcast. They used their people, network and training to learn, lead and grow their business.

So there’s the rub. Why are there so many legacy aftermarket professionals in the industry struggling when these ‘outsiders’ who acquired going shops are at the top of their game? Find out.

THA 114: Taking Community Involvement to the Next Level – CarFest – Philanthropy on Steroids

Taking Community Involvement to the Next Level – CarFest – Philanthropy on Steroids

CarFest is an event unlike any others in the US that connect the independent service provider together with the community. All the while you are listening think how you can start, on a small scale, to do more in your community. CarFest is aptly subtitled: “Unity in the Community”.

I first want to congratulate every North American service professional for all that you do in your community. There are so many of you that support Veterans, battered women and many outreach non-for profits with your kindness.

CarFest takes it to a whole new level. This is a higher calling of community that I’ve ever seen. With me is CarFest Founder Mark Colaw from Seymour’s Garage, joining us is Gary Pundt from Alamo Heights Garage and Louie Sirianni from Sirianni Automotive.

They do share with you the events that are going on with this two day, free to the public event. CarFest will give away 13 vehicles, provide funds to area post-secondary education and donate automotive repair for 25 vehicle owners that need safe and reliable transportation.

Coordinating the logistics of this event is a monumental task and it has grown into utilizing 200,000 square feet of space. Get some of the details and listen to Mark, Gary and Louie share their passion for this event that has provided over $1,000,000 in service, vehicles and donations within their San Antonio community in the last three years

THA 113: Taking Care of Your Most Valuable Asset – YOU!

Taking Care of Your Most Valuable Asset – YOU

Are you looking to do something for you? Are you exercising? Are you taking care of you? This Town Hall Academy will help you learn how to find your personal motivation.

Get off the couch. It’s not OK to NOT be in shape. Many opportunities to be healthy. From exercise to eating. According to the World Health Organization — 80% of premature heart disease, stroke, and diabetes is self-inflicted. 40% of cancer is self-inflicted (Only 10% is hereditary and the rest is environmental).

It is a big responsibility to be and stay healthy as you take care of your family and your business family. Learn to like the results of healthy eating and exercising.

THA 112: Aftermarket Training in the Age of Rapid Tech Changes. How To Navigate Your Training Needs.

Aftermarket Training in the Age of Rapid Tech Changes – How To Navigate Your Training Needs

The commitment to training must come from both the technicians and shop owners. We keep hearing that we are in a hi-tech industry. The stats are out there to prove that. You’ve seen so many new ADAS equipped vehicles. Have you thought about being equipped to repair them? From both the equipment and intellectual assets you need.

These three professionals have seen it all and are faced with many of the same challenges. Ryan Kooiman, Director of Training, Standard Motor Products, Bob Pattengale, Is the National Training Manager for Bosch and Jon Forro, shop owner of AST and an automotive Instructor.

We talk the importance of pre and post training assessments, stopping the participation trophy and seeing the same faces in class. From their perspective, they are concerned that if the aftermarket doesn’t make a stronger commitment to training the dealers will take their business.

THA 111: Building New Customers

Building New Customers

David Roman from Done with Care – Auto Repair from Merium, KS and Greg Bunch from Aspen Auto Clinic from Colorado Springs and also the founder of Transformers Institute bring their A game to this discussion.

We covered a wide spectrum of strategies on customer growth and trust. We enveloped the marketing side of finding new customers and then how to complete the relationship once your service writer brought them from the phone call and into the shop.

David says that a big deception in opening a business; you think you are going to do what you are good at doing, however, you must be good at marketing; to make the phone ring. The CEO must make the phone ring or you’re going to have to spend money to hire a professional to do it.

Greg says that we must educate new clients on who we are, what we do, and why we do it. Greg wants you to Invite your new customer to talk to the tech and walk them through the findings of the inspections. He says that your customer struggles to find a trustworthy mechanic, so if you want to build a long term customer; earn their trust.

THA 110: Charging What We Are Worth

Charging What We Are Worth

We talk professional courtesy, labor rates, training, having the right value proposition for your customer so you can charge accordingly, the labor rate spread in our communities, and why you shouldn’t be afraid to charge what you are worth. You’ve invested a lot in your business and need to be paid for this. Listen to why confidence in your skills and abilities will help you charge accordingly.

With me on this Academy panel is Tom Palermo, Preferred Automotive Specialties, Philadelphia, PA and former NAPA ASE Technician of the year in 2015, David Justice, President Repair Shop Of Tomorrow, Asset Management Technology and Mark Colaw, Seymours’ Garage, San Antonio, TX and founder of Carfest.

THA 109: How to Handle the Overload of Information, Workload and All That You Have to Learn.

How to Handle the Overload of Information, Workload and All That You Have to Learn

We are in deep talking about how they deal with getting things done, keeping up on their learning curve, dealing with an overstuffed ‘In-Box’, prioritizing, delegating, learning, neural pathways, and exercise, just to name a few.

With me in studio talking ‘Information Overload’ is Donny Seyfer, Executive officer of NASTF and co-owner of Seyfer Automotive, Wheat Ridge, CO, Rob Rowsell, Family Auto Service La Mesa, CA (4 shop group) author of ‘Addicted to Life; How I Went From Homeless to Extraordinary Success and Happiness in a Short Period of Time.” and serial entrepreneur Mark Roberts, managing partner at Schertz Auto Service, Schertz TX

Guaranteed you’ll pick up at least one thing on helping you become a more organized and effective person.


THA 108: The Value of a Professional HR Support Company

The Value of a Professional HR Support Company

OK Let’s Talk HR and Professional Employer Organizations (PEO). The Academy team includes Kevin & Lisa Eckler, Foreign Car Specialists, Poughkeepsie, and PEO specialists; Jim Belliveau, from Acadia HR and Greg Bauer, from ESC Employer Services

Shop owners Kevin and Lisa Eckler brought me this topic because it has made a huge difference in their business. As Kevin says he wants control and trusts no-one. The sheer fact that he brought on a PEO company to be his HR department is a testament to the fact that he is still in control and has a ton of trust.

As Kevin says, they started on his handbook, it needs to work legally because if there is a problem the policy will be carefully scrutinized. Benefits are another huge option in a PEO. So many in the industry have told me that this is the year they are going to expand their team benefits so they can have a competitive advantage and also to become a retention tool. A PEO can help with your benefits program.

THA 107: Discover How To Keep Your Women Customers For Life

Discover How To Keep Your Women Customers For Life

We heard the stats that the female makes up over 50% of your customer base. That is based on certain geographies and demographics. Some are higher, some are lower. But no matter your mix you’ve got to have important tactics in place in order to create loyalty in your women customer.

We’re going to serve up a strong discussion building loyalty from your women customers. My panel includes Kim Auernheimer, Co-Owner of CS Automotive, Brentwood TN, Kathleen Jarosik, Xpertech Auto Repair, Englewood, FL, and Jonathan Ortiz, Foreign Affairs Auto, West Palm Beach, FL.

They bring their A game and serve up the important issues, from their perspective, that will help you create the right environment so you can have a long and lasting relationship with all your women customers. We talk about trust, safety, relationship, environment, and amenities among many others.

THA 106: Managing a Negative Online Review

Managing a Negative Online Review

The Academy panel will go over a 5 step process and go above and beyond by sharing their personal experiences.

So you got a “NEGATIVE” Review now what? Here is a 5 step process we are going to discuss: 1/ Two negatives don’t make a positive, 2. Find out what the heck really happened, 3. Take advantage of the learning opportunity, 4. Finalize a resolution, respond and over deliver, and 5. Review with staff and MOVE ON!

The Academy panel will go over this 5 step process and go above and beyond by sharing their personal experiences. Besides digging into these five steps we get into soliciting reviews, the four types of reviews, and sometimes a negative review can be an advertisement for your shop based on how you handle it and so much more

THA 105: Catering to the Millennial Customer

Catering to the Millennial Customer

We are talking with three millennial aftermarket successors, they are each involved in the family service business. The panel: Lauren Anderson, Victory Auto Service & Glass Minneapolis, MN, Jacquie Hower, from Zimmerman’s Automotive, Mechanicsburg, PA and Carley Paiva, Elite Auto Repair in Warwick, RI

The ladies talk social media, transparency, that millennials have no patience, ‘they should know’, their view on video marketing, and where Instagram fits among other topics.

THA 104: Business Coaches Lab: The Art of Implementation – How to Get Things Done

The Business Coaches LAB: The Art of Implementation: How To Get Things Done.

In our continuing series of the Business Coaches Lab, we work to help you get into gear. The coaches mostly agree that there a few key problems for inaction.

The discussion includes finding your momentum, your one thing, planning, reflecting and the fact that you are trying to do too much, you wear too many hats. If you want to be a better leader, CEO and all-around good person you need to give these coaches a listen. A ton of free advice for you.

I’m joined by Rick White from 180 Biz, Cecil Bullard, with the Institute for Automotive Business Excellence, Jude Larson from the ACT Group, and Murray Voth, from RPM Training. Key Talking points, already written for you that will give you a bulleted plan for improvement. Also, find my guest’s bio’s links to their coaching companies and links to their previous episodes at

THA 103: Turn Price Shopping Callers Into Customers.

Turn Phone Price Shoppers into Customers

We bring light to the service adviser/manager position as the toughest job in the company. It is very possible that your caller may not be looking for a price because they don’t know what else to ask. We talk about getting your value story told and the power of the smile among about a dozen other great lessons from this episode. It is suggested to get in your appointment making mode every time the phone rings.

On the Academy panel is Emily Sundstrom, Service Manager at Valley Auto Electric from Covington, WA and Business Coach Bill Haas, AAM from Haas Performance Consulting.

THA 102: Second Chance – Working with and Supporting Addiction

Second Chance – Working with and Supporting Addiction

We cover a lot of ground in this episode that will open your eyes to addiction including the way out, living life without, the law of exposure, the reward system, opioids, alcohol, and other addictions and the signs of relapse.

The panel: Matt Fanslow, Eric Ziegler, Rob Rowsell, and Tanner Brandt.

Here is a myth: People who struggle with addition come from a bad or broken home and have no support. And here is some truth: Until an addict says ‘Done’ no one can help them. Your heart may say you are done but your actions must demonstrate it.

At least one-third of you have an experience with addiction or have a close friend, family or significant other who is struggling. Use this episode to help in your desire to help yourself or someone you love with addiction.

THA 101: Ghosting – Minimizing New Hire No Shows

Ghosting: Minimizing New Hire No Shows.

When ghosting happens, you are always wondering what you did wrong. For many, you are always improving your HR recruitment processes. We talk red carpet, culture, branding, and clear and tight communication. I guarantee you’ll be overwhelmed with the discussion.

The panel: Jonathan Ortiz from Foreign Affairs Auto, West Palm Beach, FL, Carlo Sabucco from Sils Complete Auto Care Centre, Oakville, Ontario and Peter Foreman from Integra Tire, Langley, BC

THA 100: Up Your Game: Become a Level Five Leader and Improve, You, Your Business and the Aftermarket

Up Your Game: Become a Level Five Leader and Improve You and the Aftermarket

Think of this podcast like 9 five minute Ted Talks. Here are the topics covered, Listening, Resilience, Learn to be a CEO, Perseverance, Invest in your Staff, Delegate and Get Out of the Way, Be Your Word, Have High Expectations of your Team and Train Within.

My guests each chose their topic and were given five minutes to present a succinct narrative for you.

Vic Tarasik, Major Accounts Director with RLO Training, Maryann Croce of Croce Transmissions in Norwalk, CT and, Bob Greenwood, AMAM, is President and CEO of Automotive Aftermarket E-Learning Centre, Greg Buckley is the CEO Buckley’s Personalized Auto Care in Wilmington, DE, Shari Pheasant and her husband Jeff own A Master Mechanic, and she is known as the Queen of Horsepower, Chris Cloutier is co-owner of Golden Rule Auto Care and CEO of AutoText ME, Brian Walker is the founder and CEO of 5 Stones Media, a marketing agency and former shop owner, Bill Hill owner of Mighty Auto Pro from Medina, OH and Brett Bohlmann of HWY 7 Service Center, Newel, IA

THA 099: The New Tax Law Impact on the Service Professional

The Impact of the New 2018 Tax Law on the Service Professional

Join Reed Meils, Financial Therapist and Partner in Paar, Melis and Assoc., Mt. Airy, MD, Hunt Demarest, CPA at Paar, Melis and Assoc and shop owner Gerry Frank, Shop and coach at Repair Shop Coach.

The highlight of the conversation is the discussion on the New Federal 20% Deduction for Qualified Small Business Income. 100% depreciation available for most asset purchases. Expanded Child and Dependent Tax Credits. Tax credits are better than a tax deduction. It is like getting cash. Technicians that have written off their equipment purchases off their taxes are no longer allowed.

This episode is not intended to give advice on the tax law or accounting principles. Please check with a professional for all your tax or accounting requirements.

THA 098: Daytime Training vs Night Time Training – A Discussion of Ideas

  Your Learning Curve Never Sounded So Good   Chris Chesney is the Senior Director of Customer Training, CARQUEST Technical Institute, and a NASTF board member and a member of the ‘Road To Great Technician’ project.  Listen to Chris’s previous episodes HERE. Lucas Underwood is an Automotive diagnostic specialist, shop owner, and foreman. He owns L & N…

THA 097: Service Professional Loyalty: A Supplier Perspective

Service Professional Loyalty: A Supplier Perspective

On the panel is Brad Hartline, from Hyde Villa Auto Parts President and Pottsville Auto Parts in the Reading PA markets and Trevor Martin, President, Vaca Valley Auto Parts, Fairfield, CA and Mark Stabelfeldt, from Fairfax Auto Parts.

If you are a service professional you have a supplier or three and most likely have a great relationship with your number one call because they are a supply partner with and for you. A lot of your success comes from your supplier providing you the parts and service you need to keep your customers happy and coming back.

THA 096: Engaging Kids in the Automotive

Engage our Kids in the Automotive

This episode is a call to action to step up and get involved in your high school or college advisory boards and your community. Stop by a school and offer your help to the instructors or department chair or speak to your local rotary, PTA or career day. I guarantee they’ll welcome you with open arms.

The panel: Frank Leutz from Desert Car Care in Chandler, AZ., and host of the top-rated Wrench Nation radio show and podcast. Patrick McHugh from Bimmer Rescue in Richmond, VA who has created a middle school STEM class he offers at his shop. And John Gustafson the president and CEO of Gustafson Brothers Huntington Beach, California Who holds three student Boot Camps each year and Steve Ford an auto industry veteran and award-winning broadcast journalist and educator. You’ll find Steve doing volunteer work, as he contributes to skilled trades and youth, career outreach programs.

See the show notes page to find important resources and downloads mentioned on the broadcast. This episode will give you many ideas on how and what to do / from volunteering // to creating your own personal initiative in your business and community.

If we don’t reach out, we fail because we didn’t take the steps necessary to engage and help our education system and enlighten the students to the high tech and awesome careers in the automotive. They will only know about it from you.

THA 095: Taking Good DVI Pictures

Taking Great DVI Pictures

Taking quality DVI pictures reflects on your brand and helps the customers builds trust. The power of demonstrating work needed and future maintenance concerns in the art of picture documentation is how we are going to do business in the future.

This wide-ranging conversation is brought to you by Scott Brown from Connie and Dicks and, Greg Buckley from Buckley’s Auto Care, Jim Fleishman from Automotive Alley and JR Portmen from 5 Stones Media.

Videos must be included in the repertoire of good documentation and when you are in marketing mode.